Ports and Protcols Flashcards
FTP File Transfer Protocol
20/21. Provides INSECURE file transfers
SSH Secure Shell
- Provides SECURE remote control of another machine using a text-based environment
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
- Provides SECURE file transfers
- Provides INSECURE remote control of another machine using a text-based environment
SMPT Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Provides the ability to send emails over the network
DNS Domain Name System
- Converts domain names to IP addresses and IP addresses to domain names
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
67/68. Automatically provides network parameters such as assigned IP addresses, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Used for INSECURE web browsing
POP3 Post Office Protocol version Three
- Used for receiving INCOMING emails
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System
137/139. Used for file or printer sharing in a windows network
IMAP Internet Mail Application Protocol
- A newer method of retrieving incoming emails which improves upon the older POP3
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
161/162. Used to collect data about network devices and monitors their status
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- Used to provide directory services to your network
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
- Used as a SECURE and encrypted version of web browsing
SMB Server Message Block
- Used for windows file and printer sharing services
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
- Provides graphical remote control of another client or server