Portfolio management Flashcards
ETFS creation/redemption process: what happens in the primary OTC market?
How can the authorised participant get arbitrage
What is the dealer b/a spread determined by, by AP absorbing all the TC’s of the securities in the basket this means that ………, what does this then result in?
What happens in the secondary market with ETFs?
The expense ratios for ETFs vs MFs are ……?
What is the expectation of under performance compared to the benchmark, what is tracking error?
What are the sources of tracking error?
What are the tax issues of ETFs with tax efficiency and fairness?
What are the differences in trading costs between ETFs and MFs
What are the ETF b/a spread width factors
Explain ETF premiums and discounts
How can timing differences affect premiums and discounts
Summarise the cost of ownership for ETFs and MFs
What are the risks associated with ETFs?
Explain how ETFs are used in PM in terms of liquidity management, portfolio rebalancing, portfolio completion and manager transition activity
Explain how ETFs are used in PM in terms of a core asset class, an equity style or sector, an industry or investment theme
Explain how ETFs are used in PM in terms of factor exposure, risk management, leveraged and inverse exposure , alternative weighting, active strategies within asset class, Dynamic asset allocation and multi-asset strategies?
Explain a singe and multi-factor model
What is arbitrage pricing theory and what are the three underlying assumptions
If all Arb theory assumptions hold then what?
Explain the carhart model and what each factor is?
What are the three types of multi-factor models
Explain the structure of fundamental factor models and how to put one together
What are three types of factors used in fundamental factor models and what are the factors used in fixed-income factor model
Describe macroeconomic factor models?
What are the applications of mult-factor models?
How can mf models attribute active returns?
How can mf models be used for risk attribution?
How are mf models used in passive, active and rules-based active mangement?
How can mf models be used for strategic portfolio decision
What is VAR?
Before estimating VAR what three things must be done?
What is the parametric method of estimating VAR and the formula?
What does the parametric method assume and what are the pros and cons, (5% Var 1.65,1% VAR 2.33)
What is the historical simulation method?
What is the monte-carlo method?
What are the advantages of using VAR?
What are the limitations of using VAR?
What is conditional and incremental VAR
What is marginal and relative VAR
What are sensitivity risk measures? What are the equity, fixed income and option exposure measures?
What are scenario risk measures and how does it differ to sensitivity?
Scenario risks: explain historical scenarios?
Explain hypothetical scenarios?
Compare VAR to sensitivity measures and scenario measures?
What are the pros and cons of scenarios
Explain the constraints of risk budgeting, position limits and scenario limits?
What are stop-loss limits? When is the measurement of economic capital relevant?