Financial Statement analysis Flashcards
What are intercoporate investments and what the first three basic categories?
What is the 4th catgeory? what are the catgories of investments in financial assets? How are all measured and what happens with interest and dividends?
Explain how debt and equity are designated to each category of finanical asset?
Summary of evaluation of operations and investing activies?
What are the properties of associates and joint venture, which method is used how is investment initially recorded
How is the investment recorded on the BS and IS moving forward?
Explain the issue when acquisition cost doesn’t equal book value and how it is accounted for?
Explain the issue where NI includes discontinued operations?
Must claim income as earned
Who can use FV option under IFRS/GAAP? Who migt be able to ? If using FV how is the transaction recorded on IS and BS? What happens with impairment for IFRS/GAAP and are reversals allowed?
How are transaction with associates accounted for upstream/downstream
Example with an acquisition and dealing downstream transaction
Example with downstream transaction and inventory sale
Disclosure for associates
What are the issues for analysts?
Business combination: properties and IFRS/GAAP on structure?
How does IFRS define control?
How does GAAP define control, if less than 100% report consolidated basis as parent?
Both IFRS and GAAAP recquired acquisition method
What do both IFRS and GAAP require for al Business combos and what are the three issues?
What is the recognition and measurement for Identifiable assets & liabilities and for contingent liabilities
What is the recognition and measurement for indemnification assets and financial assets
D) Financial Assets/
- will be reclassified from acquiree
to acquirer’s business model
(i.e. FV-PL, FV-OCI, amort. cost)
Describe Issue 2: recognition of goodwill for IFRS and GAAP
100% acquisition example
What is the consolidation process, when does consolidation occur and what is non-controlling minority interest?
How will IFRS and Gaap with non-minority controlling interest?
Gaap vs IFRS MNCI example
IFRS goodwill impairment?
GAAP goodwill impairmnet
IFRS impairment example
GAAP example
How do GAAP and IFRS treat VIE/SPIE, when is an SPIE and VIE for GAAP
What is defined contribution plan?
What is a defined benefit plan?
What happens if plan assets > obligation?
One person pension plan , difference between GAAP and IFRS?
Pension plan example?
How is the pension obligation recorded on FS’s?
How is DB and DC recorded on FS’s?
IFRS service costs, Net interest expense/income, remeasurement
GAAP service costs, Net interest expense/income, remeasurement
What happens with Deferral and amortization