Portal hypertension Flashcards
Define portal hypertension
Abnormally high pressure within the hepatic portal vein
Clinically significant defined as hepatic venous pressure gradient >10mmHg
Aetiology of portal hypertension
most common + 3
Pre hepatic
Post hepatic
Aetiology of portal hypertension - pre hepatic
(blockage of portal vein before the liver) Congenital stenosis Portal vein thrombosis Splenic vein thrombosis Extrinsic compression
Aetiology of portal hypertension - hepatic
Chronic hepatitis
Myeloproliferative disease
Aetiology of portal hypertension - post hepatic
(blockage of hepatic veins or venules)
Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein obstruction)
Constrictive pericarditis
Right heart failure
Epidemiology of portal hypertension
Common consequence of cirrhosis
Presenting symptoms of portal hypertension - features of liver disease
History of alcohol abuse
Risk factors for viral hepatitis
FH (e.g. haemochromatosis)
Presenting symptoms of portal hypertension - complications of portal hypertension
Haematemesis of melaena Lethargy, irritability, changes in sleep - hepatic encephalopathy Abdominal distention - ascites Abdominal pain & fever - SBP Pulmonary involvement
Signs of portal hypertension on physical examination
Caput medusae
Signs of liver failure on physical examination
Jaundice Spider naevi Palmar erythema Confusion Asterixis Feto hepaticus Enlarged or small liver Gynaecomastia Testicular atrophy
Investigations for portal hypertension
Bloods Specific tests Imaging HVPG (hepatic venous pressure gradient) Liver biopsy
Investigations for portal hypertension - bloods
LFTs U&Es Blood glucose FBC Clotting screen - prolongation of PT is one of earliest signs of liver failure
Investigations for portal hypertension - specific tests
Ferritin - haemochromatosis Hepatitis serology Autoantibodies (e.g. anti smooth muscle antibodies in autoimmune hepatitis) α1-antitrypsin levels Caeruloplasmin - Wilson’s disease
Investigations for portal hypertension - imaging
Abdo US - check liver & spleen size & assess portal blood flow
Doppler US - assess direction of flow in blood vessels
CT/MRI - if others inconclusive
Endoscopy - check oesophageal varices
Investigations for portal hypertension - liver biopsy
If indicated
Management of portal hypertension
general + 6
Difficult to treat portal hypertension specifically, so focussed on underlying cause where possible
Conservative - salt restriction & diuretics
Treatment of oesophageal varices if [resent
Non selective β blockers - reduces portal pressure & risk of variceal bleeding
Terlipressin - reduce portal venous pressure
TIPS - surgical shunt between hepatic portal vein & hepatic vein to ease congestion
Liver transplant
Complications of portal hypertension
Bleeding from oesophageal varices
Ascites -
hepatorenal syndrome
hepatic hydrothorax
Pulmonary complications -
portopulmonary hypertension
hepatopulmonary syndrome
Liver failure
Hepatic encephalopathy
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy
Define hepatorenal syndrome
Life threatening condition w/ rapid deterioration in kidney function in individuals w/ cirrhosis or fulminant liver failure
Define hepatic hydrothorax
Transudative pleural effusion in patients w/ portal hypertension without any underlying primary cardiopulmonary cause
Hepatopulmonary syndrome is a triad of:
hepatic dysfunction hypoxaemia extreme vasodilation (intrapulmonary vascular dilatation)
Prognosis of portal hypertension
Depends on underlying cause
Variceal haemorrhages hae 40% 1 yr mortality