Populism Flashcards
What do populists perceive themselves as…?
Populists see themselves as true democrats, voicing popular grievances and opinions systematically ignored by governments , mainstream parties and the media.
What is populism?
Populism in modern democratic societies is best seen as an appeal to “the people” against both the established structure of power and the dominant ideas and values of society.
How come populism is not just anti-system?
This is because it’s a revolt against established power holders AND elite values.
What differs in populist movement?
The actual contend depends on the establishment that it is mobilising against. FLEXIBLE.
How come it’s values are contextual? What is the populist movement resisting in Western societies ?
It depends on nature of elite and dominant political discourse?
elite culture is imbued with liberal values of individualism, multiculturalism ect. populism a resistance to that but not an ideology, different values in another ideological environment.
How can populists claim legitimacy? (legitimating framework)
Because they are speaking for the people, democratic sovereign, not sectional interest of society.
The claim to speak for the people can be identified in three different senses, list them. (Legitimating framework)
- United people
- Our people
- Common people
Elaborate on the appeal to the united people? (Legitimating framework)
united people; nation or country against parties and factions that divide it.
impatient with party strife and needs strong leadership where a charismatic individual is available to personify ALL interests of the nation. above party politics essentially.
The division and fighting is among those in power not among the people.
Elaborate on the appeal to “our people” (Legitimating Framework)
divisive; ethnic kinth or kin, distinguish our people from those who do not belong (such as immigrants)
Elaborate on the appeal to the “ordinary people” (Legitimating framework)
Not simply right wing, egalitarian aspect; mobilisation of ordinary people against privileged cosmopolitan elite who are often corrupt. Even though the ordinary are the majority, they are often overridden by elites ect.
What is the populist style of politics?
- the style is democratic as in aimed at ordinary people.
- pride on simplicity and directness contrasting with the distrust of politicians evasiveness.
- Love transparency.
- EU politics is a sitting duck for populist critique, they believe complexity is unnecessary, solutions are simple.
What is the populist mood of politics?
Not just a style, but a “characteristic mood” that engages normally unpolitical people as swept up by enthusiasm. a great renewal of the country. tendency for heightened emotions to be focused on a charismatic leader; close personal tie; Germany and Hitler.
How is populism democratic?
Through it mobilising the people at grassroots, using direct democracy such as referendums and initiatives.
What are democracy’s two faces and how does it cause populism?
Redemptive and pragmatic faces of democracy, based on Oakeshott politics of faith and politics of scepticism. The two faces are opposed but interdependent, and populism occurs in the gap between them.
What is the slogan that could summarise pragmatic face of democracy?
What is the actual definition?
“Ballots not bullets”
“A system of processing conflicts without killing one another.”