Populations at Risk (Review of Handouts) Flashcards
characterized by severe toxic exposure; overall delays where attachment is usually affected; includes physiological and environmental factors
prenatal cocaine exposure
characterized by disorders in neurology; disorders of movement, muscle tone, and posture; congenital, although more likely in boys
cerebral palsy
characterized by severe toxic exposure; toxins are absorbed / ingested into the body; poor speech language and articulation, poor attention and memory
lead poisoning
characterized by severe toxic exposure; ingested via fish / shellfish or through air / thermometers; often misdiagnosed as ADHD where the client demonstrates poor attention
mercury poisoning
characterized by disorders in neurology; a genetic disorder where the liver does not filter excess copper, resulting in dysarthrias and dysphagias
wilson disease
characterized by atypical social development; characterized by poor eye contact, fixation, scripting / echolalia, reverse pronouns, behaviors
autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
characterized by inborn errors in metabolism; characterized by lipid storage disease; deficiencies in enzyme activity and metabolism of cholesterol and lipids
niemann-pick disease
characterized by inborn errors in metabolism; cannot break down enzymes due to tissue build-up; characterized by otitis media and narrow trachea
hunter syndrome
characterized by severe infectious disease; deals with electric activity in the brain / inflammation of the brain; may cause seizures; treat with spinal tap
characterized by disorders in neurology; characterized by a burst of electric activity in a single spot or across the entire brain; different than epilepsy
seizure disorders
characterized by chromosomal anomalies; characterized by hand flapping, cognitive delay, poor pragmatics / semantics and reasoning skills; more common in males
fragile x syndrome
characterized by sensory ailment; characterized by overall language delay due to inability to process sounds
hearing loss
characterized by sensory aliment; affects skill acquisition associated with images; delayed attachment due to lack of eye contact; poor semantics and minimal body language
visual impairment / blindness
characterized by sever infectious disease; transmitted via pregnancy, childbirth, or feeding; delays in all areas with more severity in expressive language than receptive
characterized by chromosomal anomalies; high infant mortality rate where there is no cure; balance and feeding issues due to low muscle tone; nonfunctioning peroxisomes
cerebro hepato renal syndrome
characterized by chronic medical illness; has special health care needs; child usually in an incubator to keep safe from pathogens (affects attachment development)
medically fragile
characterized by severe toxic exposure; small head, low body weight, poor language comprehension, social communication, and pragmatics; smooth philtrum
fetal alcohol syndrome
characterized by congenital malformations; problems in the heart chambers, valves, or vessels; may be caused by pollutants in the air; growth is delayed
congenital heart defects
characterized by severe infectious disease; infection of layers of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord, then transmitted via bacteria; uses spinal tap to identify
bacterial meningitis
characterized by fusion or divide of the soft / hard palates, gums, lips, and / or nose; more common in boys
cleft palate
characterized by atypical development; unhealthy attachment between infant and caregiver leading to social / emotional neglect
reactive attachment disorder (RAD)
characterized by congenital malformation; the circumference of the head is small because the brain hasn’t fully developed; usually paired with other syndromes
characterized by chronic medical illness; chemo affecting short term growth, radiation affecting long ted growth; usually poor language, cognition, and motor skills