Population Geography Definitions Flashcards
Birth rate
Number of live births per 1000 people in a year
Age structure
Percentage of the population (or number of people of each gender) at each age level.
Child mortality rate
The annual number of children under the age of five who die per 1000 live births. AKA the under-5 mortality rate.
Death rate
Number of deaths per 1000 people in a year
Demographic changes
Changes in a population:
- size
- composition
- rates of growth
- density
Changes to:
- fertility and mortality rates
- patterns of migration
Demographic transition
the theory that relates the process of industrialism to declining death rates followed by declines in birth rates.
The study of the characteristics and changes in the size and structure of human populations.
Fertility rate
Average number of children a woman will have
Infant mortality rate
The annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year per 1000 live births
Life expectancy
The average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live
The act or process of people moving from one destination to another to reside there for a permanent or relatively long period of time.
Where an existing population is so large that it cannot be adequately supported by available resources.
Population density
The number of people per unit area
Population distribution
The variation of population density over a specified area
Population pyramid
A bar graph that presents the distribution of a population by gender and age group