Population Genetics Flashcards
Population Genetics
Mostly developed before we understood hereditary
As such, abstracted from biology
Still very important for our understanding of evolution
Fisher-Wright Model
Classic model of population genetics
Simplest form - What happens at a single locus (site) under selection, crossover and mutation
Location of a gene
Type of gene at site will differ between individuals
Different types of genes
Genes modified from allele to another during mutation
Alleles exchanged during sexual reproduction (crossover)
Measure of the expected number of offspring an individual produces
Measures potential to reproduce
Epistasis in Fisher-Wright
Fitness of an allele will typically depend on alleles at other locations
Assumed none in Fisher-Wright model. More complex models can include this.
Sexual Reproduction vs Asexual Reproduction
Ubiquitous in higher organisms
If females reproduced asexually, they breed at twice the rate of mixed couples (twice as fit)
Sexual reproduction must give a two fold advantage in fitness on a very short time scale to survive
Linkage Equilibrium (Fisher Wright)
Assumes lots of crossover (compared to selection and mutation) - Often not unrealistic
Allows us to treat the loci independently and concentrate on a single locus
Only need to consider the proportion of the different alleles at the locus
Fisher-Wright for asexual reproduction
Alleles at different sites are coupled
Currently unsolved
Carries two copies of DNA (father and mother)
Not clear what the advantage of this is (like sex)
Tolerates mutations which can make one set of genes dysfunctional
Also allows detrimental mutations to build up in a genome (Incest likely to combine two dysfunctional alleles creating nonviable offspring)
Haploids (Fisher-Wright)
Assume that each individual only carries one set of genes
Generalisation to diploid organisms complex without substantially changing things
Gender (Fisher-Wright)
Life tends to be gendered (finding a mate consumes energy, specialisation can save some energy)
Assumes monoecious population (1 gender, although it still mates)
Fisher Wright Assumptions
Simplifying the model allowing us to concentrate on the role of selection, mutation and crossover
3 stages of population changing from one generation to the next
Each individual produces large number of seeds proportional to its fitness
Seeds mutated according to the mutation probabilities
Select sample of P of the seeds independently to form the next generation
Fisher Wright - Infinite Population
Selection rapidly amplifies the mutants if they are fitter (fitter individuals initial grow exponentially)
If mutation rate is small, may take a long time to appear in finite populations
Mutation always occurs in infinite populations so can have far more rapid take over times than large, finite populations
Assumes effect of selection and mutation is small