Population Ecology Flashcards
a group of organisms of a specific species that live in the same area and are able to breed freely with each other
the study of an ecosystem where organisms interact with each other and their environment
population ecology
looking at a population and the factors that affect its size
a group of organisms that are similar and are able to reproduce under natural conditions to produce fertile offspring
population parameters
natality, mortality, emigration and immigration
increasing population
natality and immigration
decreasing population
mortality and emigration
the temporary, seasonal movements following the food and water resources
closed population
no immigration or emigration, only mortality and natality will affect population size
number of births per thousand per year
direct methods for determining population size
census - counting every individual but the must be large and within a reasonable area
indirect methods for determining population size
mark-recapture or quadrant method
precautions for determining population size
no hurting of animals, must not affect movement or behaviour, mark cant make the animal more visible to its preditor
carrying capacity
the maximum number of one species that the environment can sustain
types of population growth
exponential and logistical