Population And The Environment Flashcards
Population distribution
The pattern of where people live
Population density
The number of people living in an area, people/km^2
Fertility rate
The average number of children that are born to a woman during her lifetime
Exponential growth
When the rate of increase becomes more rapid in proportion to the size of the population
Food security
When people have enough affordable and nutritious food to eat
Consuming and unsuitable amount of energy, protein and nutrients
Under nutrition
Consuming too little food, leading to weight loss
Depth of the food deficit
A measure of the difference between average food consumption and average food requirements (kilocalories per person per day)
Capital investment
Funds invested in a firm or enterprise for the purposes of furthering it’s business objectives
A group that works together to share costs and maximise profits
Artificial pesticides and fertilizers that are used in farming
Transnational corporations (TNC)
Large companies that operate across national boundaries
Cash crops
A crop produced to sell rather than for a farmer to consume
Urban and peri-urban horticulture
Subsistence farming that takes place on small plots of land within and around cities
The science behind genetic modification
Alluvial soils
Fertile soils deposited when a river floods
Nomadic cultivation
When a farmer moves from one place to another to find water supplies and better pasture land
Sedentary cultivation
Farming that occurs in one place
Using water that originated from rainfall
Food insecurity
When people do not have reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food
The cultivation of grapevines for wine making (Mediterranean climate)
Parent material
The rock underlying a soil
The shape of the land
A cross section of soil
Soil erosion
The loss of soil from an area
Boreal zone
A cold region to the south of the artic
Temperate zone
A region with mild climate found at mid latitudes
The movement of soil material from upper to lower horizons by the downward movement of water
Land used for cultivation
Shallow channels cut into soil by running water
Deep channels cut into the soil by running water
Conservation cropping
The practice of minimising soil disturbance, planting crops early and retaining stubble
Over abstraction
Taking too much of something, such as too much water from ground water supplies
Saltwater intrusion
The movement of saline water into freshwater supplies
Particles that bind together
Farming the seas
Growing plants in air that containing a mist of water and nutrients
Growing plants in material other than soil, e.g pebbles or sand
Mentally or physically free of illness or injury
Biological age
The age of someone’s body, regardless of their chronological
How often a disease and poor health occurs in an area
Non communicable illnesses
Medical conditions or diseases that are not infectious or transmissible from person to person
Communicable diseases
Illnesses that can be passed onto others
Related to someone’s job
The ability to move freely
A treatment for cancer using x-rays or similar forms of radiation
A treatment for cancer that uses chemicals or drugs that destroy malignant cells
Keyhole surgery
Operations carried out through small incisions using special fiber optic instruments
Natural increase
When birth rates are higher than death rates and the population grows
Natural decrease
When deaths are higher than births and the population gets smaller
Per capita
Per person
Demographic dividend
The economic benefit created by the population of a country
Economic migrant
Someone moving to find work and earn money
Asylum seeker
Someone applying for permission to settle in another country through fear then safety in their own
Someone who has settled in another country through fear of safety in their own
Carrying capacity
The number of people that a religion or country can sustainability support
Intervening obstacles
Physical or human barriers that hinder the movement of migrants
Transit countries
Countries where migrants stop temporarily on their way from host to source country
Remittance payments
Money that migrants send back home to support their families
Dependency ratio
A measure showing the number of people who are too young to work or too old compared to the working population
Brain drain
The emigration of well educated or qualified people from a country
Net replacement rate
The number of female offspring produced by female members of the population
IPAT Equation
A calculation that shows how population, affluence and technology have an impact on crashing capacity
Primary forest
Areas of native tree species where no deforestation has taken place
Ocean acidification
A reduction in the level of pH level of the oceans, caused by the absorption of co2
Lense of the eye becomes opaque, resulting in worse vision
Cultivable land
Ground that has suitable conditions for the growing of crops and rearing of livestock
Poor quality agricultural land that has unsuitable conditions for farming
Farming inputs
Transport cost
Machinery cost
Farming outputs
Crop products e.g wheat
Soil erosion
Farming processes
Different farming methods
Intensive and extensive
GM and organic
Subsistence and commercial
Nomadic and sedentary
Semi arid climate
Near the equator
Savanna vegetation
Low rainfall 25-50cm a year
Wildfires are common
Irrigation is needed to grow crops
Mediterranean climates
Warm coastal regions between 30-45°
Shrub vegetation
Mild winters, hot summers
50cm of rain a year
Tourism and vitriculture for wine
Olives, figs and citrus
Zonal soils
O horizon, organic matter
A horizon, high nutrients
B horizon, subsoil where nutrients leach
C horizon, weathers material from bedrock
R horizon, bedrock
Jungles and rainforest
Highly weathered
Red or yellow due to iron oxides
Low pH
Rich O layer due to decomposition
Well drained, poor water storage
Need fertilizers
3000-5000 years to form
High precipitation areas
Grey, brown soils
Low pH
Good for coniferous trees
Low decomposition
Low in nutrients, not sutible for farming, except forestry