Population and the Environment Flashcards
-Concentrations of resources such as fossil fuels have given a rise in industrialisation and densely populated areas in Europe, parts of USA and increasingly now in China and India
-Even when resources deplete the population stays
-Rainfall, temperature, wind velocity and solar insulation all determine food productivity, the type of farming system adopted and species grown
-Need temperature at least 5C to grow and pasture - fed livestock
-Characteristics of climate can drive level and nature of diseases such as malaria affects death rates and life expectancy
-High infant and child mortality rates can also influence fertility rates as families seek to compensate for their loss
Water Supply
-People and plants need water to survive
-Key for sanitation, hygiene as well as industrial processes
-Due to these reasons, water in determining population distribution e.g. Egypt, 95% of population within 12 miles of the Nile
-Most important feature is fertility - depends on texture, structure, acidity. This determines agricultural output and type of farming system employment
-Fertility can be maintained in chemicals, fertilisers but this can be unsustainable and create water pollution, eutrophication and greenhouse gas emissions. Areas where fertile land usually associated with high population density. However, some areas such as rich volcanic or alluvial soils are also prone to hazards
Population Distribution
The pattern of where people live
Population Density
The average number of people living in a specified area
Population Change
Change from a temporal as well as a spatial perspectives