Population Flashcards
What is Birth rate?
The number of live births per 1000 of the population per year
What is death rate?
The number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year
What is infant mortality rate?
The number of infant deaths under 1 year of age per 1000 live births a year
Natural Increase
When the birth rate is higher than the death rate leading to an increase in the total population
Fertility rate
The average number of children that a woman will have during her lifetime.
Natural Change
Birth rate- death rate. Shows whether a country’s pop. is increasing or decreasing.
Natural decrease
When the death rate is higher than the birth rate leading to a decrease in the total population
Life expectancy
The average number of years a person is expected to live
Child mortality rate
The number of infant deaths under 5 years of age per 1000 live births a year
What is net migration?
The permanent change of a residence of an individual or group of people. It is the balance between immigration and emigration.
What is a population pyramid?
A graph which shows age, gender and population numbers of a city or country in a year.
Who are the economically active population?
People of working age (16-24 years old) who contribute to the economy.
Who are the dependents in the population?
People who are <15 years and >65 years who are supported by the economically active.
What does the shape of the base of the pyramid tell us?
If the base is wide, birth rate is high but if its narrow the BR is low or declining.
What does the middle of the pyramid tell us?
About DR and migration.
What does the shape of the pyramid tell us about death rate?
If the pyramid is concave it tells us the death rate is probably quite high, if the pyramid is convex it tells us death rate is probably quite low.
What does the shape of the top of the pyramid tell us?
A narrow apex tells us the life expectancy is not that high which would be more typical of LICs.
What do population structure indices provide?
A quantitative way of comparing population structures- objective.
What does the dependency ratio tell us?
How many dependents (0-15 and 65+) are reliant upon the economically active population (16 to 64).
What is the dependency ratio formula?
Young dependent+ Old dependents / Working population x 100
What does the support ratio show?
How many dependents there are for every 100 economically active people
What is the support ratio formula?
Working population / Young dependents + Old dependents x 100
What is the sex ratio?
The number of males per 100 females.
What is a resource?
Any part of the environment that can be used to meet human needs e.g. food, water and shelter.