Population Flashcards
A means of protection or shelter granted by a country or embassy to refugees from another country
An asylum seeker is someone who is also seeking international protection from dangers in his or her home country, but whose claim for refugee status hasn’t been determined legally.
Asymmetrical Population Pyramid
An irregular shaped population graph, for a country going through a development stage or having experienced war or mass migration.
Birth Rate (BR)
The total births in a population per year.
Brandt Line
An invisible line that divides the rich ‘north’ countries (MEDC countries) from the poor ‘south’ countries (LEDC countries).
An official survey of the population in a country.
Child Mortality Rate (under-5 mortality)
The number children who die by the age of five in a population.
The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse.
Death Rate (CDR)
The total deaths in a population per year.
Family Planning
The practice of controlling the number of children one has, particularly by using contraceptives or voluntary sterilization.
Fertility/ Fertility Rate
The average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime.
GDP / Gross Domestic Product
The total value of all goods and services produced in a country in a year excluding foreign earnings.
GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product per capita)
The total value of all goods and services produced in the country in a year divided by the number of people that live in the country excluding foreign earnings.
Illegal immigrants
People who move into a country illegaly. They do not have refugee status or a visa to travel into the new country.
An immigrant is someone who makes a conscious decision to leave his or her home and move to a foreign country with the intention of settling there.
The movement of people into a new country.
Infant Mortality Rate
The total number of deaths, in an area, of babies under 1 year old, per year.
LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country)
A nation with an underdeveloped industrial base, and a low standard of living for most of the population relative to other countries.
Life Expectancy
The average age that people in the population live until.
Literacy Rate
The percentage of the total population that can read and write
Literacy is being able to read and write.
Lack of eating the correct nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat.
Maternal Mortality Rate
The number of mothers who die during childbirth per year.
MEDC (More Economically Developed Country)
A nation with a well-developed industrial base, and a high standard of living for most of the population relative to other countries.
The movement of people from one place to another.
The study of human population statistics.
Dense Population
A large number of people in a given area.
The use of resources and technology to bring about a better standard of living (quality of life) for people.
Economic Factors
Factors related to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities (goods).
Economic Recession
Significant decline in economic activity spread across the whole economy, lasting more than a few months.
Natural Increase
The difference between BR and the DR, which shows the natural growth of a country.