Geomorphology Flashcards
Active Volcano
A volcano that still erupts regularly, in recent times.
Example sentence: Mount Etna in Italy is an active volcano.
Extinct Volcano
A volcano that has not erupted in recorded history (in man’s memory) and is unable to erupt again.
Example sentence: The volcano in the national park is considered extinct.
A fracture in the Earth’s crust, characterised by an uneven crack.
The point underground at which the earthquake originates.
Fold mountains
A mountain range formed when rock strata are folded and thrust upwards.
A bending of rocks into folds due to strong compressional forces.
Is the study of the Earth’s surface, its history and the processes that make or form it.
The southern landmass that existed after Pangaea split.
Aftershock / tremor
A smaller quake that occurs after the main earthquake.
A fracture in the earth’s crust
Constructive boundary
A zone along which new crust is being formed.
Continental Crust/ SIAL
The part of the Earth’s crust that makes up the continents.
Continental drift theory
The theory that the continents were once one landmass but drifted apart over time.
Convection Currents
A circular movement/ flow of magma in the mantle due to differences in heat (thermally driven).
Convergent plate boundary
A zone where two adjacent plates are moving towards each other.
The inner-most layer of the Earth.
A bowl-shaped depression caused by volcanic activity.
The outer layer of the crust composed of solid rock.
Fold mountains
A mountain range formed when rock strata are folded and thrust upwards
The study of the earth’s surface it’s history and the process of how its formed
Igneous Rock
Rock formed when magma or lava solidifies.
The northern landmass that existed after Pangaea split.
Molten rock that occurs on the Earth’s surface.
The setting down of eroded material.
Molten rock that occurs beneath the Earth’s surface.
Magma chamber
A reservoir of magma within the earth’s crust beneath a volcano.
The layer of molten rock around the Earth’s core, below the crust.
Metamorphic Rock
Rock formed when other rock types are changed by extreme temperature and or pressure.
Mid-oceanic ridge
A constructive boundary characterised by an under-sea mountain chain.
Moho Plane
The boundary or zone between the Earth’s crust and mantle.
Oceanic Crust/ SIMA
The part of the earth’s crust that lies under the oceans and continents.
Pacific Ring of Fire
A collective term given to the plate boundaries around the Pacific Ocean.
The point on the ground, directly above the focus of an earthquake.
The super continent that existed before the continents split apart.
The removal and continued breakdown of weathered material.
A branch of science concerned with the magnetism in rocks.
Plate boundary
The zone between two adjacent plates.
Destructive boundary
A zone along which crust is being destroyed.
Divergent plate boundary
A zone along which two adjacent plates are moving apart.
Dormant Volcano
A volcano that has not erupted (inactive) in a long time but has shown signs of eruption in recorded history (man’s memory).
When a build-up of pressure in the Earth’s crust is suddenly released causing the ground to shudder and vibrate.
Economic factors
Refers to the factors related to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities (goods).
Environmental factors
Refers to the natural (not man-made) environment and habitats of plants and animals.
the liquid mantle
Plate Tectonics
The theory that explains how the crustal slabs move on
A scale that measures the strength of an earthquake
Richter Scale
based on the energy of the seismic waves
Sedimentary Rocks
Rock formed when eroded material is deposited
Sea floor spreading is the formation of fresh areas of oceanic crust which occurs when magma rises at on either side.
Seafloor spreading
mid-ocean ridges and subsequently moves outwards
of the earthquake
Seismic waves
A movement of energy that travels out from the epicentre
An instrument used to record seismic waves OR detect the occurrence of an earthquake
A scientist that studies earthquakes
Refers to the factors that affect the standard of living or lifestyle (the way people live), such as religion, family, or wealth
Social factors
Layers of rocks
A zone where one plate is being forced to subside below another
Subduction zone
Forces generated from within the Earth’s crust that could lead to movement
Tectonic forces
A large section of the Earth’s crust.
Tectonic plate
The movement of weathered material from one place to another.
A zone along which two adjacent plates are moving past each other.
Transverse plate boundary
A seismic sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake or undersea volcanic eruption
The process where molten magma from the mantle moves up and through the Earth’s crust.
A hole or vent in the Earth’s crust, created when molten magma is forced up through the crust.
An opening exposed on the earth’s surface where volcanic material is emitted.
Volcanic vent
Volcanic object created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano.
Volcanic plug
The breakdown of rock into smaller pieces due to exposure to the elements.