Popular Culture Flashcards
what is popular
liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group
what is culture
manifestations of human intellectual achievement
what is popular culture
the ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture
pre world war 2 enterntainment
until the 1930’s entertainment was created in ones home, with simple things such as reading, cards and the piano.
what two technologies were developed that changed during war times
radio and the talking movi
radio first broadcast in australia
radio 1930’s
by the 1930s almost everyone had a radio
what did radios create
a new sense of community as people all over the country could tune into the same program
it even established a common australian accent
why were radios important
they were important during the war as they kept the population informed but also helped to keep up the spirits
what were the main radio programs
quiz shows
times and radio
the radio shows playing would be specified to the target audience at the time
ie. middle of the day soap operas for mums
soap operas
names as they were sponsored by soap companies, such as lever and kitchen and colgate- palmolive
popular music at the time war
swing, jazz and big band styles
largely influence from the us
the movies war
the story of ned kelly
considered world first feature film
movies war
movies began to have sound but it was very expensive to run. For this reason the Australian film industry found it difficult to compete with the US
the us made 90% movies shows in australia and therefore had a high influence
fashion war
during ww2 clothing material was limited as it was needed to make military uniforms
dresses had square shoulders and knee length narrow skirts
post war fashion
fashion began to change with them becoming for more feminine
with sloping shoulders, very narrow waists and long spreading skirts
sport war
many would go watch football, horse races etc.
it was hugely popular and played a huge role in australian social life
the influence upon another countries culture by the united states. It’s the impact and effect the united states has upon another country in aspects such as technology, food and popular culture.
why were we greatly influenced by america
american troops were stationed in australia during world war 2 which brought upon different views and new ideas for the country. As well as this access to new technology such as tv and radio made it easier to connect to other countries such as the US.
Music and america
America had a strong influence on what australians listened to, strongly based on rock and roll. Australian teenagers were infatuated with american idols such as elvis presley that they copied their hairstyles and fashion
tv/ film and america
american tv shows dominated what was shown on australian television. America had the most advanced filmmaking technology in the world, making it hard for other countries to compete.
leisure and america
what australians began to do in their free time was influenced by america. With american styled dance halls being established around Australia. Dancing to new music especially rock n roll became the perfect way to spend your weekend nights.
Top 3 music genres america
black music entering the mainstream
the folk and protest song movement
surf music