POP Week 2 Flashcards
What makes employees feel exhausted
employees get exhausted because they experience work stress. Exhausted employees become cynical about whether their work contributes anything and wonder about the meaning of their work
What in a job makes you feel exhausted or motivated
- autonomy
- skill variety
- task significance
- task identity
–> motivation
the health impairment process
high demands lead to strain and health impairment
motivational process
high resources lead to increased well-being result form a balance between positive (resources) and negative (demands) job characteristics
job demands definition Demerouti
= those physical, social or organizational aspects of the job that require sustained physical or mental effort and therefore associated with certain physiological costs
Job resources definition demerouti
= those physical, social or organizational aspects of the job that may do any of the following:
- be functional in achieving workgoals
- reduce job demands and de associated physiological and psychological costs
- stimulate personal growth and development
early JDr model
2 processes for the development of a burnout
- long term excessive job demands from which employees do not adequalty recover
- lack of resources precludes that job demands are met and that work goals are reached
revised JDr model
added work engagment. Work engagement and burnout considered to be mediators of the relationship between job demands and health problems, and job resources and turnover intentions
work engagement
= positive, fulfilling, work related state of mind that is characterised by vigor (resilience and energy), dedication and absorption
= gradual draining of mental resources
job resources influences…
future work engagement, which predicted organizational commitment. Work engagemnet predicted future absence frequency
Job demands predicts
predicts burnout over time, which predicted future depression. Burnout predicted future absence duration
Personal resources
= the psychological characteristic or aspects of the self that are generally associated with resiliency and that refer tot the ability to control and impact one’s environment succesfully
5 motivational work characteristics make jobs more satisfying for workers
- autonomy
- skill variety
- task identity
- task significance
- feedback from the job
high levels of energy and mental resilience while working, and persistence even when facing difficulties
= being strongly involved in one’s work, and experiencing a sense of significance and enthusiasm
= being fully concentrated and happily engrossed in one’s work
job resources examples
- autonomu
- supervisory
- coaching
- perfromance feedback
- social support
- supervisory coaching
personal resources examples
- optimism
- self-efficacy
- self esteem
connection between burnout, workaholism and engagement
- workaholism and engagement overlap in absorption
– with engagement the motivation is intrinsic
– with workaholism motivation is compulsive - core of a burnout is exhaustion and cynicism
– lack of professional efficacy - burnout and engagement are opposites
workplace subjective wellbeing
= high work related SWB include job satisfaction (cognitive evaluation) frequent experiences of positive emotions and infrequent experiences of negative emotions (affective experiences)
high activation
workaholism, engagement, happiness
low activation
satisfaction, burnout
job characteristic model
5 characteristics
1. skill variety
2. task significance
- task identity
- feedback
- autonomu
if core job characteristics present–> lead to positive employee attitudinal outcome
demand-control model
hypothesis is that strain will be highest in jobs characterised by the combination of high job demand and low job control
effort-reward imbalance model
assumes that job stress is the result of an imbalance between effort (extrinsic job demands and intrinsic motivation to meet these demands) and rewards (in term of salary, reward, career opportunities)
critics on early models
- one sided
- simplicity
- static
- changing nature of jobs
4 possible JDr interventions
- job redesigning
- job crafting
- training
- strengths based interventions
why engaged workers perform better
- experience positive emotions
- better health –> better focus on work
- create own job and personal resources
- transfer engagement
emotional exhaustion
= general feeling of extreme chronic fatigue, caused by continious exposure to demanding working conditions
callous, distanced cynical attitude toward the work itself or the people with whom one works
lack of professional efficacy
= the tendency to evaluate one’s work performance negatively, resulting is feelings of insufficiency and poor job-related self esteem
Core Self Evaluation
= represents the fundamental appraisal individuals make about their self-worth and capabilities
generalized self-efficacy
= one’s ability to perform and cope successfully
emotional stability
= propensity to feel calm and secure
locus of control
= belief that desired effect result from one’s own behaviour rather than by fate or powerful others