Pons Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
ponst contains?
Vetnral basis pontis
Dorsal tegemntum pontiis
Basis pontis contains ?
1-longitudinal fibers
2-transvers pontine fibers
3-Pontine Nuclei
Longitudinal fibers:
Corticospinal -CorticoNuclear-CorticoPontine fivbers
Transverse pontine fibers form the Pontine Nuceli crossing formin MCP
Pontince nuclei representing relay station between the cortex and cerebellum
Contents of tegmentum pontis ?
Ascending and descendnig tracts
Cranial nueli of 5678
Reticular formation
Tracts is the tegmentum pontis LIST
Medial Lemiscis
Medial longitdudinal fasciculus
Spinothalamic anterior spinocerebellar
Spinal tract and Nucelus of V
Central temgental tracct :
1-descending fibers from red nucleus to inferior olivary compex
2-ascdednging fibers from reticular formation to thalamus
describe cochlera nuceli of CN8
Ventral gives ventral and intermideate acousitc stirae
the dorsal givers dorsal acousitc striae….
The ventral cross and form trapezoid body and contiume in lateral leminsci
The dorsasl and intermediate may relay on Superior olivary or trapeziod nuclei of the same or opposite sides then to lateral lemiscis with the ventral
Describe auditory pathway of CN 8
The organ of corti sends to the peripheral dendrites of the spiral ganglion reaching the central processes tha that forms the CN8 then to the ventral and dorsal Choclear Nuclei in the Pons
then giving Stirae Ventral and dorsal and intermediate
Ventral forms trepezoid body and cross to lateral leminsci
Dorsal and intermdeiate relay on trapeziod of superor oilvary then to lateral lemisci
then teritay afferents from trapezoif and SON ascends to inferio colliculis then medial geniculate to Audioty cortex !
The lateral lemiscus formed of ?
-Striae vental dorsal and Intermediate
-Fibers from superior olivary nucelus from same and opposite sides of body
-Fibers from the trapzoid body neuclus
Efferent cochlear bundles explain ?
They are efferents of fibers from nuerons around superior olivary nucelus to the hair cells of organ of corrti to inhbits stimulation of auditory nerve and its responds to high frequncy impulses
Describe vestibular nerve path
macule uritlcla macula saccula and crist ampularis sends to the preipheral of Vestibular ganglion so the cental fomrs the vestibular nerve relayin on the vestibular nuceli the superior and lateral in pons the inferior and medial in Medulla
the nuclei sends vestibulocerebellar fibers through ICP whetehre primary direct of secondary fibers
terminating on the flocculonodular lobe for equliibrium
cONNCECTIONS OF vestibular nuclei
afferents :- from vestiublar nerve+ Cerebellum.
Efferents :-
To the Cerebellum
to spinal cord from lateral ves nucelus
To Medial longtudinal faascilus fo conjugate eye movements
What is medial longutdinal bundles ?
ascending and descending fibers in brain stem and spinal cord to cervcial segments L
Asdcending :
Vestibular fibers form superior and medial ves nuceli to the CN 346 the fibers of 3 and 6 are connected together for conjuate mvments of eye
vsestibulospinal from medial v neucles
Tectospinal form supeerior colloiculius
Interstifial neulus of cajal
Functions of medial longutidnal fascisulus ?
Coordination of reflexes of eye movements with neck muscles
Conjugate eye movemnts
Describe Facial nerve nuclei
1-the motor nucelus of facial for muscles fo facial expressions platysma stylohyoid platysma
the dorsal part for upper face receving bilatral coorticonucelar fibers but the Ventral part for the lower face receving Only contrlateral corticonuclear fibers
2-SUperior Salivatory nucleus for ?
Sublingual submandiublar and buccal palate glands
Nucels solitarues gustatory part receving sensations of the anteiro 2//3 of the tongue
Spinal nucelus of trigeminal receving exteroception from the skin of back of ear and External auditoy meatus
Lateral rectus muscle supplied by?
Abducen CN6 of the smae side
cONNECTIONS OF abducent nervve nucelus
Bilateral corticonucelar fibers
Fibers relay on the CN3 nucelus for Conjugate eye movements