What act and regulation allows dentists to prescribe (2)?
- What can they prescribe?
- Under Medicines Act 1968
- Human Medicines Regulations 2012
- Dentist can prescribe ANY POMs (GDC advises dentists to prescribe drugs used in dentistry)
What can dentists prescribe under the NHS?
- Restricted to prescribing the drugs in the dental practitioners formulary (DPF)
Who uses the GREEN Prescription Form (5) and what is the form type?
- Form Type: FP10NC
- It is used by:
- GP
- Community practitioner nurse prescriber
- Independent prescriber
- Supplementary prescriber
- Hospital unit
Who uses the BLUE Prescription Form (4) and what is the form type?
- FP10MDA (instalment dispensing form)
- It is used by:
- GP
- Independent Prescribers
- Supplementary Prescribers
- Hospital Unit
Who uses the LILAC prescription form (3) and what is the form type?
- FP10P
- It is used by:
- Community practitioner nurse prescriber
- Nurse independent prescriber
- Nurse supplementary prescriber
Which prescribers use the YELLOW Rx forms, and what is the form type?
- FP10D
- It is used by:
- Dentists in primary care (only items on the DPF)
Which prescribers use the PINK Rx forms, and what is the form type?
- Private prescribers issuing Schedule 2 and 3 CDs dispensed by community pharmacy
Are faxed prescriptions legally valid?
No, it isn’t written in indelible ink and it’s not signed by appropriate practitioner
Why are faxed prescriptions used?
- Can confirm that a valid Rx is in existence
- It’s used when there’s emergency supply at request of prescriber
What are SIX signs to check that a prescription isn’t forged?
- Large or excessive quantity Rx-ed and its appropriateness
- Prescriber known? (is it like the Rx-er usual style)
- Patient known?
- Title Dr inserted before (or after signature)
- Behaviour of patient?
- Medicine known to be commonly misused?
Are electronic prescriptions valid (2)?
- Yes if it’s signed with an advanced electronic signature
- And sent to person dispensing it as an electronic communication
Can CDs be prescribed using Electronic Form?
Yes, Schedule 2 & 3 CDs can be prescribed using the Electronic Prescription Service
What must an advanced electronic signature be? (4)
- Uniquely linked to Rx-er giving Rx
- Capable of identifying Rx-er
- Created so Rx-er can maintain under sole control
- Linked so that any subsequent change is detectable
What is the purpose of the electronic prescription service? (2)
- Allows prescribers to send Rx’s electronically to a dispenser of patient’s choice e.g pharmacy
- Makes prescribing and dispensing more efficient and convenient for patients and staff
How are POMs supplied in hospitals?
Supplied via a PSD (Patient Specific Direction) of a prescriber (instead of prescription)
What are the requirements for a PSD (3)?
- Written direction must be patient specific (specific to patient’s bed card or patient notes)
- Doesn’t need to follow usual Rx writing requirement
- Needs to be given by appropriate practitioner
What are the rules behind administration of POMs in hospitals?
- Directions don’t need to be in writing (good practice)
What are the exceptions to a POM not being recorded in the POM register?
- If Rx is a ‘health’ one (NHS)
- If Rx is for oral contraceptive
- A separate record is kept i.e CD register for CD drugs
- It’s wholesale dealing: an order/invoice is retained for 2 years
What Rx’s are usually recorded in the POM register (2)?
- Private Rx
- Signed Orders
What are the requirements for POM sale/supply records (3)?
- Entry can be a written or computerised record
- Entry must be made on day of sale/supply or on day following that day
- Record must be kept for a period of two years on which POM was supplied/sold
What details must be noted in a POM record? (5)
- Date of supply/sale
- Date on prescription
- Medicine details (name/quantity/form/strength)
- Prescriber details (name and address)
- Patient details (name and address_
How long must the record for a POM be kept for (2)?
- For two years from day which POM was sold/supplied
- For repeatable Rx, the date from which the last supply was made
Where can you find out what needs to be recorded in POM records (2)?
- Human Medicine Regulations 2012
When do prescriptions for POM not need to be kept?(2)
- For NHS Rx’s
- Private Rx for CD Schedule 2 & 3
What are the requirements for labelling of dispensed medicines on Rx? (6)
- Name of patient
- Name and address of pharmacy
- Date of dispensing
- Name of medicine
- Directions for use
- Precautions for medicine
What can a pharmacist change on a prescription?
- Name of product/ common name
- Directions for use of product
- Precautions for use
How should assembled medicines be labelled? (6)
- Name of medicine
- Quantity of medicine
- Quantitative particulars of medicine e.g strength
- Handling and storage requirements if needed
- Expiry date
- Batch reference number
What does “use by” or “use before” mean and an example?
- product should be used before end of previous month
- e.g use by 04/2019, product shouldn’t be used after 31st March 2019
What does expiry date (MHRA guidance) mean?
- The product should not be used after the last day on the stated month
- e.g. expiry date of 12/2019, product shouldn’t be used after 31st December 2019
Which things are good practice to note down in the POM register? (4)
Pharmacist name, directions, reference no (label), price
When should wholesale deals be recorded?
If signed order/invoice isn’t kept for 2 years