In which two cases can a pharmacist supply a medicine without a prescription?
- Prescriber’s request (Rx cannot be provided straight away)
- Patient’s request
(and pandemic diseases)
What are the conditions for emergency supply at the request of a prescriber (5)?
- Sale/supply requested by appropriate prescribe
- Emergency, Rx can’t be provided immediately
- Rx-er provides Rx within 72 hours
- POM sold/supplied in accordance w directions of Rx-er requesting it
- POM isn’t a CD schedule 1, 2, or 3*
- phenobarbital/Na allowed for treatment of epilepsy, at request of appropriate Rx-ers
- EEA/swiss Rx-er can’t prescribe CD 1, 2 or 3 including phenobarbital
When must the record for emergency supply at request of Rx-er be made?
On day of supply or the day following if impractical in the POM register
What’s the max supply for an emergency supply at the request of a Rx-er?
No maximum
Rx-er will decide the appropriate amount because you’ll get the Rx later
What needs to be recorded in the POM register for an emergency supply at request of Rx-er? (6)
3 names, 2 addresses, 3 dates
- The name, strength, form and quantity of medicine
- Name and address of practitioner
- Name and address of patient who needs the POM
- The date on the Rx (can be added when Rx is received by pharmacy)
- The date when the Rx is received
- The date the POM was supplied
What are the conditions for an emergency supply of POM at request of patient? (5)
- Pharmacist MUST interview patient (HMR Regulation 225)
- There’s an immediate need
- Medicine has to have been prescribed previously (prescribed by a UK, EEA or Swiss prescriber)
- Dose is appropriate for patient
- No 1,2,3 CDs except phenobarbital
How would an appropriate dose be determined for an emergency supply at request of patient? (3)
- Electronic health record
- Summary care record
What emergency supplies are not allowed at request of a patient?
- Controlled drugs sch 1, 2 or 3 (only ex. is phenobarbital for epilepsy)
- CD’s containing: Bromide salts, Hexobarbitone/Na, Methohexitone Na, Thiopentone Na, Strychnine HCl
- They have a narrow therapeutic index
What’s the maximum supply for an emergency supply of POM at the request of a patient?
- CD Sch 4 and 5 or phenobarbital = 5 days
- For other POMs = 30 days (but use professional judgement)
What are exceptions to the maximum quantity that is allowed to be sold/supplied for an emergency supply at request of patient? (3)
- If insulin, an ointment, cream, or an inhaler (i.e. packs cannot be broken), the smallest available pack should be supplied
- Oral contraceptive - full treatment cycle should be supplied
- Antibiotic in liq form - smallest quantity that will provide full course
The emergency supply records at request of patient must include? (5)
- Name and address of patient
- Date of supply
- Details of medicine supplied# (including strength and form) and quantity of medicine supplied
- Nature of emergency
- Price as good practice – private Rx
What is a summary care record? (4)
- Electronic summary of key clinical info
- Used by authorised healthcare professionals
- Requires patient consent (called permission to view) on each occasion
- If patient and doctor wish to add info to patient’s SCR, patient must consent
What information is available from a NHS summary care record (CORE clinical information)? (3)
- Medicines: all current repeats, acute (12 months history) and discontinued repeats (6 months history)
- Allergies
- Adverse reactions about a patient
What are the conditions for accessing a patients SCR? (4)
- Must complete training and CPPE assessment
- Access is via NHS smart card
- Only accessible with patient consent unless emergency access (permission to view)
- Only can be used if you’re involved in patient’s care at that time
Three reasons why a pharmacist might access a patient’s SCR?
- Emergency supply
- Minor ailments
- Adverse reactions
What additional details can be added by a patient’s GP on their SCR? (7)
- Significant diagnoses
- Care plan information (e.g. end of life, long term conditions)
- Any other information that is considered relevant by patient and GP, such as patient preferences
- Details of fertility treatment
- Sexually transmitted infections and treatments
- Terminations
- Gender reassignment
What should be done if the medication is not supplied?
Refer the patient to somewhere they can get a prescription and supply against this e.g. doctor, walk in centre or A&E
What are the conditions for an emergency supply during a pandemic?
- Pandemic must be declared by the Department of Health
- The requested medication has been prescribed before
- The dose must be appropriate
- The pharmacist doesn’t need to interview patient or be present