Pompeii and Herculaneum Flashcards
“The part of the land that has been covered in dust from the hot ashes…makes for a land of fine vines. For it contains the substance that fattens the soil”.
The Geography of Strabo’ Greek Historian
“A fertile region so blessed with pleasant scenery that If that manifestly the work of nature in a happy mood.”
‘Pliny the Elder’ Well known naturalist
Pompeii was accessed by
7 gates
Eg, Stabia, Vesuvius Gate
Main axial roads that crossed Pompeii on east-west axis
Eg, Via Marina
Minor roads that crossed Pompeii along the north-south axis.
Created by decumani and cardini
City block, groups of houses on one block surrounded by a road.
Characteristics of street
- Raised pathways
- Stepping stones
- Public Fountains
- Deep wheel ruts
The grid pattern design of the roads within P & H were designed according to the principles of the Greek architect Hippodamos. This shows the Hellenic influences on the towns.
Plans and streetscapes of Pompeii and Herculaneum
More than 100 taverns, inns and bars have been located in Pompeii
Decumanus Maximus
Herculaneum main street
A lot of shops, residential, workshop and craft had been mixed together.
Wallace Hadrill
Plinian Phase
column of ash 30km high, appear like a pine tree as described by Pliny the Younger; pumice falls on Pompeii.
Pyroclastic phase
Hot avalanche of pumice, ash and gases
Pyroclastic flow
A hot, high-velocity mixture of ash, gas and pumice that flows like a liquid down slopes and over terrain.
Manner of Death
Pyroclastic flow of lava Toxic gases Trapped in buildings Starvation/dehydration/suffocation Covered in lava, burnt Inhalation of ash Heatwaves (Herculaneum) Roof Collapse Hit by falling Rocks Trampled Suicide
- Vital aspect of society
- P had a thriving economy with full range of commercial activities
- H was not major trading centre.
- Evidence from graffiti suggests that Pompeii had a large population of foreigners involved in trade.
- 600 excavated of privately owned shops, workshops, bars, taverns and inns.
Markets around the forum - Epigraphic evidence of guilds of tradesmen and retailers
Textiles, Cloth, Wine, Oil, Garum, Bakeries, Metalworking & Pottery
- Jaskemski thinks it’s an important industry. Jongman disagrees.
- Mainly took place in the area outside the city. In Villas (need more room).
- Stayed in big jars (Dolia)
- Inscriptions say it varied in quality.
- Villa of Pisanella kept enough storage jars for 5910 litres of Oil
- Used in furniture, cooking, cleaning body.
- Fish Guts & Salt
- Containers have been found all over the town but only one shop has been found.
- According to Curtis, 70% of Garum consumed in Pompeii was named from Scaurus’s shop.
- 30 bakeries in Pompeii, one street found to have 7 in a row.
- Graffiti from Pompeii suggests that it was bought daily.
- In Bakery of Modestus, 81 baked loaves were found.
Metalworking & Pottery
- Pompeiian pottery has been found in Greece, North America, Germany & Pompeii.
- House of Vetti: painting showing cupids involved in the proves of metalworking.
Political Life (Evidence)
- More than 2000 electoral notices found in P
- Amphitheatre at P inscribed with plaque detailing duumviri paid for it with their own money as a gift to their fellow citizens
- Smaller theatre at P commerates its erection by “decree of the decurions”
Political patronage
Powerful people offered both protection and assistance to individuals in return for their political and social support. (For political and social advancement)
Cursus Honorum
Political career pathway in Pompeii and Herculaneum
Must work up
Aediles x 2 (one year)
Junior magistrate who took care of streets, temples, organisation of games, maintained public order, granted permits, supervised the Macellum.
Duumviri x 2 (one year)
Senior magistrates responsible for law, administration and residency of the ordo decurionum (city council)
Every 5 years organised a census and revised eligible people for council.
Duumviri quinquennales x2 (one year)
Revised the town census every 5 yrs
Had the power to remove other councillors who have
a bad reputation.
Decuriones x 100
Needed to be wealthy, have status, spend money on town, member of ordo decuriones.
Oversaw: city councilor senate, city finance, religious authority and oversee public business
At the comitium, voting took place. People voted in tribes (eg, based on where they lived)
Paavo Castren
Social Structure
Upper strata or US (citizens: Cives): Emperor Imperial family Senatorial order Equestrian orders Rich freedmen Lower strata or LS: Poor free-born citizens Freedmen (Liberti) Slaves (Servi)
Male head of the family
Taught young people respect for elders, obligations, religious commitments.
- Served the emperor in offices throughout the empire.
- Wealth from large estates.
- Hereditary.
- Distinguished by their clothing (toga with a stripe of purple) in Pompeii
Equestrians (Equites)
- Served the emperor in being commanders of the fire service, grain supply and military offices
- Wealth from public offices, trade and banking
- Not hereditary.
- Wore a toga with purple stripe and gold finger ring
- Cicero criticised them for trying to ape (aristocracy).
Freed men (Liberti)
- Previously slaves given freedom by various means
- Wealth from trade/wealth/banking/manufacturing/land ownership
- Cant become senators but can be equestrians
- Poor can be lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers
- Performed mostly agricultural and manufacturing work. Also served upper class in their homes.
- Were often from a foreign country defeated in war, or free citizens who sold themselves to pay debts.
- The work of a slave varied,eg, in the house of Gauius Rufus has a small statue of two slaves carrying a sedan chair through the streets.
Poppaea Sabina
- Wife of Emperor Nero
- Status and fame increased when she persuaded her husband to lift the ten-year ban on gladiatorial games.
- Graffiti from time: “Three cheers for the imperial decree, three cheers for the decision of the emperor and the empress. Long Live Empress Poppaea.’
Julia Felix
- Could own property and run successful businesses
- Turned part of her house into public baths, shops and a bar and rented them out. A notice outside her house read: “to let, in the estate of Julia Felix, daughter of Spurius: elegant baths for respectable people, shops with upper rooms and apartments.”