Minoan Crete Flashcards
Cretan king ruled over all the people in the Aegean and he maintained control by the use of a maritime fleet (Thucydides)
Society ruled by religious figures (Theocratic Polity)
A state that has a monarch. (Homer – stated there was a king)
Crete had 90 cities (only 12 palaces found
Minos was a title for a king and ruled for 9 periods
John Pendalbury
“ It is impossible to say that what kind of social order existed”
Wolfgang Helck
in an Egyptian tomb, Cretans said to have a ruler, thinks there was a king.
Pottery jars
Major storage areas
A Minoan town with a small urban community.
Had many industries: Agriculture, fishing, olive oil, carpentry, weaving, bronze-working, copper-smelting, record-keeping, pottery
Excavated by Harriet Boyd 1901-1904
The site of a palace with several religious shrines.
It functioned as an for the overseas shipping trade with the Near East and processed purple dye.
Palace contains many storerooms, within them found imported ivory tusks from Syria.
Palace Economy
Each palace responsible for production of certain good
Product recorded by scribes and stored in large magazine.
Used to pay wages and inter palace or foreign trade. ‘Surpluses of one palace would be swapped for the product of another palace not producing it
Phaistos Disc
Round fired clay, 1500 BC
15 cm in diameter, both stamped with 241 hieroglyphic signs. Not yet deciphered
Maybe: star chart, gameboard, calendar
Linear A
- (c.1450 BC)
- Do not know how it began to be used
- Found at Malia and Khania, said to have been produced in LMIII, suggesting that Linear A and B were being used at the same time
- Written on damp clay with a stylus
- Has not been deciphered
Linear B
Most tablets found date to 1375 BC
Code broken by Michael Ventris 1952
Used during Mycenaean occupation
Was a double-headed axe, frequently used at Knossos
Most holy and important symbol in Minoan religion.