Polymyositis and dermatomyositis Flashcards
Polymyositis (PM)
A rare idiopathic disorder characterised by striated muscle inflammation causing proximal muscle weakness
If there is skin involvement in polymyositis it is ‘Dermatomyositis’
Causes of polymyositis
The incidence is 2-10/million and it occurs in all ages and races – aetiology is unknown but viruses (Coxsackie, rubella, influenza) have been implicated
HLA-B8/DR3 are genetically predisposed
Clinical features of adult polymyositis (PM)
M:F/1:3, insidious (months) or acute onset
proximal muscle weakness – shoulder and pelvic girdle muscles may become wasted (but not tender)
can progress to pharyngeal, laryngeal & respiratory muscle weakness
Also malaise, weight loss, fever
Clinical features of adult dermatopolymyositis
Heliotrope rash, Gottron’s papules, nailfold erythema.
25% have ulcerative vasculitis and subcut calcinosis
Also myalgia, polyarthritis and Raynaud’s
Long term –> muscle fibrosis and contractures can occur
Heliotrope Rash
Purple discolouration of the eyelids which may be accompanied by periorbital oedema
Also pathognomonic for Detmatomyositis
Gottron’s Papules
Raised purple-red vasculitic patches on the hands and knuckles which occur in 70% of patients with dermatomyositis – by very specific for the disease
Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis and other ARDs
There is an association with other ARDs and both co-mobidities can occur and overlap syndromes
Antisynthetase syndrome
20-30% of patients with DM or PM have autoantibodies to tRNA synthetase enzymes (anti-Jo) –> increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis, Raynaud’s, arthritis and ‘mechanic’s hands’’
50% will also have oesophageal involvement
This is a variant syndrome with a poor prognosis due to the combination of pulmonary fibrosis and weakened respiratory muscles
Cancer risk with PM/DM
2.4x relative risk for men and 3.4x for women if they have PM/DM –> wide variety of cancers reported
Ca may predate the onset or lag behind it by years but recurrent disease should be investigated for occult malignancy
Childhood Dermatomyositis
commonly affects 4-10yrs –> Typical DM rash with muscle weakness –> this can lead to widespread muscle atrophy, subcut calcification and contractions
Ulcerative vasculitis is common as is recurrent abdo pain from vasculitis
Blood tests in PM/DM
Muscle enzymes (ALT AST LDH CK aldolase) raised
ESR – not usually raised
Autoantibodies – ANA is often positive as is RF (50%)
Myositis specific antibodies have been recognised as well
EMG in myositis
Classic triad of changes: spontaneous fibrilation potentials at rest, polyphasic/short-duration potentials on voluntary contraction and salvoes of repetitive potentials on mechanical stimulation of the nerve
Other tests for myositis
MRI – abnormally inflamed muscle
Needle muscle biopsy –> fibre necrosis & regeneration with inflammatory cell infiltrate - can do open biopsy
PET and other imaging to screen for malignancies
Management of PM/DM
Immunosuppressives if resistant: azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, ciclosporin.
Hydroxychlorquine and tacrolimus for skin
Treatment of childhood PM/DM
Similar to adults but more aggressive with steroid-sparing immunosuppressants used earlier
Inclusion body myositis
Occurs in men over 50yrs – slowly progressive distal muscle weakness with dysphagia from pharyngeal muscle weakness in 50%
EMG shows myopathic and neuropathic changes
Biopsy shows inclusion bodies
Inclusion bodies
Under LM – inflammation and basophilic rimmed vacuoles
Under EM – filamentous inclusions and vacuoles
Corticosteroids can be trialed but response is generally poor