Polycythemia Flashcards
what lab test shows polycythemia?
> 55% Hct
physical exam findings?
facial plethora
conjunctival hyperemia
dilation of vessels in optic fundiq
what is spurious polycythemia?
when plasma volume dec. due to dehydration
EPO is normal
what is gaisbochs syndrome?
spurious polycythemia
obese, type a males, htn, middle aged, excess caffeine and tobacco
what causes polycythemia rubra vera?
JAK-2 receptor mutation
EPO bind here
can lead to acute leukemia
labs for rubra vera?
n/l EPO
inc. WBC and platelet counts
normal oxygenation status
what is the EPO status of secondary polycythemia?
inc. w/ normal bone marrow
no splenomegaly
when is an inc. in EPO considered appropriate?
when kidney has red. O2
genetics of PRV?
what happens to HIF1, VHL, and PHD in hypoxia?
VHL and PHD do not bind HIF1 to degrade it, so HIF1 binds HIF1beta inc. EPO production
which is O2 dependent out of HIF1, VHL, PHD?