Polllllllinationnnnn Flashcards
Pollination = , both gametes are
Autogamy /
Requirement ,,
Continued ____ pollination results in
Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma , non motile
Self pollination = pollen grains are transferred from anther to stigma of same floral
Synchrony in pollen grain & stigma , anther and stigma should lie close to each other
Self in inbreeding depression
Autonomy ways
Considered as self pollination, cross pollination
Xenogamy / /
Monocliny , cleistogamy , homogamy
When pollination takes place in b/w two flowers of same plant
Genetical point of view ( flowers are genetically identical ) , functionally or ecologically
Xenogamy , cross pollination, allogamy = transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of different plant
Xenogamy only type of pollination
Monoecious plant , flowers are , ☠️,
Dioecious plant , flowers , 💀,
In which genetically different types of pollen reaches to stigma
Both male and female +nt on same plant , Unisexual , prevents autogamy but not geitonogamy , castor , cucurbits ,coconut , maize p
Male and female are present on different plants , Unisexual, prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy
Adaptation of self pollination
Bisexuality / eg
Homogamy , increase ,eg
Monocliny / hermapheodite , pea
When both sex organ of flower mature at same time ,chances of self pollination , pea
Some plants bisexual flowers are formed which never open throughout life
Commelina , viola ( common pansy ) , oxalis , Fabaceae family
Cleistogamy flower 2 types
1 type of flower produce, even in
1 type of flower anther and stigma
Thus are
Cleistogamy is
Cleistogamous , chasmogamous flower = similar to flowers of other species with exposed anther & stigma
Assured seed set , absence of pollinators
Lie close to each other.
Invariably autogamous as there is no chance of cross pollination on stigma
Advantageous as well as disadvantage
Bud pollination eg
Adaptation of cross pollination /
Pollination occurs in bud stage before opening of flowers , wheat ,rice
Out breeding process
Self sterility / self incompatibility
Unisexuality eg
Dichogamy , common
eg (notes
Chasmogamy / , have
Date palm , papaya ( carica)
Pollen grain and stigma release are not synchronised , protandry ,
Protandry = pollens are released first ,
Protogyny = stigma becomes receptive
Anthesis = blooming of floral bud in flower , exposed anthers and stigma
Heterostyly =
Self incompatibility/ , is a
Anther and stigma are placed in different positions so that the pollen can not come in contact with stigma of same flower , Primula , primrose , oxalis
Self sterility , genetic mechanisms
Self pollens from fertilising the ovules by inhibiting pollen germination/ pollen tube growth in pistil
Eg tabacco, apple, wits , pentunia
Agents of pollination types subtype
Growth of pollen tube of self pollination is low
Abiotic = by wind ( anemophily ) , by water ( hydrophiliy )
Biotic by insects ( entomophily
By birds ( ornithophily
By bats ( chiropterophily
By ants and termites ( myrmecophily
By snail ( malacophily
By snake ( ophiophily
Abiotic plants () are not
Anemophily , produce
Pollen grains are. Stigma is
Stamens are how , sexuality , pollen grains loss, direction
Wind and water pollinated flowers are not very colourful, do not produce nectar
Pollination by wind , enormous amount of pollen grains
Very small , light weight, dry ( non sticky) , Large , hairy , feathery , mucilagenous (sticky
Possess well exposed stamen , Unisexual , maximum, non directional process
Wind pollinated flowers ovule , flowers eg
_______ in styles and stigma which
Common in , eg
Single in each ovary , numerous in inflorescence , corn cob.
Tassels , wave in wind to trap pollen grain
Grasses , maize,sugarcane,bamboo,coconut,cannabis,date palm, gymnosperm, water hyacinth/eichornia , water lily
Hydrophily , number
Epihydrophily eg
Eg plant sexuality , flowers are , pedicel (),
Pollination by water , 30 genera mostly monocots
Epihydrophily, hypohydrophily
Pollination takes place on surface of water vallisneria
Dioecious,Unisexual , stalk of female are long and coiled
Vallisneria pollen grains are released (activity ) , carried What activities doesn’t takes place in water
Hypohydrophily eg
Fresh water , marine water
In most water pollinated species, pollen grains are protected
Released on surface of water due to bursting of inflorescence of male plant , passively by water currents , pollination
Pollination takes place inside the water , zostera ( sea grasses), hydrilla
Vallisneria, hydrilla Zostera
From wetting by a mucilaginous covering
Seagrass (), female flowers , _____ pollen grain , carried
Zoophily , comman pollinating agents
Dominant biotic pollinating agent
Larger animals such as ,
Plants are ,,,, specifically adapted for
Zostera , remain submerged in water ,long ribbon are released in water , passively
Pollination by animals , bees , butterflies,bettles ,wasps , ants , moths , birds , bats
Insects particularly beeeeess
Primates ( lemurs ),arboreal ( tree - dwelling) rodents , reptiles ( gecko lizards and garden lizard )
Large , attractive, nectar , glands , particular species of animal
Entomophily , honey bees no
Insect pollinated flower , When flower are small then
Night flowering flower are pollinated by , are , flower colour
Flower pollinated by flies and beetles
Pollination by insects , 80% of insect pollination
Large, colourful , fragent , rich in nectar. A no of flower clusters in inflorescence to make them conspicuous
Moths , highly scented , white
Secrete foul odour to attract these animals
The pollen grains of insect pollinated are sticky due, Plants are
Yucca pollinated by
Due to pollen kit , ornamental plants
Lemon , coriander, onion , Lobia , apple , pear , compositeace family , salvia ( labia tea family ) , cucumber , cotton , tabacco , Brassica, eucalyptus
Pronuba yuccasela moth ( tegeticula moth )
Tallest flower ()pollinated by
Ornithophilly eg
Chiropterophilly eg
Amorphophallus ( 6 feet) , same as yucca also provided space (safe ) for laying eggs
Fig occurs by blastophaga wasp (insect)
Nymphaea ( water lily ) , water hyacinth , nelumbo or nelumbium ( lotus )
By birds , callistemon ( bottle brush ) , bombax
By bats , anthacephalus kadamba , adasonia