Politics Johnston Flashcards
“Political Animals”
Aristotle suggesting that being active in the politics of our community is an essential part of our nature.
Difference between community and society?
Society is impersonal, a group/groups of individuals that coordinate instead of cooperate and live by way of political agenda of personal.
a state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain and develop their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization
Political Anthropologists distinguish how humans have lived into 3 forms:
- Bands and Tribes(group of bands)
2. Chiefdoms and State
Why do we listen to our political leaders?
we obey willingly(consent), or we obey because we are forced(coerced).
another word for Totalitarianism(Government or leader with total power?
Charismatic Legitimacy?
the leader is believed to possess extraordinary personal qualities that justify his or her rule.(ex: Dalai Lama)
Traditional Legitimacy?
those type of authority derives its legitimacy from its long history of what Weber called a “Habitual orientation to conform”. (ex: Monarchy, Constitution, Flags,etc.)
Legal-Rational Legitimacy?
legitimacy derives from “belief in the validity of legal statute and functional competence based on rationally created rules”.(ex: Modern Prime minister or President)
Max Weber?
German Sociologist who came up with the 3 types of legitimacy which are the basis of authority.
Rule of the few or noble- Aristotle and Plato
Rule of Warriors-Plato
Rule of wealthy and rich- Plato and Aristotle
Rule of the poor-Plato and Aristotle
Rule of the tyrant or one for one- Plato and Aristotle
Limiting The State?6
Institutionally: The constitution identifies certain institutions within the state and defines there powers.
Federally: The constitution divides authority between national state and sub-national states(provinces) and it assigns and distributes power.
Judicially: protects the rights of citizens by defining protections or enshrining freedoms.
Legislatively: Most constitutions are special laws, unique because of their subject matter and rules about how they can be changed.
Democratically: Ensuring free, competitive, peacefully, and regular elections.
Culturally: Public norms act as brakes on the policy making of governments.
Popular Sovereignty?
the authority of the state flows from the people who are members of the regime.
“Those whose consent is necessary to confer legitimacy”- James Mill and John Stuart Mill
Democracy is a for of _____ _______
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
the authority of state derives from the people who are governed
direct democracy
where matters are decided by a popular vote
binding vote
non-binding vote
a portion of the public successfully petitions the state
Participatory democracy
citizens in the discussion and informed debate that precedes decision-making
first philosopher to advocate for democracy
Argument against democracy
can become tyranny of the majority against minorities
The Reform act of ____(year)
created fair elections(representation by population, a secret ballot, single-member districts.
- represented ‘full adult suffrage’
representative autonomy
the absence of accountability between elections
Legislators have free autonomy from their constituents but not their _____
_____ believed that the idea that each of us seeks to maximize our pleasure and minimize of pain
Utilitarians used Hobbes’ ideas of pleasure and pain to create the principle of the “_____ _____ __ __ ______ ______”
greatest good of the greatest number
_____ came up with “greatest good of the greatest number”
Jeremy Bentham
______ believed that everyone needed to share in the government for self interest purposes
advocated _____ ______ for the richest 1/3rd
James Mill
representative government
_______ believed that representative government would provide education to all people and educated people should get more votes. Government should be placed in the hands of the wisest
also believed in “_____ equality” which had a direct impact of female voting
John Stuart Mill
Impediments to political participation
No way to provide reasoning behind vote choice
The liberal democratic state is a system of _____ _____
elite dominance
-it concentrates authority and power into the hands of a few
3 Propositions of democracy
- the greater the degree of choice that citizens have in process
- more competitive the contest between parties
- the more exactly the outputs generated match what was wanted
Governments are kept honest through things such as(3) :
constitutionalism, rule of law, individual rights
Social justice
involves difficult decisions about the distribution of public goods, the criteria by which this distribution should take place, what kinds of inequalities should be tolerated, and so on.
a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist.
Pluralism causes problems for democracy(3):
- Possible tyranny of majority
- Not able to obtain consent of majority
- Democracy can become a battleground with no decisions ever being made
The legislature keeps the ______ accountable
definition of a true democracy
regime with regular, contested elections
authoritarian regimes are those that lack…
legal, independent, opposition parties
pseudo-democracies are those that lack
an arena of contestation[competition] sufficiently fair that the ruling party can be turned out of power
____ countries listed as democratic in 2010
the four ‘Great Questions of Political Philosophy’ are(4)
What is human nature? Are the interests of the individual or the community more important? How much should government interfere in the economy and the private lives of citizens? What is the best form of government?
Quebec’s traditional demands
- Recognition of Quebec as a “distinct society” with a right to promote and protect that characteristic
- a constitutional veto for Quebec
- greater provincial control over immigration
- the ability to opt out of federal programs in areas of exclusive provincial jurisdiction and receive financial compensation
- appointment of supreme court judges from a list provided by the province
Meech lake accord and Charlottetown Accord
1984 & 1992 accords to try and meet the ‘traditional demands’ of Quebec
Clarity Act
establishing how the government of Canada would evaluate the clarity of any future referendum questions, the type of majority required before Canada would agree to negotiate, and the matters that would be up for negotiation.
political cleavages
are national, ethnic, linguistic, and religious divisions that affect political allegiances and policies
a consistent set of beliefs about the nature of the society in which individuals live and about the proper role of the state in establishing or maintaining society.
Classic Liberalism
philosopher ex:
.originated in reaction to feudal structures of medieval society
.philosophy of individualism; political community is artificial, an arrangement established for the purpose of protecting and furthering person well-being
.ideology of freedom or liberty
. liberals believe that individuals sacrifice liberty for protection and security
. government limitations should be minimal
.individual liberty has come to be called individual rights
philosopher ex: John Locke
Liberal constitutionalism(limiting the scope of government authority and power)
. way of keeping rulers in check
.necessity of responsible government
Economic Liberty or ____ ______
philosopher ex:
market economy
.the state does not hinder the private economic transactions of individuals
.laissez-faire doctrine of minimal government activity in the marketplace
ex: James Mill
Rationalism or Rational Individualism
. The conviction that individuals can be protected from arbitrary authority by rational, predicable government
. The promotion of an economic system that is supposed to rest on the rational self-interest of buyers and sellers rather then medieval rules and regulations
.moral theory that looks for grounding in rational principles rather then tradition and/or received theological doctrines
.In all these 3 liberalism argues that government, politics, and social life generally can be ordered by human reason in ways that will make individuals better off
.disposition to preserve
.strive to preserve existing liberal institutions and policies from reform or radical change; in an authoritarian dictatorship, conservatism can support seriously illiberal ideas
.Organic Conservatives: conservatives who sought to preserve the traditional institutions and values of aristocratic society in the face of the liberal revolution, sometimes called tories
radical conservatives or reactionaries: trying to bring back what is already gone
radical conservatives or _________
Organic Conservatives
.ideology of the structured community
.believe society is naturally ordered in an organic, hierarchal fashion-an organized community is natural in the way that family is natural
.value anything that contributes to the cohesion, coherence, and continuance of this community: traditions, conventions, time-honoured institutions, structures, and practices
.primary task of the state is to preserve the integrity of the community by sustaining the institutions, practices, and values
.accepts individual inequality as inevitable and natural
.Social position is given naturally and become a responsability
The restrained state
.To much government interference can mess with natural system, but too little and human irrationality will also mess it up
.liberal conservatism: acceptance of the market economy as the new form of landlord aristocracy
.response to liberal capitalism
.came from societal affects of industrial revolution
.Early “utopian socialists”(Marx) believed that socialism would be a ‘moral’ evolution
Egalitarian Communalism
.believe humans are fundamentally equal
.see humans in communal, social nature
.against inegalitarian ideas of conservatives and individualism of the Liberals
.equality of opportunity important
Class relations
. concerned with how certain individuals are privileged or disabled by certain factors like education, information, or capital .market economy is between classes and primarily about the relationship between the class that owns the means of production(bourgeoisie) and the class that owns nothing but its labor(proletariat)
class that owns the means of production
class that owns nothing but its labor