Politics 1783-1812 Flashcards
How did Pitt reform finance ?
- Dealing with smuggling - taxes on goods was a key source of income for the government but smuggling was an issue (eg approx 3-4 mill tonnes of tea per year). To deal with this Pitt introduced the hovering act 1784 allowing Royal Navy to search any ships up to 12 miles out. Pitt also reduced import duties to discourage smuggling and make it less profitable
- Sinking fund - debt was at £242 million, Pitt appointed ministers to ensure that the sinking fund (1716) ; saving scheme to pay off debt. Successfully reduces gov debt by £10 million 1793
- Raising taxes - indirectly taxing the rich on things such as candles and playing cards provided an additional source of revenue
What were Pitts Administration reforms ?
- patronage was a flawed system and resulted in a lack of experience within the government - was also expensive
- Pitt himself did not take the lucrative clerk of the pells sinecure. He also reduced the number of sinecures by not replacing them after they had died.
- The salaries of mps was raised to discourage bribery
- established the audit office to oversee public expenditure and to curb corruption
When were Pitts first reforms ?
What were some of Pitt’s trade reforms?
- Pitt was a believer in free trade and took steps towards this eg the commutation act 1786 reduced duties on tea to 25%
- The Eden treaty was the only free trade treaty signed, with France. The treaty was very advantageous for Britain
- Navigation laws 1786 reduced trade between the USA and Britain
- India act 1783 established a board of trade to oversee the operations of the east India trading company
How successful was Pitts attempt at parliamentary reform ?
Pitt attempted to introduce a bill to remove rotten boroughs in 1785 but backs down because the king was hostile and he never attempts parliamnetry reform again
How did Pitt deal with the Regency Crisis 1798?
- Pitt successfully deals with the regency crisis by delaying the debate for the regency bill
- sending his own doctor to assess the condition of the king
Examples of Early radicalism
- corresponding societies eg LCS, inspired by French Revolution mainly filled with skilled artisans eg Thomas Hardy.
- 1795 BAD HARVEST saw a peak in radicalism and Monster meeting near Copenhagen house of 100,000
- formation of united societies eg Scotsmen, Englishmen
Examples of radicalism after 1795
Radicalism underground - after pitts reign of terror radicalism is forced underground.
• united Irishmen (1791) - were not above violence for their ideas eg 1798 rebellion where they attempted to have french troops land in Ireland
• 1797 Spithead and Nore mutinies - leader of nore was a member of LCS and had brought a copy of Paine’s ‘Rights of Man’, but were realistically more concerned with the conditions on Royal Navy vessels than with revolution
• Colonel Despard’s plot 1802 - plot to overthrow government but was infiltrated by spies and leaders hanged.
What was Pitt’s reign of terror?
• Royal proclamations - banned seditious writings to control the spread of material such as the rights of man
• Suspension of habeas corpus - allowed gov to detain any suspected radicals
• Two Acts - seditious meetings act and combination act, both to prevent mass meetings such as Copenhagen house
• Use of spies - effective in preventing insurrection
What was loyalism and give examples.
• had a symbiotic relationship with radicalism and patriotism was widespread as Pitt had portrayed radicals as jacobins aligned with the french
• Reeves associations - supported by the government, would disrupt radical meetings
• Volunteer movement - a voluntary militia of mainly farmers to fight against the french
• Church and king mobs
Developments in Ireland
1791 - United Irishmen
1798 - Irish rebellion
1800 - Act of union
Why did Pitt resign in 1801?
He failed to get through catholic emancipation in Ireland
Government from 1801-1804 and one detail
- levy en mass act
- income tax redesigned to use schedules
Government from 1804 - 1806 and one detail
Pitt’s 2nd term
- additional force act. (Only gets 13,000)
Government from 1806 - 1807 and one detail
MOAT - ministry of all the talents
- Abolition of the slave trade
Government from 1807 - 1809 and one detail
- Canning vs Castleragh duel
- Duke of York affair
Government from 1809 - 1812 and one detail
- assassinated