This focuses on the state and government, its organization, functions, and development.
Political Science
Field of Study of Political Science
- Political Theory
- Public Law
- Public Administrative
- It is about the study of political views and thoughts or doctrine relating to state. It includes the ethical and moral standard for government.
Political Theory
- It is the study of governments power, duties, its organization, and the limits of its authority in the relation to individual rights.
Public Law
The 3 Laws under Public Law
Constitution Law - postulates the supremacy of law in the functioning of the state – the rule of law.
Administrative Law - enforced by the executive branch of a government rather than the judicial or legislative branches.
International Law - set of rules, norms, and standards generally recognized as binding between states.
- It deals with study of the methods and techniques in the management of the state affairs by three branches of government.
Public Administrative
A community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite territory, under an organized government to which they render habitual obedience and enjoying freedom from foreign control.
The 4 Elements of the State
- People
- Territory
- Government
- Sovereignty
- This refers to the inhabitant or the population of the state that comprises its citizens. Citizens are the persons who enjoy protection of the state and have the right to participate in its political affairs.
- This is definite geographic area occupied by the people. The territory of a state must be definite so as to properly ascertained its jurisdiction.
4 Territories of the State
Terrestrial - the landmass
Maritime - the territorial waters composed of inland waters (rivers and lakes) and external waters (seas and ocean)
Fluvial - the land beneath the external territorial waters (sea floor, continental shelves, and other marine areas beneath the waters)
Aerial - the air space above the land and the maritime territory
- This refers to the body of people and different agencies that make and enforce the laws. It is the apparatus of the state that manages its affairs and carry out the will of the people.
The supreme power of the state to rule over its citizen within its territory and be free from control of foreign state.
Sovereignty came from the old French “soverain” which means?
to rule over
Two Concepts of Sovereignty
- Internal Sovereignty
- External Sovereignty
The power of the state which establishes its supremacy over all individuals and associations within the territory under its control.
Internal Sovereignty
Means that the state is independent from the control or interference of any other state. A state can establish relations with other states according to its own will. No other external authority or state can interfere in it.
External Sovereignty
Characteristics of Sovereignty
- It is permanent
- It is exclusive
- It comprehensive
State cannot exist without?
Government is only an element of what?
State is an abstraction while government has a _____ form.
This is the formal association of the people in a political community bound by common goals.
This is the body of people or agency that expresses and carries out the goals of the state.
This is the body of people or agency that expresses and carries out the goals of the state.
Being a member of a state is _____ while being a member of a government is _____.
state - automatic
government - optional
The 3 Classifications of Government according to Aristotle
How many person rules the monarchy?
How many person rules the aristocracy?
How many person rules the polity?
This is the opposite of monarchy, which is rules by an unjust and despotic leader,
This is the opposite of aristocracy, which is ruled by the few who are rich and privileged class who thinks only of their interest.
This is the opposite of polity, which is ruled of many that may be corrupted and disorganized, dividing intoobe different factors to the detriment of the others.
The Greek word “monos” means?