Political Parties - Established Labour Flashcards
What is the economic policy of ‘Old Labour’?
Clause IV, as drafted by Sidney Webb, was adopted into Labour’s constitution, committing the party to work towards “the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange”
What is the welfare policy of ‘Old Labour’?
Emphasis on workers’ rights and protections though unions
What is the economic policy of ‘New Labour’?
Creation of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) which paid for public needs (railways etc) by selling them to private companies
Why is 1997-2007 crucial to the New Labour success?
The longest period of sustained low inflation since the 60s
What was reduced through New Labour’s economic policy?
Reduced government ownership of public needs
Reduced corporate tax to encourage enterprise, innovation and investment
What was the welfare policy of ‘New Labour’?
A stress on education, including the expansion of higher education (50% going to university), introduction of Social Chapter to protect workers’ rights, minimum wage introduced.
What did New Labour increase within society for welfare?
85,000 more nurses
32,000 more doctors
Child benefit up 26 per cent since 1997
600,000 children lifted out of relative poverty
What is the economic policy of ‘Third Way’ Labour?
Introduction of 50% tax rate to tackle the depression, targeting the richest in the UK and maintain higher rates of public spending
What were Miliband’s promises for the ‘Third Way’ Labour?
Miliband’s aim for a reduced 10% tax bracket for the poorest (failed), tougher limits on tax avoidance, favoured ‘tax and spend’ policies, promised to ‘cut the deficit every year’ (Miliband)
What was the welfare policy of ‘Third Way’ Labour?
Maintained public spending in welfare, promised increases in public sector funding (failed), wanted to raise minimum wage to £8 per hour, increased worker protection
What was the welfare policy of ‘Corbyn’s Labour’
Opposed benefit cuts, wanted all welfare providers to be state run and not part of Private Companies, promoted national education service and opposed student fees, More than £30billion of extra funding for the NHS through increased income tax for top 5 per cent earners
What was the welfare policy of ‘Stamer’s Labour’?
Set a national goal for wellbeing to make health as important as GDP; Support the abolition of tuition fees and invest in lifelong learning. An immigration system based on compassion and dignity. End indefinite detention
What was the economic policy of ‘Corbyn’s Labour’?
Called for the creation of a National Investment Bank, renationalisation of railways and industry, wanted to implement the 50% tax bracket, mansion taxes, against austerity measure, raising corporation tax to 26%
What was the economic policy of ‘Starmer’s Labour’?
Increase income tax for the top 5% of earners, reverse the Tories’ cuts in corporation tax and clamp down on tax avoidance, particularly of large corporations. No stepping back from our core principles.
What was the foreign policy of ‘Old Labour’?
Few policies until WW2