Political Parties Flashcards
What is a political party?
A group of citizens united under a commitment to common ideas and policies who want to make those policies happen by controlling government.
What is political gridlock?
When a rival party refuses to budge on a topic so no compromise or progress is made.
Which federalist paper talked about political parties/factions? Who wrote it?
Federalist No. 10 by James Madison, discussed how factions/parties are a staple of American politics.
Nowadays, do historians believe parties are good or bad for democracy?
They believe parties are essential and have provided a framework of rules and institutions for the constitution
Are political parties mentioned in the Constitution?
What is political linkage in terms of political parties?
Parties provide a link between voters and elected officials.
What is unification of a fragmented government in terms of political parties?
Provides connection between different parts of government like the president and congress.
How are political parties a voice for the opposition?
They provide an articulate opposition to the ideas and policies of those elected to serve in government.
What are the three components of political parties?
Party Organization, Party-In-Government, and Party-in-the-Electorate
What is party organization?
The different national, state, and local communities that make up the party. Ex: DNC for democrats.
What is Party-In-Government?
All candidates for the party who have been elected.
Ordinary systems who associate with the party.
Have people become more or less attached to a party recently?
Less, voter attachment has declined
What does the responsible party propose?
that democracy is strengthened when voters are given clear alternatives and hold the parties responsible for keeping their promises.
Why fits the responsible party model better, the US or Great Britain and why?
GB because they have more focused and strong parties. US parties shift too much.
What is one reason the American system has fallen short of the idealized responsible party model?
American citizens have voted more on candidate experience and personally than party or issues.
What is negative partisanship?
When parties are held together by a dislike of the other party. (enemy of enemy )
What is hyperpartisanship? How has it recently effected congress?
Placing the party over other interests. Recently has brought congress to a standstill because less compromise can be made.