PoliSci Final Flashcards
How do Bobo’s and Hall’s theories of audience reception challenge or revise Marxist theories of media?
They challenge Marxist theories because that theory emphasizes power of the media but deemphasizes power of the audience. Bobo and Hall both suggest that it is up to the audience how they interpret the information being presented, and different audiences will perceive the message differently regardless of how the presenter was trying to make it come across.
• What are three central tenets of neoliberalism?
-Privatization, personal responsibility and consumerism
o What are three themes, keywords, or rhetorical strategies, of neoliberal discourse?
-Intrusive govt., freedom, free/liberated people, personal responsibility and consumer choice
• What are the economic, social, and political effects of neoliberalism? (Discuss 2 of
- Economic: elimination of jobs, weakening of workers union, lower wages, bigger gap between rich and poor.
- Social: Defunding & privatization of social and physical infrastructure- public services we used to count on (welfare)
- Political: Diminishes public sphere, diminishes public good/ community value, and diminishes conception and practices of democracy through market model of politics, restriction of voter’s real choices.
o Despite the fact that Klein rarely refers to ‘neoliberalism,’ what neoliberal principles and goals does the ‘shock doctrine’ articulate?
• Privatization, personal responsibility- don’t rely on government, take away sense of community, and personal wellbeing, corporatism
o How does the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans illustrate many of the central tenets of neoliberalism?
• -eliminates sense of community and public good, personal responsibility, privatization
What are the central tenets of the post-feminist rationality
- Feminist efforts have succeed in everyway (education, employement, reproductive rights)
- Feminsit values are now widely shared; achieved status of common sense, mainstream (Serena Williams)
- Thus feminist agendas, analyses, and polices are no longer needed.
What critiques of post-feminism do McRobbie, Tasker and Negra advance
- Inaccurately frames feminism as fully successful
- Celebrates women empowerment and earners and consumers, but ignores their economic reality.
- Person freedom, personal choice and thus personal responsibility.
What are some of the discursive themes (key messages and buzzwords) of post-
feminist rationality that the authors identify?
• Choice, freedom to choose, personal responsibility, sexual liberation, hetronormative
What are the broad economic changes leading to these social changes?
- post-industrial ecomony
- women are better equipped for high pay jobs in todays economy
- opportunities for women are changing in how we date, and marital roles
Structural racial inequality
This is the cumulative effect of institutional polices that co-operate to constrain minorities opportunities. The result of structural racism is racial disparities in “life chances”. Structural racism is the result of institutional racism that persist in many domains, including education, employment, and wealth.
What is the difference between racial prejudice and structural racism
Racial prejudice is explicit and intentional racism, whereas structural racism is where institutions race-neutral policies and practices can have unintentional effect of disadvantaging certain racial and ethical groups
o How does residential segregation lead to racial disadvantage in the areas of education, employment, wealth, health, and law enforcement?
-Education: Children attend local public school, so kids in segregated neighborhoods attend segregated schools. Public schools are funded by city revenue from property taxes, so if local taxes are low, the schools will be underfunded and won’t have proper recourses to recruit top teachers or have enrichment programs. Graduates of underfunded schools are not equipped to excel in college.
-Employment: Blacks urban isolation limits access to quality education and social networking that leads to job opportunities. There are very few living wage jobs in postindustrial economy that don’t require higher education. Unemployment rates among black Americans is consistently 2X the rate among white Americans.
Wealth: White people have money from generations whereas black don’t.
Health: Most minority neighborhoods are more likely to have lower quality housing, with more healthy hazards, few recreation centers, infant mortality for black is 2X white, Breast cancer, heart disease, obesity
Law enforcement: Blacks are 10x more likely to be incarcerated for drugs, b/c of neighborhoods,
What are some indicators of current racial disparity in each institutional realm (employment, wealth, law enforcement, etc)? What are some indicators of the racial leadership gap?
Corporate leadership: 6 out the 500 fortune ceo’s are black
2 black senators, 44 black members of congress, 1 black president.
Post-racism as a dominant political rationality
- Frames civil rights reforms as having fully succeeded in outlawing race-based discrimination and in establishing racial equality of opportunity.
- Celebrates success of civil rights reforms in order to argue that further legal and conversational references to racial difference and racial inequality are both unnecessary and counter productive. These thereby maintain racism in the system.