This abstraction offers uncanny representations of real-world
aspects, and can also be used for instruction
This is real life reality spliced with the unreal.
Augmented Reality
is the type of abstraction completely detached from real-life reality.
Virtual Reality
permits you to simultaneously interact with both the tangible world and various digital add-ons for more enhanced experience.
Augmented Reality
Basic purpose is to copy reality as closely as it can.
Inability to distinguish the real from the otherwise.
Hyper Reality
Removal of social inhibition and/or imposed restrictions upon people’s behavior when engaging in the web.
Online dishibition
Time is very important element in face to face communication. This is why meetings at work are scheduled based on the attendees’ availability. Conversely, you have the luxury of time delay in the
virtual world. Every time you can send an email or even message in any social platforms, time is on your side.
Faulty belief that online interaction is a game, and whose rules
you can easily break with no perceived implications. Bouyed by
the assumption that your real life indentity and digital avatar’s are
separate entities and that the cyberspace is but an outlet for
escape (like movies), you sometimes resort to doing unspeakable
things you normally wouldn’t in real life.
Dissociative Imagination
“It’s All in The Mind”
Solipsistic Introjection
“People Don’t Know Me”
Dissociative Anonymity
“See You When I See You”)
“It’s All a Play”
Dissociative Imagination
We essentially communicate online through typewritten words. Verbal cues, though ever-present, are not the accepted norm in interacting virtually. In this regard, you unconsciously recite in your head both the messages you send and those deployed your way. Ultimately, you think of your voice when you read the messages. You play casting director for thses voices, imagining how the pitch or intonation your way . And because the words are filtered through you, you feel intimidated in communicating, thinking it is all happening in your own personal pyschic domain.
Solipsistic Introjection
lies in the middle of the identity continuum, especially as it combines the benefits of anonymity and the joys of assuming some semblace of identity.
is the most complex organ in our body and it contains 100 billion nerve cells or neurons which are almost as many as the stars in the galaxy
Process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals
How many neurons in the human brain?
Around 86 billion neurons
Awareness of factors that influence our own learning
Knowledge of cognition
Monitoring and controlling learning
Regulation of cognition
is one way for us to help ourselves learn better.
Self-regulated learning
are the small gaps between neurons. They allow information to pass from one neuron to the next.
simply defined is thinking about your thinking or the “process of considering and regulating one’s own learning”.
Setting goals and planning
Regulation of cognition
Choosing the appropriate strategy for the specific learning situation
Knowledge of cognition
Evaluating our own regulation (assessing if the strategy we are using is working or not, making adjustments and trying something new)
Regulation of cognition
is knowledge and understanding of our own cognitive processes