Poetry Theory Flashcards
What is Poetry?
Words that express a feeling and have rhythm
What is prose?
All writing that isn’t poetry
What is the essay analysis acronym?
Every Cat Finds String Playful
What does ECFSP stand for?
Engagement Content Form Style ....
What happens in Engagement?
Read the poem
See if it is positive or negative
Find the subject
What happens in Content?
Read the title x2
Find Allusions
What are the 3 parts in Form?
What happens under rhyme?
Finding what type of rhyme used
What are the 8 types of rhyme?
End Internal Assonance Consonance Imperfect Masculine Feminine
What is an end rhyme?
A rhyme at the end of a line
What is an internal rhyme?
A rhyme within a line
What is assonance?
Similar vowel sounds
What is consonance?
Words that don’t rhyme but, consonants make it sound like it should rhyme ex. little kettle
Repetition of consonant sounds
What is an imperfect rhyme?
Words that look like they should rhyme but they don’t
ex. Have Save
What is a masculine rhyme?
Ending in a stressed syllable /
What is a feminine rhyme?
Ends in an unstressed syllable u
What is the symbol for stressed?
What is the syllable for unstressed?
What is a free verse?
A poem that does not have a rhythmic pattern
What are the metric patterns or scansion?
Iambic Trochaic Anapestic Dactylic Amphibrachic Spondaic
What is Iambic?
u / ex. Away
What is Trochaic?
/ u ex. Travel
What is Anapestic?
u u / ex. Interfere
What Dactylic?
/ u u ex. tenderly
What is Amphibrachic?
u / u ex. assuming
What is Spondaic?
/ / ex. Amen
What are the types of feet per a line?
- Monomer
- Diameter
- Trimeter
- Tetrameter
- Pentameter
- Hexameter
- Heptameter
- Octameter
How do you write down a metric pattern?
The scansion then # of feet per line
What are the types of stanzas?
Weird Spacing
What is a couplet?
2 lines per a stanza
What is a quatrain?
4 lines per a stanza
What are the types of literature?
Narrative Social Lyric Light Dramatic
What is the purpose of a narrative?
To tell a story
What is an example of a narrative?
A Ballad
What is the purpose of a social commentary?
Dealing w/ social issues
What is the purpose of a lyric?
Express a light feeling
What is an example of a Lyric?
An ode
What is the purpose of a light verse?
Silly, meant to entertain
What is the purpose of a dramatic?
Meant to be said out loud
What is under Style?
Figures of Speech
What are the types of Diction?
Archaic Slang Jargon Colloquial Formal/Informal Connotative Denotative Mono/polysyllabic
What does Archaic mean?
Old words
What does Slang mean?
A group of words created by a group of people
What does Jargon mean?
Subject specific words
What is does Colloquial mean?
Informal conversational
What does Connotative mean?
Has added meaning
What does Denotative mean?
Basic, face value words