Poetry Test Flashcards
Define metaphor
a direct comparison of unlike things
Define simile
a comparison of unlike things using like or as
Define symbol
a concrete object with two meanings, a literal meaning and a secondary meaning
Define personification
the giving of human qualities to something that is not human (actions, physical traits, or emotions)
Define allegory
the use of characters, objects, or events to represent other ideas
Define image
a description of something that can be perceived by the senses
Define alliteration
the repetition of a consonant sound in a line of poetry
Define assonance
the repetition of a vowel sound in a line of poetry
Define tone
the way the writer feels about the subject or the reader
Define persona
the speaker of the poem
Define rhyme scheme
the pattern in which the rhymes occur
Define setting
the physical and emotional background of the story
Define irony
something that seems one way but in reality is different
Define situational irony
a situation occurs that neither the reader nor the character expects
Define dramatic irony
a truth that the reader knows but the character does not know
Define allusion
a reference to something well known from the past
Define verbal irony
a statement that says the opposite of what is meant
Define theme
the point that the writer makes about life or people
Define conflict
the struggle between opposing forces
Define plot
the pattern of events
Define foreshadowing
hinting at something that will happen later in the story
5 points of view
- First person narrator
- Second person narrator
- Third person omniscient narrator
- Third person limited omniscient narrator
- Third person objective narrator
6 ways to reveal character
- Describe their actions
- Describe their physical features
- Describe the setting in which they live
- Describe their past
- Have other characters describe them
- Describe their thoughts
3 stages of an initiation story
- A young person starts out innocent
- A young person encounters something harsh
- A young person has an epiphany (a realization about the harshness of life)
3 differences between poetry and prose
- Line length
- Use of sound devices
- Compression of statements (suggesting much in as few words as possible)
3 types of sonnets
- Shakespearean
- Petrarchan
- Spenserian
5 types of essay organization
- general, real life example
- personal experience example
- historical example
- hypothetical example
- analogy