Poetic Devices ~ Definitions Flashcards
What is Alliteration?
Repetition of initial consonant sounds in a group or words close together
What is Assonance?
Repetition of a vowel sound
What is Consonance?
Repetition of a consonant sound
What is Onomatopoeia?
The use of words which imitate sound
What is Repetition?
The purposeful re - use of words and phrases
What is Rhyme?
The use of words with matching sounds. Can be internal or at the ends of lines
What is Rhythm?
The pace or beat of the poem - can vary from line to line
What is Imagery?
Words that appeal to the senses
What is a Simile?
A comparison between two unlike things using like or as
What is a Metaphor?
A comparison saying something is something else
What is Personification?
Giving human qualities or characteristics to animals or inanimate objects
What is Symbolism?
A word, phrase or image which stands for something
What is a Rhetorical Question?
A question which does not expect an answer
What is Colloquial Language?
Non - standard English, slang
What is Emotive Language?
Words and phrases that cause an emotional response in the reader
What is Free Verse?
Lines with no regular structure, rhyme or rhythm
What is a Couplet?
A pair of lines, usually rhymed
What is Enjambment?
A line ending, in which the syntax, rhythm and thought are continued into the next line
What is Caesura?
A natural pause or break in a line of poetry, indicated by punctuation