Poem & Poet Name Flashcards
Henry Van Dyke
I am Every Women
Rakhi Nariani Shirke
The Secret of the Machines
Rudyard Kipling
The Ant and the Cricket
Adapted from Aesop’s fables
No Men are Foreign
James Falconer Kirkup
The House on Elm Street
Nadia Bush
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Robert Frost
The Poison Tree
William Blake
On Killing a Tree
Gieve Patel
The Spider and the Fly
Mary Botham Howitt
The River
Caroline Ann Bowles
The Comet
Norman Littleford
The Stick Together Familes
Edgar Albert Guest
Special Hero
Christina M Kerschen
Making Life Worth While
George Eliot
A Thing of Beauty
John Keats
Lesson in Life
Brigette Bryant and Daniel Ho
My Computer Needs A Break
Shanthini Govindan
Your Space
David Bates
Sea Feaver
John Masefield
Edgar Albert Guest
Team Work
Edgar Albert Guest
From a Railway Carriage
Robert Louis Stevenson
Indian Season
Nisha Dyrene
A Tragic Story
William Makepeace Thackeray