Poem & Poet Details Flashcards
Henry Van Dyke was the professor of ___ at which university
Who was the professor of English literature at Princeton university
Who elected to American academy of arts and letters
Hendry Van Dyke was elected to (country) academy of ___
Nationality of Hendry Van Dyke
Persons with American nationality
Person who has done PG with batchelor’s degree in English
Education qualification of Rakhi Nariani Shirke
Rudyard Kipling, born in (DMY)
Who born on Dec 30 1865
Rudyard Kipling get his NP in
Who get his NP in 1907
Rudyard Kipling born in (place)
Person who is born in Bombay
The Jungle Book was written by, in (year)
Rudyard Kipling write which book in 1894
Jungle book was written by which poem author from (place)
The secret of the machines author written which book from vermount
Rudyard Kipling educated in (Place) return to India in (year)
Who was the one educated in England return to India in 1882
Whom did Rudyard Kipling married and settled in (place)
Caroline Balestier married whom and settled in Brattleboro, Vermount
Caroline Balestier married Rudyard Kipling and settled in (place)
Who married whom and settled down in Brattleboro, Vermount
Usually the characters in the fables are ___
Usually the characters in the ___ are animals.
What is fables stories
Fables are traditional story teachers us moral lessons.
What does fables term means
___ word means salve
Aesop’s fables is the story telling in (place), (period)
In Ancient Greece btw 620 to 564 BCE the story telling was called as ___ and stories was added today also
Aesop fables is the story telling between ___ periods in Greece
___ was the story telling btw 620 to 564 BCE in (place) and stories was added today also
The drowned sailor at the downs was the 1st book to ___, in (year)
___ was the 1st book to James Falcom Kirkup and it was came out in 1947
James Falconer Kirkup nationality is ___
Person who was a English poet
Whose home town was S.Shields
James Falconer Kirkup home town was ___
James Falconer Kirkup collection of his work was kept in (place)
In C.Library, S.Shields has the collection of who’s work
Robert Frost’s nationality was ___, and he born in (DMY)
Poet with American nationality and born in 26 March 1874
Author who was special guest at President John F Kennedy’s inauguration
Robert Frost was special guest at ___
Author who do realistic description of rural life
Significance or Specific point about Robert Frost
Author who is unofficial Laureate of US country
Robert Frost was unofficial Laureate of ___ Country
J.Nehru written last two lines of a poem is ___ and this poem lines belongs to ___
Significance of the following lines:
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep
From Stopping by the woods on the snow evening
J.Nehru written last two lines of a poem is ___ and this poem lines belongs to ___
Significance of last two lines of the poem Stopping by woods on a snowy evening
“And miles to go before I sleep
Who had the 4 Pulitzer prices
Awards of Robert Frost
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening author’s other works
The road not taken, west running brook, mending wall, after apple picking etc are the other works of ___ poem’s author.
Nationality of William Blake
Name the poet who as the nationality as UK
Who was boldly imaginative rebel in both his thought and his art
Significance or Specific point of William Black
The Tyger and The Lamp was the other work of ___ poems author
The poison tree’s authors other works
Gieve Patel nationality is ___
Poet with Indian nationality
“Poems” was the collection of work of whom which was came out in (year)
Gieve Patel collection of work was called as ___ which was came out in 1966
On killing a tree poem’s author other works
Evening, Forensic medicine, from Bombay central was the other work of ___ poem’s author
Gieve Patel conducting poetry workshop in (place)
In Rishi valley school who conducted poetry workshop
What does Gieve Patel do in Rishi Valley School
Who conducted poetry workshop at ___ place
Who born in Coleford in Gloucestershire
Mary Botham Howitt was born in ___
Husband of Mary Botham Howitt
Who was William Howitt
William Howitt and his wife ___ writes ___ no. of books
Mary Botham Howitt and her husband ___ writes ___ no. of books
Nationality of Mary Botham Howitt and she writes ___ no. of books with whom
A English poet who writes 180 books with William Howitt
Period of Caroline Ann Bowles and her poem was ___
Poets who belongs to Victorian era and she wrote the poem river
Who’s husband was Poet laureate of Britain
Explain about Robert Southey
Other works of the author of ‘The River’ and what was the name of the author
The Little Lady Bird, Chapter on Churchyard, Tales of the Factories are the work of whom, and the poet’s poem in the syllabus was ___
___ poet belongs to Maryland, USA and the poet work was ___
Norman Littleford was from (place) and the poet work was ___
What was the nationality for the poet who’s work was ‘The Comet’
Norman Littlefort was American from ___ and his work was ___
Describe the work of Norman Littleford
Whose poem work was on life and nature which was simple but deep, provoke readers to absorb idea beyond the usual.
Who was the poet born in Britain and grew up in USA
Edgar Albert Guest was from (place)
Edgar Albert Guest works was ___
Who’s work was ‘The stick together family, Courage, Team Work’
The poet of ‘The Stick together family’ also written ___
The poet of ‘Courage, Team work’ also written ____
Poetic talents of Edgar Albert Guest was linked to (place)
Who was the product of ‘Small Town’ located in America
Who was know as ‘People’s Poet’
Significance / Specific points about Edger Albert Guest
Describe the nature of the poem of Edger Albert Guest
Who’s poem often had an inspiration and optimistic view of everyday life
New poem of whom as been published daily in (Detroit Press) newspaper for ___ years between ___ periods
New poem of Edger Albert Guest as been published in ___ newspaper for 30 years between (1920-1950) periods
Mary Ann Evan’s was know through ___ name
___ poet was knows by poet’s pen name George Eliot
Making Life Worth While poet was belongs to ___ period
Poets who belong to Victorian era
Poet who writes 7 novels
Works of George Eliot
Significance for the poet name George Eliot
Marry Ann Evans was called as ___ and why
The author who as been called with author’s pen name was ___
George Eliot - Marry Ann Evans - Making the life worthwhile - Poem
Mark Twain - Samual Langhorne Chelms - Cat and the pain killer - Prose
Name of the British romantic poet
Nationality of John Keats and he was know as ___ poet
Name of the poet who was surgeon but devoted his life to poetry
John Keats was a ___ but he devoted his life to ___
A think of beauty is an excerpt from John Keats poem of ___
___ was the poem excerpt from ‘Endymion: A Poetic Romance’ which was written by ___
Cynthia was goddess of ___, which she was related to ___ poet
Who was the goddess of moon in a poem written by John Keats
Who was the Greek legend in John Keats poem lives in (place) who was a beautiful young shepherd and poet
Endymion was the Greek legend who was ___ other than that, lives in Latmos mount, which was written by ___
Who was the beautify young shepherd in John Keats poem
Endymion described as ___, and this was related to ___ poem
Who was the award winning author for child literature in India
Shanthaini Govindan received award for ___
Who was the poet laureate of Britain in Victorian era
Who was Robert Southey
Who was the poet laureate of UK in 1930
Significance of John Masefield
Poet who was part of Icthyosis society. It is a disease about ___
Name of the disease which is a rare genetic skin condition and how Brigette Brant is relevant to it
Who was the Scottish novelist
Nationality of Robert Louis Stevenson
Other poems written by the author of railway carriage
Author of ___ also written the following, such as,
- Treasure Island
- Kidnapped
- Strange case of Dr. Jeky II and Mr. Hyde
- A Child’s garden of verses
The author of Tragic story also written ___
The author who written ___ as written the Novel vanity fair
The period refers to the period of Victoria reign is ___, and the poem and poets of this reign are ___
Btw 1837 - 1901,
This period poem and poets where,
- The River - Caroline Ann Bowles
- Making Life Worth While - George Eliot / Marry Ann Evans
- A Tragic Story - William Makepeace Thackeray
The period refers to the period of Victoria reign is ___, and the poem and poets of this reign are ___
Btw 1837 - 1901,
This period poem and poets where,
- The River - Caroline Ann Bowles
- Making Life Worth While - George Eliot
- A Tragic Story - William Makepeace Thackeray
List the English nationality poets and their poems (8)
No men are Foreign - James Falconer Kirkup
The Poison Tree - William Black
The spider and the fly - Mary Botham Howit
The river - Caroline Ann Bowles
Making life worth while - George Eliot / Marry Ann Evans
A Think of Beauty - John Keats
Sea Fever - John Masefield
A Tragic Story - William Makepeace Thackeray
Kirkup - William - Mary - Ann - John
List the American nationality poet
Life - Henry Van Dyke
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert frost
The comet - Norman Littleford
Explain the poetic way of William Makepeace Thackeray
- A colourful, lively style, with a simple vocabulary and clearly structure sentences.
- These qualities combined with his honest view of life give him an important place in the history of realistic literature.
Key words: Colourful, lively style, simple vocabulary, clear structure sentence, honest view of life, realistic literature.
Edger Albert Guest period
1881 - 1959 who’s period is this
The title that was only given to Edger Albert Guest was ___
Who was the only poet laureate of Michigan
Edger Albert Guest was poet laureate of ___
Who was the poetic laureate of Michigan
Who was know as The poet of the people
Edger Albert Guest was know as ___
Who was column was syndicated in over 300 newspapers
Edger Albert Guest column was syndicated in over ___ newspapers
Edger Albert Guest work was 1st appeared in ___ at the age of ___ in the year ___
Who’s work was appeared in Detroit Free Press in 1895 which leads to start his career as poet at the age of 14
Significance age and year in Rudyard Kipling life time
1865 born
17 years old in 1882 after studies written from England
27 years old in 1992 Married Caroline Balestier and settle down in Brattleboro,Vermount
29 years old in 1894 written jungle book
42 years old in 1907 NP
Endymion a beautiful young shepherded and Cynthia Moon Goddess
What was the final line of description about both by John Keats
The enchanted youth resolved to seek her out and so wandered away through the forest and down under the sea, Describe about the line
Shanthani Govindan writes ___ books for children
Who write 50 books for children
Poet and authors who are doctors
John Keats - Surgeon
Dr. Gieve Patel
Arthur Conan Doyle - Bachelor of Medicine and Master of Surgery
Poetic Laureates
John Masefield 1930 UK
John Keats - Romantic Poet of Britain
Edger Albert Guest - Poetic Laureate of Michigan
Robert Frost - Unofficial poetic laureates of US
Robert Southey - Poetic Laureate of Britain = Carolin Ann Bowles(One of the poet of Victorian era)
Poets Husband and Wife pairs
William Howitt - Marry Botham Howitt
Robert Southey - Carolin Ann Bowles
Rudyard Kipling - Caroline Balister
Sonnet is derived from (language) word “___” which means ____
___ is derived from Italian word Sonetto which means little song or small lyrics
What is mean by ‘iambic pentameter’
A line with ten syllables, accented on every second beat is know as ___
In poetry, sonnet has ___ line, and is written in ___
In poetry ___ will have 14 line and is written in iambic pentameter
The 1st 8 line of a sonnet is called as ___ and the last 6 lines is known as ___
Explain the term Octave and Sestet
Sonnets can be categorised on the basis of their ___
___ can be categorised on the basis of rhyme scheme
Which poet famous work was “Eolian”
David bates famous work was ___
The Volume of poetry Eolian was published in the year
James Kirkup last volume of poetry was published in the year
Who’s novel is Hans Brinker
Marry maples Dodge
Whose poem was written under the heading “ Dark poem”
Nadia Bush