PNS Stimulator Flashcards
The Nerve stimulator is a comprehensive, all-encompassing assessment of muscle relaxation.
Highly subjective
prone to errors/misreading
its a tool, not the end all be all
Feeling for twitches vs. watching
feeling for the twitch is a more accurate assessment
What affects lead contact?
edema/gross anasarca
anything that interferes with conduction of stimulating current
Adductor Pollicis Muscle
innervated by ulnar nerve
When stimulating the adductor pollicis muscle, we see…
thumb adduction/twitching
Which muscle group is a good indicator that upper airway muscle fxn has recovered?
Adductor pollicis muscle
thumbs UP for UPPER airway
Adductor pollicis muscles are sensitive to ___ and recovers (before/after) the diaphragm, laryngeal adductors and abd muscles.
If our adductor pollicis muscle TOF is 0/4, this is a good indicator the pt is no longer breathing on their own.
Addctr pollcs could be zero, but patient could be breathing
the addctr pollcs recovers AFTER the diaphragm, laryngeal adductors and abd muscles.
Adductor Pollicis muscle residual could indicate….
upper airway obstruction!
Do we see twitches return faster in the face or in the ulnar region?
Face twitches disappear faster, but they return quicker (than ulnar region)
Adductor pollicis lead placement
- palm up, relaxed
- leads are above ulnar nerve’s path
- black/distal lead @ level of wrist on ulnar surface of flexor crease
- second/proximal/red lead 1-2 cm more proximal; parallel to flexor carpi ulnaris tendon
Which color is the distal lead?
what color is the proximal lead?
what locations are part of facial nerve stimulation?
orbicularis oculi
corrugator supercilli
Orbicularis oculi
covers eyelid
NMB reponse similar to adductor pollicis (thumb)
eyelid squint
corrugator supercilli
covers eyebrow
similar to laryngeal adductors, but faster onset and recovery
What should we stimulate to assess good intubating conditions and profound blocks?
Eyebrows (corrugator supercilli)
(note: orbicularis oculi is better for intubation d/t its onset & recovery being more similar to the laryngeal muscles)
Cautions when using corrugator supercilli/eyebrow for TOF
it recovers FASTER than the upper airway & addctr pollicis (airway may still be paralyzed!!!)
Full twitches here do NOT indicate full strength has returned
4/4 twitches in the corrugator supercilli indicate full muscle strength has returned.
cor.supercil recovers faster than the airway
TOF assessment is imprecise and subjective.
Facial Nerve lead placement
The diaphragm is (more/less) resistant to blockade. It requires ___ the dose to paralyze than the ____.
more resistant
needs 2x dose of addctr pollcs
a pt may have no twitches in thumb, but be breathing, coughing or moving their vocal cords.
diaphragm requires 2x the dose of paralytic to paralyze than the addctr polcs
___ and ___ are less sensitive to blocks than the adductor pollicis.
Laryngeal muscles
Which medication may alter the expected pattern of muscle recovery?
The face indicates when we can ___, but not when we can ___.
can indicate when to ETT
doesn’t indicate if we can ExTT
face twitches return faster than spont. breathing (laryngeal/diaphragm); pt may be apneic even if TOF 4/4 on face
Facial nerves paralyze faster but recover slower than peripheral nerves.
central paralyzes and recovers faster
(facial vs ulnar)
Complete recovery at the corrugator supercilli indicates full recovery at the adductor pollicis.
Can have full recovery of C.S. but incomplete recovery of A.P.
Posterior Tibial Nerve is good for which cases?
No access to face/arms
Posterior Tibial nerve
Posterior Tibial Nerve is comparable to….
adductor pollicis (ulnar nerve/thumb)
Posterior tibial nerve lead placement
Peripheral nerve stimulator
stimulation of periph nerve and its response
Peripheral nerve stimulator delivers currents at…
0-70 miliamp (mA)
Peripheral nerve stimulator contains _________ to decrease resistance.
stimulating electrodes w/ silver-silver-chloride interface
P. Nerve stimulators use ____ current.
direct curent (DC)
current goes to and from
(instead of going in one direction)
What battery can we put in the PN stimulator?
9 volt
The PNS is a quantitative measuring tool.
Why is the PNS assessment considered subjective and variable?
interpretation amongst providers
TOF assessment when giving succinylcholine
assess TOF after giving and before providing additional doses
Pt may have unknown pseudocholinesterase deficiency & if twitches don’t return, we won’t know what caused it
Limitation of surface electrodes
don’t always stimulate all nerve fibers
may take several mins until optimal effect
subject to resistance
-aren’t close to nerve
-improper placement
Which has greater ability to stimulate all nerves?
surface electrodes
needle electrodes
How much current and frequency can we use to asses TOF without inducing muscle fatigue?
0.1 Hz once Q10 secs
increase to brief tetanic stimulation, 50 Hz
___ Hz will cause sustained muscle contraction, known as ___. Fade will be (present/absent)
50 Hz
no fade
Supramaximal PNS stimulation occurs at ___ Hz and causes…
> 70 - 200
muscle fatigue/fade