PNS Clinical Considerations Flashcards
Class 1 Neurapraxia
- compression
- affected axons are demyelinated
- remyelination and conduction eventually resumes following removal of compression
- conduction is usually normal because the axon has not been disrupted
- usually temporary
Class 2 Axonotmesis
- crush injury
- axonal disruption at the site of injury
- wallerian degeneration: lose part of axon and myelin distal to injury
- preservation of endoneurial tubes so this may mean nerves are able to be regenerated: helps growing nerve sprout to reach their previous terminals and hopefully a functional connection
- regenerate 1 mm/day and 1 in in a month so less distance to travel means faster healing
Class 3 Neurotmesis
- severance of all neural and connective tissue components
- little hope of functional recovery without skilled surgery
- regenerating axons may enter inappropriate endoneurial tubes
- complex regional pain syndromes, severe pain, changes in sensation and skin
- look up to clarifyl
Nerve Regeneration in PNS
- clean cut: nerve sprouting occurs within a few hours
- crush or tear: sprouting may delay for a week due to retrograde degeneration
- successful regeneration requires that the fibers make contact
- failure to re-approximate these fibers may lead to formation of a neuroma
- no clear path means aberrant, abnormal growth
- step 1: proximal stump-multiple growth cones branch out
- step 2: simultaneously distal Schwann cells send out processes (filopodia) toward proximal stump and exert traction pull on the growth cones
- step 3: growth cones are mitogenic to Schwann cells
- filopodia recognize Schwann cells previously occupied by axons of a similar kind
- muscle atrophies and remains viable for 2 years
- during this time it is undergoing fibrosis: 30% atrophy in first month; 50-60% by 2 months; 60-80% by 4 months (stabilizes)
- functional re-innervation diminishes if the axon does not reach endplate within 12 mo of denervation
Nerve Regeneration in CNS
- distal degeneration occurs in a similar manner to the PNS
- slower clearance of debris by microglial cells and monocytes
- debris can be identified up to 6 months after an injury, whereas it is gone in 6 days in the PNS
- chromatolysis (change in cell body) is rare
- general rule = large scale neuron death, survivors are atrophied with permanent isolation from synaptic contacts
- transneuronal atrophy: CNS neurons have trophic affect upon each other, helper molecules help nerve make connections with neighbors
- small CNS lesion: neuronal debris replaced by glial scar tissue-primarily astrocytes
- large CNS lesion: scar tissue causes region to wall off and form cystic cavity containing CSF and blood
- neurons in CNS of humans do not regenerate axons, or at least do not do so effectively
- injured motor and sensory pathways do not re-establish their original connections
- regenerate only a few mm at most
- deterrents to spontaneous regeneration: obstruction by glial scar tissue, growth inhibition byproducts of the broken down oligodendorcytes
Ulnar Nerve Palsy
- elbow, wrist, brachial plexus, hand atrophy
- stimulate nerve and try to get them to move hand
Erb’s Palsy
- pulling on baby to get out of birth canal may lead to shoulder dystocia
- stretching of brachial plexus-difficult time delivering shoulder during birth –> traction to get out –> stretched plexus –> paralysis of 1 arm usually affects C5, loos of fx of biceps, deltoid, brachialis –> IR –> inhibits flexion and supination
Hand Palsy
- wrist drop (radial palsy)
- preachers hand (median palsy)
- ulnar claw (ulnar palsy)
- simian hand (median and ulnar palsy)
Myasthenia Gravis
- severe muscle weakness
- immune system produces antibodies which bind to ACH receptors interfering with the normal action of ACH: autoimmune disease
- muscles most affected are those supplied by cranial nerves: face, mouth, eyes and limbs, especially proximal
- often see optic deficits
- swallowing and respiratory weakness may be life threatening
- anti ACHesterase drugs
- thymectomy
Nerve Root Compression
- most frequently occurs where spine is most mobile (cervical and lumbar) either by spondylosis or HNP
- pain perceived/produced in myotome, sclerotome, and/or dermatome distributions
- dermatome: paresthesias, sensory loss
- myotome: motor weakness, loss of a tendon reflex
- discs degenerate as you age and sometimes inner part will come out and press on nerve root –>pain/weakness in dermatome, myotome, sclerotome
Guillain Barre Syndrome
- leg weakness noted first
- may be precipitated by respiratory infection, gastric infection, surgery, immunization
- immune system attacks body
- can be induced by a flu shot