PNS- autonomic nervous division Flashcards
T/F norepinephrine is released from all sympathetic postganglionic nerves
False, all but the sweat glands
The adrenal medulla is innervated by sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons __________ released elicits what 2 hormones?
acetylcholine; epi and NE
What is released from the sweat glands?
What are the 2 major subtypes of cholinergic receptors?
nicotinic and muscarinic
What innervates muscarinic receptors? and where are they found?
Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons; peripherally in tissues
This is when the nicotinic receptor becomes desensitized to succs. and the postsynaptic membrane becomes inexcitable.
A stage II block or desensitization blocks
If your patient has ipsilateral miosis, ptosis, enophthalamos,, flushing, increased temperature, anhydrosis and nasal congestion; what syndrome should you suspect?
Horner’s syndrome
Horner’s syndrome is due to. . .
a Stellate ganglion blockade
All sympathetic preganglionic fibers pass through ______ rami while some, but not all, sympathetic postganglionic fibers pass through _______ rami
white; grey
T/F gray rami are distributed to all spinal nerves from the ganglia.
The parasympathetic outflow is also called. . .
craniosacral outflow
From which cranial nerves does the Parasympathetic outflow arise from?
CN III, VII, IX and X and sacral segments S2, S3, and S4
CN III arises from the ____________, CN VII arises from the ______ and CN IX and X arise from the __________
midbrain; pons; medulla
This transmits 3/4 of the traffic of the parasympathetic nervous system.
The Vagus
The PNS is essential for the maintenance of life- what are some of its response?
decreased HR, conduction of AV node, and contractility
Increased salivary, pharyngeal, and laryngeal secretions
Increased bronchial secretions
smooth muscle bronchoconstriction
What detects changes in the internal of external environment in the nervous system?
The _____________ division of the PNS brings info. to the CNS from receptors in peripheral tissues and organs.
This includes the integration and distribution of information in the CNS.
Information processing
Where does the “motor division” carry commands?
from the CNS to the peripheral tissue and systems
The motor division includes what 2 systems?
The somatic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system
The somatic and autonomic nervous systems differ- how does the Somatic motor neuron pathway differ?
Cell bodies of motor neurons reside in the CNS
Their axons extend all the way to their skeletal muscles
The somatic and autonomic nervous systems differ- how does the Autonomic motor neuron pathway differ?
1st= preganglionic neuron (brain and spinal cord)
2nd= ganglionic neuron (outside CNS)
Slower because lightly or unmyelinated
What is the Autonomic nervous system responsible for?
controls stable homeostasis
GI motility and secretion
GU motility
Sweating and body temperature
Autonomic Nervous system is divided into 2 parts:
SNS- Adrenergic
PNS- Cholinergic
The PNS arises from where?
Craniosacral- because of the preganglionic neurons
The SNS arises from where?
Thoracolumbar- because of its preganglionic neurons
Each sympathetic nerve is composed of how many neurons?
2; preganglionic and postganglionic
Where does sympathetic stimulation originate?
12 Thoracic and 2 or 3 lumbar segments of the cord
T/F the neurons of the SNS lead to every part of the body.
True- unlike PNS
Describe the path of preganglionic axons in the SNS.
Exit spinal cord through ventral root and enter spinal nerve
- exit spinal nerve via communication ramus
- enter sympathetic trunk/chain where postganglionic neuron is located
Where do preganglionic neurons of the SNS originate?
the region of gray matter in the thoracic and upper lumbar region called “the lateral horn”
Which pattern of the pre- and postganglionic neurons are arranged as described. . . preganglionic neuron is myelinated and the axons form the white ramus as they connect to ganglia. The post- are unmyelinated and leave the ganglion as the gray ramus which rejoins the spinal nerve
Pattern 1