PNS 6 Flashcards
What Cranial Nerve is CN XI?
What Nerve fiber type does the Spinal Accessory Nerve - CN XI - contain?
GSE fibers
CN XI - the spinal accessory nerve’s GSE fibers innervate what 2 muscles?
- Sternocleidomastoid &
2. Trapezius Muscles
The Spinal Accessory Nerve (CN XI) enters and then exits the Posterior Cranial Fossa of the Skull via what two foramena?
- FORAMEN MAGNUM transmits the Spinal Root of CN XI INTO the posterior cranial fossa
- JUGULAR FORAMEN transmits CN XI OUT of the posterior cranial fossa.
What 3 Cranial Nerves are transmitted OUT of the posterior cranial fossa by the Jugular Foramen?
- CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
- CN X - Vagus
- CN XI - Spinal Accessory
What part of CN XI branches off to join the Vagus Nerve after leaving the jugular foramen and doesn’t participate in innervation of sternocleidomastoid or trapezius?
The SPINAL ROOT of CN XI arises from what Nucleus in the CNS?
The Spinal Root of the Spinal Accessory Nerve travels w/in the lateral ventral horns of what Cervical Spinal segements?
At what point is CN XI most vulnerable to lesion? What is often a cause?
The spinal accessory nerve is vulnerable to lesion as it crosses the POSTERIOR CERVICAL TRIANGLE as it descends posteriorly to innervate Trapezius. Often IATROGENIC (caused by a physician).
Lesions of CN XI may cause what 2 problems?
- Ipsilateral (same side) Shoulder Drop. Right Trapezius paresis, due to CN XI lesion, will result in drop in Right shoulder.
- Contralateral (opposite side) difficulty rotating head. Due to paresis of sternocleidomastoid. Right SCM paresis –> Difficulty rotating head to left.
The CERVICAL PLEXUS by contributions from what 4 Ventral Rami?
C1-C4 ventral rami.
There are 7 cervical vertebrae (C7-C1). How many Cervical Spinal Nerves are there?
8 b/c C1 spinal nerves come off the top of C1 while C8 spinal nerves come off the bottom of C8
How are cervical nerves numbered differently than other spinal nerves?
Cervical nerves are numbered for the cervical vertebrae that is contributing to the INFERIOR MARGIN of the intervertebral foramen. All other spinal nerves are named for the OVERLYING vertebra
What branch of the Cervical Plexus innervates all but 1 of the INFRAHYOID “STRAP” MUSCLES? What’s the 1 exception?
ANSA CERVICALIS innervates all infrahyoid “strap” muscles except for the THYROHYOID, which is innervated by C1 fibers.
From what Cervical Nerves do the SUPERIOR (or DESCENDENS HYPOGLOSSI) and INFERIOR ROOTS of Ansa Cervicalis arise from?
- Superior Root (Descendens Hypoglossi) arises from C1
2. Inferior Root arises from C2 & C3
The PHRENIC NERVE arises from the Cervical Plexus. From what 3 cervical nerve ventral ramis does the phrenic nerve derive from? Which makes the largest contribution?
C3, C4 & C5. C4 makes the largest contribution to the Phrenic Nerve.
From the Cervical Plexus, where does the Phrenic Nerve go? What structures does the Phrenic Nerve innervate?
The Phrenic Nerve descends through the neck along the anterior scalenes to reach the thoracic cavity. There the Phrenic Nerves innervate the DIAPHRAGM & the PARIETAL PLEURA lining the Thorax.
What is a rhyme to help you remember the origin of the Phrenic Nerve & what the Phrenic innervates?
“C3, 4, 5 keep the diaphragm alive!”
Pain due to compression of the gall bladder beneath the Diaphragm is often felt as Referred Pain in the Right Shoulder. Why might this be?
Pain sensation is referred to the SUPRACLAVICULAR Cutaneous Nerve in the C4 DIATOME that arises from the Cervical Plexus and innervates the skin at the base of the neck and shoulders.
What 4 groups of Cutaneous Nerves arise from the Cervical Plexus?
- Lesser Occipital
- Greater Auricular
- Transverse Cervical
- Supraclavicular
For each of the 4 Cutaneous Nerves arising from the cervical plexus, tell their source of nerve fiber and general location. Lesser Occipital, Great Auricular, Transverse Cervical, & Supraclavicular.
- Lesser Occipital: C2 nerve fibers - ascends posteriorly to skin overlying inferior occipital bone
- Great Auricular: C2 & C3 nerve fibers - ascends anteriorly to skin in front of the ear
- Transverse Cervical: C2 & C3 Nerve Fibers - transverses to skin over center of neck, jugular
- Supraclavicular: C3 & C4: descends to skin overlying lower neck and upper shoulder (clavicle)
What 2 cutaneous branches from the Cervical Plexus join the cutaneous branches from CN V in providing cutaneous innervation to the face?
- Lesser Occipital
2. Great Auricular
The 4 Cutaneous Cervical Nerves may be blocked by an injection where?
Why might a shoulder drop occur from an injection at the Puncta Nervosum (Erb’s Point)?
B/c a branch of the ACCESSORY Nerve (CN XI) passes through the posterior cervical triangle on its way to innervating the Trapezius Muscle.
What is CN XII?
Hypoglossal Nerve
The Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII) actually arises from MULTIPLE ROOTLETS that are derived from where?
The multiple rootlets, which arise from the pre-olivary sulcus of the medulla, of the hypoglossal nerve converge in what canal?
The HYPOGLOSSAL CANAL. Note: Makes sense, the *hypoglossal nerve forms in the *hypoglossal canal!
What nerve fiber type does CN XII consist of?
GSE fibers
The GSE fibers of the hypoglossal muscle innervate the all of the INTRINSIC and most EXTRINSIC muscles of what?
CN XII GSE fibers innervate all the intrinsic and most intrinsic muscles of the TONGUE
What long, thin nucleus, located in the Medulla on the floor of the 4th ventricle, contains the cell bodies of the lower motor neurons (GSE) of CN XII?
CN XII exits the posterior cranial fossa of the skull through what opening?
HYPOGLOSSAL CANAL - where CN XII rootlets converge
Specifically, the CN XII divides to supply what 3 extrinsic muscles of the tongue in addition to ALL intrinsic muscles?
1) Hyoglossus Muscle
2) Styloglossus Muscle
3) Genioglossus Muscle
Carotid Endarterectomy is a procedure to clear blockages in the Carotid Arteries. Why might this endanger CN XII, hypoglossal nerve?
B/c as CN XII descends and moves laterally to its destination of the inferior tongue the hypoglossal nerve crosses the INTERNAL CAROTID Artery.
After leaving the Descendens Hypoglossi, ventral rami originating from what Cervical spine join the Hypoglossal Nerve for a short time?
Fibers of the C1 VENTRAL RAMUS
After leaving CN XII C1 fibers go on to do what 3 things?
- Form the superior root of the ANSA CERVICALIS
- Innervate the Thyrohyoid directly
- Innervate the Geniohyoid directly
To test a suspected unilateral lesion of CN XII a patient is asked to stick their tongue out? What will happen if there is a Right CN XII lesion? Why? What is an easy way to remember this?
Unilateral CN XII lesions will cause ipsilateral tongue protrusion, so that upon protrusion, the tongue will deviate to the right, the side of the protrusion. This is caused by the unopposed actions of the Genioglossus. The patient will “Lick Her Wounds”