PNP-PC Part 2 Flashcards
If a child’s 0.9 g/dl, hematocrit is 32%, and serum ferritin is 25 mcg/L, what should her iron supplementation start at?
3 to 6 mg/kg/day of elemental iron until her hemoglobin (Hgb) reaches above 11 g/d
Once hemoglobin normalized, continue 2 to 3 mg/kg/day of elemental iron for 4 months
_________ ensures that NPs are qualified to provide safe health care, meet professional standards and minimal levels of acceptable performance, and comply with federal and state laws relating to NPs
privileging or credentialing
most definitive tools for confirming intussusception
Radiography and barium enema
which anemia is normocytic and normochromic
Anemia of chronic disease
microcytic and hypochromic anemias
iron-deficiency anemia
lead poisoning anemia
Which two vaccines should not be given to those allergic to streptomycin, neomycin, and polymyxin B?
IPV (polio)
Which vaccines should not be given to immunocompromised patients as these are live vaccines that can cause them to become severely ill?
Which vaccine should be not given to people who are allergic to eggs?
A 12-month-old infant is brought to the nurse practitioner’s (NP) office because her left foot is turned inward. What is her probably condition?
What are the necessary abilities to be able to give informed consent?
reason, differentiate, and communicate
Patchy infiltrates and pleural effusion on chest x-ray suggestive of pneumonia
Escherichia coli
lobar consolidation rather than patchy infiltrate on chest x-ray suggestive of pneumonia
Klebsiella and Streptococcus pneumoniae
diffuse interstitial, infiltrates that are apical or in the upper lobe on chest-ray suggestive of pneumonia
Pneumocystis pneumonia
You meet your new patient, Ali, in the exam room. You see that Ali has drawn a picture of her mother that includes a face, body, legs, arms, and hair. Based on this behavior, how old do you suppose Ali is?
4 years old
the leading cause of death among infant
Developmental and genetic disorders
Sudden head extension produced by light drop of head
Week of gestation that moro reflex appears
34-36 weeks
When does moro reflex resolve
5-6 months
Rotation of infant’s head to one side for 15 seconds
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex
When does asymmetric tonic neck reflex appear
38-40 weeks
When does asymmetric tonic neck reflex resolve
2-3 months
Scratching the skin of infant’s back from shoulder downwards, 2-3 cm lateral to spinous processes
Tunk incurvation/
Week gestation that trunk incurvation/Galant reflex appear
38-40 weeks
when does trunk incervation/galant resolve
1-2 months
placing index finger in palm of infant
palmar grasp
week gestation that palmar grasp appears
38-40 weeks
when does palmar grasp resolve
5-6 months
pressing tumb against sole just behind the toes in the foot
plantar grasp
week gestation that plantar grasp reflex appears
38-40 weeks
when does plantar grasp resolve
9-10 months
infant’s head turns toward cheek that is stroked to suck
week gestation that rooting reflex appears
38-40 weeks
when does the rooting reflex resolve
2-3 months
arms and legs extend in protective fashion when suspected in prone
parachute reflex
when does parachute reflex appear
8-9 months
when does parachute reflex resolve
it persists
In supine position with hip and knee flexed at 90 degrees, the patient has pain with extension at the knee
Kernig sign
While in supine position, patient flexes lower extremities during passive flexion of neck
Brudzinski sign
Headaches in occipital or consistently localized could mean what?
Underlying pathology
Worse in the morning upon awakening Nocturnal awakening Projective vomiting without nausea Seizures Fever VP shunt, hydrocephaly
Primary or Secondary Headache
Secondary headache
Commonly bilateral in young children, in adolescents, and young adults
Gradual in onset, crescendo pattern; pulsating; moderate to severe intensity; aggravated by routine physical activity
Patient prefers to rest in a dark, quiet room
2-72 hour duration
Nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, aura (visual, but can involve other senses)
Pressure/tightness that waxes and wanes
Patient may remain active or may need to rest
Variable duration
Tension-Type Headache
Always unilateral, usually begins around eye/temple
Pain begins quickly, reaches crescendo within minutes; pain is deep, continuous, excruciating, and explosive in quality
Patient remains pain
Duration: 30 minutes to 3 hours
Ipsilateral lacrimation and redness of eyes; stuffy nose; rhinorrhea; pallor; sweating; Horner syndrome; focal neurologic symptoms rare; sensitivity to alcohol
Trigeminal autonomic cephaloagia
Which is the most common migraine-type?
With or without aura
Without aura
What is the standard of care for migraine management?
Lifestyle modification and behavioral factors
- Adequate sleep
- Eating routine meals, not skipping
- Adequate exercise and physical activity
- Adequate hydration (at least 64 ounces of water/day)
- Limit screentime
- Avoid triggers or stressors
What is acute migraine medication management?
NSAIDs, acetaminophen, triptans, antiemetics
What are the approved migraine medications from the FDA?
Almotriptan, rizatriptan, sumatriptan/naproxen, zolmitriptan
What is the preventative medication for migraines?
Topiramate 25-100 mg/d for 12 years and up
Sudden and stereotyped alternation in motor activity, sensation, behavior, or consciousness due to abnormal electrical discharge of neurons
Chronic neurological condition characterized by recurrent seizures (2 or more >24 hours apart) which are not provoked by systemic or acute neurologic insults
Carbamazepine/Tegretol and valproic acid/Depakote can cause which side effects
Bone marrow suppression
Liver damage
Phenytoin/Dilantin can cause what side effects
Gingival hypertrophy
Oxcarbazepine/Trileptal can cause what side effects
Significant hyponatremia
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
What is the common age for febrile seizures?
6 months to 5 years
Bried, generalized seizures and associated with concurrent febrile illness
Simple febrile convulsion
Which antibiotics should you want to prescribe with caution with antiepileptics drugs?
Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline
Prolonged (>15 minutes) seizure, focal, or repeated episodes within 24 hours that are associated with fever
Usually genetic predisposition
Complex febrile convulsion
Treatment for simple febrile seizure
Reduce fever with ibuprofen (>6 months) or acetaminophen
Manifested by both motor and phonic tics with onset during childhood
Tourette Syndrome
Obscene words tic
Repetition of words tic
Repetition of phrase or word with increasing rapidity tic
Management for tics
Educating patient and family, teachers
Non-epileptic, paroxysmal event; occurs between ages 6 months and 4 years
Peak age 18 months
Start with provoking factors (frustration, anger, fright) and minor trauma (crying or emotionally upset) leading to a noiseless state of expiration (silent scream) with color change and eventually loss of consciousness and tone (briefly)
Breath-holding spells