Developmental + Others PNP-PC Part 1 Flashcards
Pulls a pull toy, walks forward and backwards, drinks from cup; holds utensils, some attempts to use
Aims and throws a ball; stacks up to six blocks; removes own socks; scribbles spontaneously
Turns a doorknob; kicks a ball; climbs up on furniture; turns pages one at a time
Walks on tiptoes; buttons large buttons; jumps with both feet; build a tower with nine cubes
Muscle weakness, ataxia, confusion, anorexia, tachycardia, and heart failure in infants
Thiamin/Vitamin B1 deficiency
Colic, gastroenteritis, viral illness, dietary protein allergy, UTI, intussusception, incarcerated hernia, testicular torsion
Infant Acute Abdominal Pain
Gastroenteritis, viral illness, constipation, pharyngitis, UTI, appendicitis, intussusception, pneumonia, trauma
Preschool Acute Abdominal Pain
Gastroenteritis, viral illness, pharyngitis, UTI, constipation, appendicitis, pneumonia, pancreatitis, trauma
School-Age Acute Abdominal Pain
Gastroenteritis, viral illness, UTI, constipation, appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, IBD
Adolescent Acute Abdominal Pain
PID, dysmenorrhea, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst
Female Adolescent Acute Adominal Pain
What is the dose for a child 10-30 kg of polyethylene glycol 3350?
0.2-0.82 mg/kg/day
What is the dose for a child >30 kg of polyethylene glycol 3350?
17 g/day
When do you start weaning polyethylene glycol 3350?
After 2 months and all symptoms have resolved for 1 month
Which infections can intussusception follow?
Gastroenteritis, otitis media, URI, adenovirus
What is the recommended fiber daily?
Age + 5= grams/day
Abdominal discomfort/pain associated with 2 of the following: -improved with defecation; change in frequency of stool; change in the appearance of stool ALONG WITH no evidence of inflammatory anatomic metabolic or neoplastic process
Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome
Hx of chronic/intermittent diarrhea, persistent/unexplained GI symptoms, sudden or unexplained weight loss, prolonged fatigue
Celiac disease
Hx of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, bloating related to amount of lactose ingested
Lactose intolerance
What do you use to test for celiac disease?
Serologic (IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody, IgA endomysial antibody)
What do you use to test for cow’s protein intolerance and allergy?
Skin patch for true allergy; serum IgE, elimination diet
What do you use to test for lactose intolerance?
Lactose hydrogen breath test
Impaired growth, failure to thrive, unexplained iron anemia, abdominal distention, bloating/cramping pain
Celiac disease
Abdominal distention
Lactose intolerance
Nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, GERD, eczema, failure to thrive
Cow’s protein intolerance and allergy
What is the expected weight gain from birth to 3 months?
25-30 g/day or 1 oz/day
What is the expected weight gain from 3-6 months?
15-20 g/day or 0.5 oz/day
What is the expected weight gain from 6-12 months?
10-15 g/day or 0.5 oz/day
What is the expected weight gain from 12+months?
5-10 g/day
Slow onset of pain that gradually worsens with dysuria, swollen/inflamed scrotum, and tenderness along the epididymis
What is the treatment for epididymitis?
Cephalaxin 40 mg/kg/day for 14 days
Sudden onset of unilateral, unrelenting scrotal pain; swollen/inflamed scrotum (ipsilateral), can occur after physical exertion, trauma, or upon waking up
Testicular Torsion
Edematous, erythematous, and warm on ipsilateral scrotum; “blue dot” sign; cremasteric reflex is absent
Testicular Torsion
Jaundice, hypothermia, failure to thrive, sepsis, vomiting, diarrhea, cyanosis, abdominal distention, lethargy
Neonate UTI
What is the most common pathogen for UTI in neonates?
What is the most common pathogen for UTI in all ages?
E. coli
Malaise, irritability, difficulty feeding, poor weight gain, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, malodor, dribbling, abdominal pain, colic
Infant UTI
Altered voiding patterns, malodor, abdominal/flank pain, enuresis, vomiting/diarrhea, malaise, fever, diaper rash
Toddlers UTI
“Classic dysuria”, malodor, enuresis, abdominal/flank pain, fever/chills, vomiting/diarrhea, malaise
School-age UTI
At what age do you need to do a straight in-and-out catheter for UTI diagnosis?
Younger than 2 years of age
What will show up on urinalysis for a UTI?
Increase leukocytes (WBC), RBCs, and nitrates
If + nitrates without RBC on urinalysis, is that a UTI or not?
Considered UTI until cultures confirm
Any culture result of ______ for a single organism UTI in catheter, suprapubic, or clean catch?
> 100,000
Any culture result of ____-_____ for a single or multiple organism UTI in catheter, or suprapubic?
In a clean catch urine culture, a result of _____ - _____, means possible UTI?
10,000 - 100,000
Spotting, vaginal discharge, painful urination, mild abdominal pain, yellow discharge, postictal bleeding; males–thick, cloudy, penile discharge
What is the treatment for chlamydia?
Azithromycin 1 g orally SINGLE or Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days
When do you follow up for chlamydia?
3 months
Females–profuse thick, green discharge, labial pain/swelling, Skene/Bartholin gland abscess, bleeding between periods and painful periods; Males–dysuria, yellow-green penile discharge, testicular pain
What is the treatment for gonorrhea?
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM SINGLE PLUS Azithromycin 1g PO SINGLE
Profuse vaginal discharge, frothy greenish/yellowish, fishy discharge, strawberry cervix that bleeds easily
What is the treatment for trichomonas?
Metronidazole 2g SINGLE DOSE
Asymptomatic or painful warts/”rash”; cauliflower-like warts that occur 4-6 weeks after exposure
Human Papilloma Virus
What education do you provide for trichomonas treatment?
Do not take alcohol after metronidazole for 24 hours after the dose
When does acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis occur after strep infection?
Usually 1-2 weeks after an initial strep infection
Triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Pulse normal, systolic BP normal, respirations normal, tacky/slightly dry buccal mucosa, normal anterior fontanelle, normal eyes, normal skin turgor, normal skin, normal/slightly reduced urine output, increased thirst
Mild 3-5% dehydration
Rapid heartbeat, normal to low systolic BP, deep, slightly increased respirations, dry buccal mucosa, sunken anterior fontanelle, sunken eyes, reduced skin turgor, cool skin, markedly reduced urine output, and listlessness and irritability
Moderate 6-9% dehydration
Rapid and weak pulse or absent pulse; low systolic BP, deep tachypneic respirations or decreased respirations, parched buccal mucosa, markedly sunken anterior fontanelle, markedly sunken eyes, tenting skin turgor, cool mottled skin, anuria, grunting, lethargy, and coma
Severe > 10% dehydration
What is the age range of early adolescence?
11 to 14 years
What is the age range of middle adolescence?
15 to 17 years
What is the age range of late adolescence?
18 to 21 years
Characterized by a growth spurt and development of secondary sexual characteristics, cognitive skills may not keep up; *daydreaming is common with emerging reasoning skills; peers are more important and appear *“anti-adult”, *mood swings, conscious of bodies, *development of own value system; believe peers more than adults because adults don’t know what they are talking about
Early adolescence (11-14)
Development of separate identify from parents; increased concerns about attractiveness (more comparing occurs during this time); intellectual sophistication, creativity, reasoning, logic, decision-making skills; peer group but less anti-adult, dating, sexual experimentation, developing ego centrism increases, risky behavior
Middle adolescence (15-17)
Clearer self-concept and formed a distinct identity; well-formed opinions and ideas; physical development complete; adult reasoning skills, but brain is still developing; relate to family as adults, shaping of identity, committed partner relationships for many
Late adolescence (18-21)
Focus on pleasurable sensations and child seeks out stimulation and sexual satisfaction; lasts throughout adulthood; goal: to love and work well
Genital stage (Freud) in adolescence
When is the genital stage for Freud?
What is the age range for identity vs role confusion?
Development of self; struggle with questions who am I and what do I want with my life; along with trying on many different selves to see which one fits right; attempts to discover oneself; individual successful in this stage has a strong sense of identity and able to remain true to beliefs and values even in the face of problems; failure: develop a weak sense of self and experience role confusion and may be unsure of their identity and struggle with goal for future
Identity vs role confusion
What is the age range for intimacy vs isolation?
After developing a sense of self, they are ready to share their lives with others, but if they are not successful in finding identity and self-concept; they have had issues maintaining and developing relationships with others; must have a strong sense of self before developing successful, intimate relationship; may develop feelings of loneliness and isolation so may not develop relationships
Intimacy vs isolation
What age range is formal operational?
11 years to adulthood
Which theorist is formal operational?
Develop the ability to think in abstract ways that enable the child to engage in problem-solving methods in developing hypothesis, can think of abstract concepts and combine two different concepts into a new one; by the end, they can use deductive reasoning and use hypothetical ideas and explain different concepts
Formal operational
What age groups are in post-conventional?
Which theorist is post-conventional?
Standards that are beyond a certain group or authority figure; social contract orientation or universal ethical principle orientation or mystical/religious reflection
What is the first physical sign of the onset of female puberty?
Breast buds
What is the first physical sign of the onset of male puberty?
Enlargement of testicles
What are the three components of sexual orientation?
Sexual imagery, sexual behavior responsiveness, self-identification (heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual)
How many kcal will an adolescent need daily?
45 kcal/kg/day
What are the average daily calories needed for adolescents?
2200-300 calories/day
What electrolytes and vitamins are really important for adolescents?
Calcium and vitamin D level
What might strict vegetarians be missing from their diet?
Protein. vitamin B12, zinc, iron
What sleep is recommended for adolescents?
8-9 hours
What is sports injury is higher in female athletes?
Anterior cruciate ligament
What fracture is more common with amenorrhea?
Stress fractures
What is the female athlete triad?
Low energy availability with or without disordered eating pattern; menstrual dysfunction; and low bone density
Flat, circumscribed change of skin; used for lesions <1 cm
What are examples of macule?
Tinea versicolor, small cafe au last spot, freckles
Flat, circumscribed lesion with color change that is >1 cm
What are examples of patch?
Mongolian spot, vitiligo, larger cafe au lait spots
Circumscribed, nonvesicular, nonpustular, elevated lesion that measures <1 cm
What are examples of papule?
Milia, molluscum contagiosum, acne
Broad, elevated, disk-like lesion that occupies more than >1 cm; formed by confluence of papules
What are examples of plaque?
Tinea corporis, eczema, psoriasis
Circumscribed, elevated, 0.5-2 cm, that involves dermis with the greatest mass below the surface of the skin
What are examples of nodules?
Furuncle, melanoma
Circumscribed elevation <1 cm in diameter that contains purulent exudate
What are examples of pustule?
Folliculitis, acne
Circumscribed elevated lesion >1 cm in diameter, deeper component and filled with purulent material
What are examples of abscess?
Staphylococcal abscess
Sharply circumscribed, elevated, fluid-containing, that measures <1 cm in diameter
What are examples of vesicle?
Chickenpox, impetigo, herpes simplex
Circumscribed, elevated, fluid-containing >1 cm
What are examples of bulla?
Fixed drug eruption
Firm, edematous plaque
What are examples of wheal?
Hives, dermographism
Pearly, yellow, 1-3 mm papules on face, chin, and forehead; resolves during first month of life
Erythematous, 1-2 mm papules and pustules; can occur anywhere but mainly on forehead, upper trunk, and flexural or covered surfaces; may come and go; appears after the first week of life, but can be on SCALP; cooling skin and loosening clothes can cause resolution; “heat rash/prickly heat”
Miliaria Rubra
Multiple 1-2 mm yellow papules; clusters around *nose and cheeks; resolves within 4-6 months
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
Barely elevated yellowish *papules/pustules, 1-3 mm, surrounding irregular macular flare or wheal of erythema; appear first on face and spread to trunk and extremities; usually between first 3 days of life and usually fades over 5- 7 days, “flea-bitten appearance”
Erythema toxicum
Multiple, tiny, monomorphous papulopustules on erythematous base; primarily on cheeks and extends on to the scalp, usually appears at 3 weeks of age and spontaneously within 1-3 months
Neonatal acne
Chapped, shiny, erythematous, parchment-like skin with possible erosions on convex surfaces, but *creases are spared; peak 9-12 months
Irritant contact dermatitis
How to treat irritant contact dermatitis?
Frequent diaper changes, gentle cleansing, barrier cream, air dry, 0.5-1% hydrocortisone
Shallow pustules; fiery red plaques on convex surfaces, inguinal folds, labia, and scrotum; *satellite lesions and common after recent antibiotic use or diarrhea
Erythematous, denuded areas or fragile blisters, crusting, pustules in suprapubic areas and periumbilicus; usually occurs in newborns
Bacterial dermatitis
How to treat candidiasis?
Antifungal cream, frequent diaper changes, gentle cleansing, barrier cream, air dry
How to treat bacterial dermatitis?
Nystatin if yeast is present; mupirocin in minimal; augment/cephalexin if severe
Erythematous, flaky crusts of yellow, greasy scales on scalp, face, diaper area, mild flakes with dandruff, not pruritic
Seborrheic dermatitis
What causes bacterial dermatitis?
Staphylococcal or streptococcal
What is the treatment for seborrheic dermatitis?
Antifungal agents (-azole, selenium sulfide); anti-inflammatory agents (topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors), keratolytic agents (salicylic acid, urea)
What causes scarlet fever?
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
How does scarlet fever begin?
Fever and pharyngitis followed by enanthem and exanthem in 24-28 hours
Face appears flushed; tongue initially has white coating that fades by 4th day with *very erythematous tongue with prominent papillae underneath; cervical and submandibular lymphadenopathy; diffuse erythema with small-fine papules give *sandpaper-like quality that begins on neck and spreads rapidly to trunk and extremities; rash resolves in 4-5 days with *fine peeling of skin
Scarlet Fever
High fever, severe headache, malaise, myalgia, edema around eyes and back of hands, GI symptoms (N/V, anorexia)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever