PN 790 FSG CALLS Flashcards
What is the definition of a FSG?
A FSG call is a call received into control where the caller believes that they are unable to eave their premises due to the effects of fire and where a control officer remains on the line providing appropriate advice
Who is responsible to determine that an FSG is taking place?
Control - deemed persons reported.
IC determines when all persons are accounted for.
What are the 4 principles set out in PN 539 - Emergency call management that control use?
How does the IC prioritise FSG calls on the Fire ground?
Situational awareness
Information from control
Direct resources to greatest risk
Allocate resources to medium priority when available
What can prejudice the rescue of saveable life?
Information gathering
Recording Information
When do Control contact the fire ground?
As soon as FSG is in progress
What should IC’s Consider whilst FSG is in Progress?
Allocating resources to maintain a listening watch on the appliance radio
Who does control contact to pass information over to?
Initial Command Pump (ICP)
via appliance radio for each separate FSG call
What form does control use to gather information?
Control Information Form
What information with control gather and pass onto the ICP?
No. of Flat / House No. of persons involved Location of caller - within premises - access point Condition of their location Proximity to fire if known Latest advice given by control Time of FSG Time updated
What must NOT be communicated via radio?
Where is the information recorded once passed over from control?
ICP radio operator record it on the Control Information Form located in the cab
How is the Control information form formatted?
White copy must be retained at the ICP to pass to the CU
What must be done once any FSG information is received?
ICP radio operator must confirm the information by repeating it back to control
What happens after FSG information is received?
This must be passed to the IC who will decide what action to take.
What is the expectation of the IC?
To treat each FSG calls as a priority and consider deploying and increasing resources accordingly
What happens if control cannot contact the ICP?
They will contact an appliance en route and pass FSG information to them.
What should the IC consider when handling FSG information?
Consider using the 1st CU to only deal with FSG calls
Early allocation of dedicated hand held radio channel
What additional attendance with FSG calls attract?
1 x CU
1 x SC
1 x PL with SO
What will be on the call slip when additional appliances have been ordered?
Fire survival guidance in progress at this incident
What do CU’s carry to ease the transfer of information between CU’s?
casualty information Poster - to be completed in PEN
Where else can the casualty information poster be found?
On the forward information board
at the BH or other scene of operations
How can sensitive information relating to specific calls be communicated?
Via the Command Support system CSS
has a message screen, record msgs sent to and from incident ground once a CU has been mobilised.
FSG msgs via firelink radio also recorded here.
Conferencing facility.
What is the minium role for a FSG co-ordinator?
What does a FSG co-ordinator do?
retain all FSG information and subsequent actions on the incident ground.
What does the IC briefing to the FSG co-ordinator must include?
Must explain the communication lines and their limits of authority.
1st action for an FSG co-ordinator?
To speak by telephone to a supervisor at control to gather the latest information on the progress of the FSG calls.
How can names be transferred over the fire ground?
The names of callers may be passed via telephone to aid ID.
Via officer of the watch at control.