PN 466 Respiratory Protective Equipment Flashcards
What is the minimum pressure for a new entry?
3.13 - 240 bar when reporting to BAECO
What is the minimum pressure for a re-entry?
3.14 - 190 bar and no longer than 15 minutes duration
What does TAP mean?
3.18 - Turn Around Pressure -
the pre-determined cylinder pressure at which the BA team should commence withdrawal from the risk area
What is meant by the term “turn-around point”?
3.19 - the pre-determined point at which the BA team should commence withdrawal from the risk area
What is the minimum BA team size for a building fire?
4.4 - Two wearers (Team leader has comms)
When can a single BA wearer be utilized?
- 6 - 1. Operations are not within a building or structure
2. BA wearer is in view of IC and can be quickly removed from the risk area
Can a BA team be committed to a smoke filled compartment without firefighting media?
4.7 - no - either the BA team or supporting team require firefighting media
Can nominated BA wearers get rigged en-route to an incident?
7.1 - No
What does BARIE stand for?
7.2 - BA Radio Interface Equipment
Can non BARIE sets be used for BA?
7.2 + 7.4 - yes - if not being committed within a potentially explosive atmosphere
What should a BA team do in the event of both comms and telemetry loss?
7.7 - BA Team must withdraw to a point where comms can be restored.
This point should be land-marked for deployment of telemetry repeaters
in any emergency what should a radio message be prefixed with?
7.9 - “Priority”
If a BA team is unable to communicate on the BA channel __ they should use the general incident command channel __
7.9 - 6 and 1
What radio channel should be used when leaky feeders are in use?
7.10 - channel 5
Prior to going through entry control what should BA wearers do?
- 13 - 1. Don and start in safe air
2. Carry out buddy checks to ensure RPE and PPE are correctly fitted
If the bodyguard “reduced battery level” icon and alarm actuates prior to booking in at the ECP the wearer must……
- 15 - 1. Withdraw from the ECP
2. Take BA set out of service and replace onto the appliance to recharge
If the bodyguard “reduced battery level” icon and alarm actuates when the BA set is being worn in the risk area………
- 16 - 1. Inform the ECO or Comms op immediately
2. The BA wearer can continue with deployment within the risk area
3. once withdrawn BA set should be taken out of service and placed onto the appliance to recharge