PMQ Flashcards
Explain 3 differences between functional and matrix organisational structures
Project Mgt
Describe 3 functions of a PMO?
Deployment Support
Process Improvement
Explain 2 differences in responsibility of PM & Sponsor in Deployment phase of a project?
Change control
Gate decisions
Explain 2 differences between responsibilities of PM & Sponsor in Definition phase
Explain 2 ways OBS is used to create a responsibility assignment matrix
OBS shows team roles and allocations
OBS shows governance
Explain 2 benefits of an embedded PMO?
Admin support
Tailored support
Explain 2 benefits of Hub and Spoke PMO?
Tailored support whilst maintaining portfolio wide perspective
Support senior mgt with governance through global reporting
Explain 2 reasons why projects are structured in phases in linear lifecycle?
Support governance
Easier to manage
Explain 3 reasons why a project may close early?
No longer viable
Product failure due to technical reasons
Change in requirements
Resources not being available
Force Majeure
Explain 2 differences between project & extended lifecycle?
Project delivers product whereas extended realises the benefits
Roles & responsibilities involved
Outline 4 ways knowledge & info can inform decision making in a project
1) Supporting gate decisions
2) Gathering information to anticipate changes
3) Avoiding mistakes
4) Actions in response to data
Explain 3 differences between linear & iterative lifecycles?
No of passes through lifecycle phases
Length of time to release benefits
Level of uncertainty in the outputs
State 4 factors that can affect communication
-ve - Use of Jargon
-ve - Medium of Communication
+ve - Right person
-ve - Time zones/Geography
Explain 3 benefits of a communication plan?
Increase effectiveness of communication
Supports stakeholder engagement
Increase efficiency and ease of communication
Explain two differences between using multiple suppliers and single suppliers?
Procurement and mgt of single supplier is simple and multiple is more complex
Control and risk over the supply chain
Explain 3 reasons why a project should use a robust supplier selection process
Ensure best supplier is identified
Ensure make or buy in is considered
Protect project from unnecessary risk
Explain 3 stages of a supplier selection process
Pre qualification
Evaluation of Bids
Negotiation and contract award
Explain 3 differences between permanent and temporary structures
Temp funded through BC, where Perm funded through annual budget
Temp generate outputs, perm use outputs to realise benefits
Temp form teams for projects and disband, perm have consistent and well established teams
Explain why progress against schedule is reported on
Understand if ahead or behind
Determine action to bring back on track
Implement change process if scope requires adjustment
Re-estimation of completion
Manage stakeholder expectations
Explain by actual spend against planned spend is reported on
See if money being spent as baseline plan
Re-estimate final cost
Inform sponsor - decision re viability
Allows potential reallocation of resource
Flag up problems with cash flow