Shen Nung Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ch’ang shang, ma huang
Ch’ang shang use
Anti malarial
Ma huang use
Asthma and bronchitis
American Indians Drugs of Antiquity
Chaulmoogra fruit
Chaulmoogra fruit use
Management of leprosy
Brazil Drugs of Antiquity
Ipecacuanha root
Ipecacuanha root use
Dysentery and amebiasis
South American Indians drugs of antiquity
Coca leaves
Coca leaves is use for
Greek Apothecary
opium, squill, hyoscyamus, viper toxin, Cu, Zn ores, Fe sulfate, Cadmium oxide
Ma huang scientific name
Ephedra sinica
Paracelsus full name
Philippus Aureolus Theoprastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim
Paracelsus believe in what element that can cuse all disease
Sb- Antimony
He extracted morphine from poppy
Friedrich Sertürner
Doctrine that any drug capable of producing detrimental symptoms in healthy individuals will relieve similar symptoms occurring as an expression of disease.
“similia similibus curantur”
In 1810 he write the doctrine “similia similibus curantur”
Samuel Hahnemann
In 1816 he isolated emetine from Ipecacuanha
What happen in 1820
Purification of caffeine, quinine and colchicine
what happen in 1826
Mass production of Quinine Sulfate
In 1845, he synthesize acetic acid
Adolph Kolbe
What happen in 1878
British pharmacologist John – concept of biological receptor
In 1886, what is the first alkaloid synthesis
Side chain theory
Paul Ehrlich
First mass production of synthetic drug
He discover penicillin
Alexander Fleming
Penicillin SN
Penicillium notatatum
Quinine sulfate is use for
Anti malaria
Derived from hemlock
First prodrug synthetic treatment for general bacterial infection
He discover prontosil
Gerhard Domagk
What happen in year 1940
Bacteriostatic action of Sulfonamide like drugs
single most important breakthrough in psychiatric treatment
Metabolite of iproniazid whic is for TB
first dibenzazepine and TCA
First commercially successful SSRI
He discover oxytocin
Henry dale
It is use to induce labor
He discover thyroxine
Edward Kendall
It is important for metabolism
Thyroid hormone
Discover insulin
Charles Best and Frederick Banting
He converted diosgenin to progesterone
Russel Marker
He discover Norethindrone
Carl Djerassi
It is an oral contraceptive
He discover progesterone + Norethindrone
John rock
Norethindrone BN
It is an abortion pill
Contents of Levonorgestrel or Plan B
Mefepristone + Misoprostol
dentist who administered Nitrous oxide during tooth extraction
Horace Wells
Use ether as an anesthetic ageng
Crawford Long
gave the first successful public demonstration of surgical anesthesia
William Morton
used as anesthetic agent at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Induces sleep
Hypnotics and Anticonvulsants
Bromides, chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, urethane and sulfenal
Adolph Von Beyer synthesize
5,5-diethylbarbituric acid
Introduced Phenobarbital (Luminal)
Bayer Pharm
Developed due to modification of the barbituric acid molecule
He isolated cocaine
Albert Niemann
First to use cocaine for topical anesthesia in ophthalmological surgery
Carl Koller
determined the structure of cocaine and atropine
Richard Willstater
structural analogs of cocaine
Benzocaine, procaine, tetracaine and lidocaine
discovered Digitalis purpurea was beneficial to those suffering from abnormal fluid buildup
William Withering
isolated digitoxin
E. Humolle and T. Quevenne
discovered the first anticholesterol drug
Akira Endo
discovered Lovastatin
isolated digoxin
Sydney Smith
Digitoxin BN
used for leukemia therapy
Sulfur mustard and nitrogen mustard
first effective leukemia, discovered by
6 -mercaptopurine Gertrude Elion
Gold standard for cancer
Paclitaxel discovered by
Moeroe Wall and Masukh Wani
Pacific Yew Tree
European Yew Tree
Taxus brevifolia
Taxus bacatta
Widely use cardiac glycoside
A scientific discipline at the intersection of chemistry and pharmacy involved with designing, synthesizing and developing pharmaceutical drugs.
It also includes the study of existing drugs, their biological properties, and their Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR).
Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Involves the identification, synthesis and development of new chemical entities suitable for therapeutic use.
Medicinal Chemistry
Focused on quality aspects of medicines and aims to assure fitness for the purpose of medicinal products
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
is a strategy of the essential importance for chemistry and pharmacy, based on the idea that when we change a structure of a molecule then also the activity or property of the substance will be modified.
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR)
includes synthesis, isolation, fermentation, screening, SAR studies
Discovery phase