PMAQ Flashcards
Give the English for the Latin phrase tempus fugit
time flies
Give the English for the Latin phrase cave canem
beware of the dog
Give the English for the Latin phrase ad nauseam
to the point of disgust
Give the English for the Latin phrase pax vobiscum
peace be with you
Give the English for the Latin phrase persona non grata
an unwelcome person
Give the English for the Latin phrase quid pro quo
something for something
Give the English for the Latin phrase carpe diem
seize the opportunity (day)
Give the English for the Latin phrase sine qua non
indispensible; a necessity
Give the English for the Latin phrase semper fidelis
always faithful
Give the English for the Latin phrase in memoriam
in memory (of)
Give the English for the Latin phrase ad infinitum
without end
Give the English for the Latin phrase ex libris
from the books (of)
Give the English for the Latin phrase festina lente
make haste slowly
Give the English for the Latin phrase semper paratus
always prepared
Give the English for the Latin phrase non sequitur
it does not follow
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation e.g.
exemplī grātiā - for example
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation N.B.
notā bene - note well
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation A.M.
ante merīdiem - before noon
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation Rx.
recipe - take (as directed)
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation et al.
et aliī (aliae, alia) - and others
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation i.e.
id est - that is
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation A.D.
annō Dominī - in the year of our Lord
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation P.S.
post scrīptum - written afterwards
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation P.M.
post merīdiem - after noon
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation pro tem.
pro tempore - for the time being
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation vs.
versus - against
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation etc.
et cētera - and the rest, and so forth
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation cf.
cōnfer - compare
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation ad lib.
ad libitum - at pleasure
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation ibid.
ibīdem - in the same place
GIve the English for the Latin phrase alma mater
college (nourishing mother)
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ante bellum
before the war
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ars artis gratia
art for art’s sake
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ars longs, vita brevis
art is long, life is short
GIve the English for the Latin phrase bona fide
in good faith
GIve the English for the Latin phrase corpus delicti
the facts (body) of a crime
GIve the English for the Latin phrase cum grano salis
with a grain of salt
GIve the English for the Latin phrase de facto
in fact; actually
GIve the English for the Latin phrase de iure
by right; legally
GIve the English for the Latin phrase de mortuis nil nisi bonum
speak only good of the dead
GIve the English for the Latin phrase errare humanum est
to err is human
GIve the English for the Latin phrase et tu, Brute!
even you, Brutus!
GIve the English for the Latin phrase exit; exeunt
he goes out; they go out
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ex officio
by virtue of office
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ex post facto
enacted after the fact; retroactive
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ex tempore
on the spur of the moment
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in absentia
in absence
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in hoc signo vinces
by the sign you will conquer
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in loco parentis
in place of a parent
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in media res
in the midst of things
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in re
in the matter of; concerning
GIve the English for the Latin phrase in toto
GIve the English for the Latin phrase ipso facto
by the very fact itself
GIve the English for the Latin phrase lapsus linguae
a slip of the tongue
GIve the English for the Latin phrase mens sana in corpore sano
a sound mind in a sound body
GIve the English for the Latin phrase multum in parvo
much in something small
GIve the English for the Latin phrase pater patriae
father of his country
GIve the English for the Latin phrase per annum
by the year
GIve the English for the Latin phrase per capita
by the heads
GIve the English for the Latin phrase per diem
by the day
GIve the English for the Latin phrase per se
by itself; essentially
GIve the English for the Latin phrase post mortem
after death
GIve the English for the Latin phrase prima facie
on first sight or appearance
GIve the English for the Latin phrase pro and con(tra)
for and against
GIve the English for the Latin phrase pro bono publico
for the public welfare
GIve the English for the Latin phrase sic transit gloria mundi
thus passes the glory of the world
GIve the English for the Latin phrase status quo
the existing state of affairs
GIve the English for the Latin phrase te Deum laudamus
we praise thee, O Lord
GIve the English for the Latin phrase terra firma
solid ground
GIve the English for the Latin phrase vade mecum
a constant companion (go with me)
GIve the English for the Latin phrase veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
GIve the English for the Latin phrase verbatim
word for word
GIve the English for the Latin phrase via
by way of
GIve the English for the Latin phrase vice versa
the other way around
GIve the English for the Latin phrase viva voce
by spoke word
GIve the English for the Latin phrase vox populi, vox Dei
the voice of the people is the voice of God
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation M.D.
Medicīnae Doctor - Doctor of Medicine
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation op. cit.
opere citātō - in the work mentioned
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation per cent
per centum - by the hundred
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation q.v.
quod vidē - which see
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation viz.
vidēlicet (vidēre licet) - one may see, namely
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Michigan
Artes, scientia, veritas - The arts, knowledge, truth
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Florida
Civium in moribus rei publicae salus - In the character of its citizens lies the welfare of the state
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Chicago
Crescat scientia, vita excolatur - Let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Texas
Disciplina praesidium civitatis - Training, the defense of the state
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of the South
Ecce quam bonum - behold how good
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Brown University
In Deo speramus - In God we trust
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Columbia University
In lumine tuo videbimus lumen - In thy (your) light we shall see light
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Nebraska
Litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus - Dedicated to letters and all the arts
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of North Dakota
Lux et lex - Light and law
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Yale University
Lux et veritas - light and truth
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of New Mexico
Lux hominum vita - Light, the life of men
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Washington
Lux sit - Let there be light
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Oregon
Mens agitat molem - Mind moves the mass
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Hunter College
Mihi cura futuri - My anxiety (care) is for the future
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Brooklyn College
Nil sine magno labore - Nothing without great effort
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Tulane University
Non sibi sed suis - Not for herself, but for her own
Give the Latin and English for the motto of New York University
Perstare et praestare - To perservere and surpass
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Trinity College
Pro ecclesia et patria - For church and country
Give the Latin and English for the motto of City College of New York
Respice, adspice, prospice - Look back (to the past), look to the present, look to the future
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Missouri
Salus populi - The welfare of the people
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Fordham University
Sapientia et doctrina - Wisdom and knowledge
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Delaware College
Scientia sol mentis - Knowledge, the sun of the mind
Give the Latin and English for the motto of University of Vermont
Studiis et rebus honestis - to honorable pursuits and deeds
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Amherst College
Terras irradient - Let them illuminate the earth
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Harvard University
Veritas - Truth
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Johns Hopkins University
Veritas vos liberabit - The truth will set you free
Give the Latin and English for the motto of Dartmouth College
Vox clamantis in deserto - The voice of one crying in the wilderness
Give the Latin and English for the motto of United States
E pluribus unum - Out of many, one
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Kansas
Ad astra per aspera - To the stars through difficulties
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Wyoming
Cedant arma togae - Let arms yield to the toga (peace)
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of New Mexico
Crescit eundo - It grows as it goes
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Maine
Dirigo - I point the way
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Arizona
Ditat deus - God enriches
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of South Carolina
Dum spiro, spero - While there is life, there is hope (While I breathe, I hope)
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Massachusetts
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem - With the sword she seeks calm peace under liberty
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of North Carolina
Esse quam videri - To be rather than to seem
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Idaho
Esto perpetua - May it last forever
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of New York
Excelsior - Ever upward
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of District of Columbia
Iustitia omnibus - Justice for all
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Oklahoma
Labor omnia vincit - Toil overcomes all obstacles (Work conquers all)
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of West Virginia
Montani semper liberi - Mountaineers are always free
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Colorado
Nil sine numine - Nothing without divine guidance
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Connecticut
Qui transtulit sustinet - He who transplanted, sustains
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Arkansas
Regnat populus - The people rule
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Missouri
Salus populi supreme lex esto - The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Maryland
Scuto bonae voluntatis Tuae coronasti nos - With the shield of Thy good-will Thou hast covered us
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Virginia
Sic semper tyrannis - Thus ever to tyrants
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Michigan
Si quaeris paeninsulam amoenam circumspice - If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you
Give the Latin and English for the state motto of Mississippi
Virtute et armis - By valor and arms