NLVE Flashcards
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vīlla
vīlla, vīllae, f. - country house
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb accūsō
accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātum - blame
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective aequus
aequus, aequa, aequum - equal
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective rūsticus
rūsticus, rūstica, rūsticum - rural
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number nōnus
nōnus, nōnus, nōnum - ninth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb claudō
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausum - close
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun equus
equus, equī, m. - horse
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition trans
trans - (+acc) across
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective bonus
bonus, bona, bonum - good
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition intrā
intrā - (+acc) within, inside
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction nam
nam - for
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb parō
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātum - prepare
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dēbeō
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum - owe, ought
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number tertius
tertius, tertia, tertium - third
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective sordidus
sordidus, sordida, sordidum - dirty
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb agō
agō, agere, ēgī, āctum - do, act, behave (reflexive)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun locus
locus, locī, m. - place
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mūrus
mūrus, mūrī, m. - wall
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb iaciō
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum - throw
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb possum
possum, posse, potuī - able, can
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition ante
ante - (+acc.) before, in front of
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb doceō
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctum - teach
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number secundus
secundus, secunda, secundum - second
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number quīndecim
quīndecim - fifteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number quattuordecim
quattuordecim - fourteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective tōtus
tōtus, tōta, tōtum - whole, all, entire
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective vester
vester, vestra, vestrum - your (pl.)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective nōtus
nōtus, nōta, nōtum - famous, known
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun imperātor
imperātor, imperātoris, m. - emperor, general
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction quod
quod - because
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun caelum
caelum, caelī, n. - sky
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb ubīque
ubīque - everywhere
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun animal
animal, animalis, n. - animal
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun servus
servus, servī, m. - slave
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective alter
alter, altera, alterum - second, one of two
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb currō
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum - run
What does the enclitic -que mean?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective fortis
fortis, fortis, forte - strong, brave
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb discēdō
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum - leave, depart
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb interim
interim - meanwhile
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective miser
miser, misera, miserum - sad, miserable
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb tamen
tamen - nevertheless
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective potēns
potēns, potēns, potēns - powerful
What does the enclitic -ne mean?
question indicator
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition circum
circum - (+acc) around, about, near
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun leō
leō, leōnis, m. - lion
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb paene
paene - almost
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb sciō
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītum - know
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quid?
Quid? - What?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number decem
decem - ten
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun urbs
urbs, urbis, f. - city
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction aut
aut - or
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective suus
suus, sua, suum - his, hers, its, their
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction igitur
igitur - therefore
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb coquō
coquō, coquere, coxī, coctum - cook
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective commōtus
commōtus, commōta, commōtum - upset
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb timeō
timeō, timēre, timuī - fear, am afraid
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb respondeō
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum - answer, respond
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number septimus
septimus, septima, septimum - seventh
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective medius
medius, media, medium - the middle of
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cognōscō
cognōscō cōgnōscere, cōgnōvī, cōgnitum - learn; know [in perfect tense]
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pictūra
pictūra, pictūrae, f. - picture
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb sūmō
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptum - take (up)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb bibō
bibō, bibere, bibī, bibitum - drink
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun prīnceps
prīnceps, prīncipis, m. - emperor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb heri
heri - yesterday
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb statim
statim - immediately
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun homō
homō, hominis, m. - man
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun taberna
taberna, tabernae, f. - pub, tavern
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb maneō
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum - stay, remain
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun forum
forum, forī, n. - forum
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective parātus
parātus, parāta, parātum - prepared, ready
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective crūdēlis
crūdēlis, crūdēlis, crūdēle - cruel
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cēna
cēna, cēnae, f. - dinner
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb labōrō
labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātum - work
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun ōrdō
ōrdō, ōrdinis, f. - line, row of seats
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb pōnō
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum - put, place
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun rēs
rēs, rēī, f. - thing
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb etiam
etiam - even, also
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb gerō
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum - carry (on), wage, bear; wear
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun imperium
imperium, imperiī, n. - empire, power
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition sub
sub - (+abl) under, beneath; (+acc) up to
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mulier
mulier, mulieris, f. - wife
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective parvus
parvus, parva, parvum - small
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective vehemēns
vehemēns, vehemēns, vehemēns - eager
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb habeō
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum - have, hold
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb aedificō
aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātum - build
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition prope
prope - (+acc) near
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective alius
alius, alia, aliud - other
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun nōs
nōs - we
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb ostendō
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentum - show
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb nōn
nōn - not
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun hōra
hōra, hōrae, f. - hour
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction autem
autem - but, while, however
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun dea
dea, deae, f. - goddess
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective aeger
aeger, aegra, aegrum - ill
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb adiuvō
adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtum - help
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective dulcis
dulcis, dulcis, dulce - sweet
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb vincō
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum - conquer
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition prō
prō - (+abl) for
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun amīcus
amīcus, amīcī, m. - friend
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb nunc
nunc - now
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb teneō
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum - hold
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective malus
malus, mala, malum - bad
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction quamquam
quamquam - although
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb pugnō
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum - fight
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lupus
lupus, lupī, m. - wolf
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition ad
ad - (+acc) to, towards
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dīcō
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum - say, tell
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Unde?
Unde? whence, from where
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun ipse
ipse, ipsa, ipsum - himself, herself, itself
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective fēlīx
fēlīx, fēlīx, fēlīx - lucky, happy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb relinquō
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictum - abandon
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective mortuus
mortuus, mortua, mortuum - dead
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fābula
fābula, fābulae, f. - story
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun oppidum
oppidum, oppidī, n. - town
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb numquam
numquam - never
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb nāvigō
nāvigō, nāvigāre, nāvigāvī, nāvigātum - sail
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective lātus
lātus, lāta, lātum - wide
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition dē
dē - (+abl) from
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun praemium
praemium, praemiī, n. - reward
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition ē, ex
ē, ex - (+abl) out of, from
What is the meaning of the Latin Verb form “Valē!”, or in the plural, “Valēte!”?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective nōbilis
nōbilis, nōbilis, nōbile - noble
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb vulnerō
vulnerō, vulnerāre, vulnerāvī, vulnerātum - wound
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb petō
petō, petere, petīvī, petītum - seek, ask, attack
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun diēs
diēs, diēī, m. (f. occasionally) - day
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb semper
semper - always
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction atque / ac
atque / ac - and, and also, and even, and too
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun is
is, ea, id - he, she, it
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun corpus
corpus, corporis, n. - body
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb tangō
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctum - touch
What does the Latin noun grātia mean in the plural?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb legō
legō, legere, lēgī, lēctum - choose, collect, gather, read
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition extrā
extrā - (+acc) outside of, beyond
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective (dē)fessus
(dē)fessus, (dē)fessa, (dē)fessum - tired
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Ubi?
Ubi? - Where?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vīs
vīs, vīs, f. - force
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fīlia
fīlia, fīliae, f. - daughter
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun perīculum
perīculum, perīculī, n. - danger
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun dux
dux, ducis, m. - leader
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun gladius
gladius, gladiī, m. - sword
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vīnum
vīnum, vīnī, n. - wine
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective lentus
lentus, lenta, lentum - slow
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective longus
longus, longa, longum - long
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number trēs
trēs, tria, trēs - third
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun caput
caput, capitis, n. - head
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number quīnque
quīnque - five
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mors
mors, mortis, f. - death
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb hodie
hodie - today
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun castra
castra, castrōrum, n. - camp
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective certus
certus, certa, certum - fixed, sure
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vōx
vōx, vōcis, f. - voice
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb intrō
intrō, intrāre, intrāvī, intrātum - enter
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective noster
noster, nostra, nostrum - our
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dēlectō
dēlectō, dēlectāre, dēlectāvī, dēlectātum - delight, charm, please
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective vīvus
vīvus, vīva, vīvum - alive
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb veniō
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum - come
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun tū
tū - you (sing.)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb cotīdiē
cotīdiē -
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dēscendō
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī, dēscensum - climb down
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition ā, ab
ā, ab - (+ abl.) from, away from, by
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb tandem
tandem - at last, finally
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dormiō
dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītum - sleep
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pater
pater, patris, m. - father
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun toga
toga, togae, f. - toga
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun poēta
poēta, poētae, m. - poet
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Correlative neque … neque
neque … neque - neither … nor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction postquam
postquam - after
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun puella
puella, puellae, f. - girl
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb stō
stō, stāre, stetī, statum - stand
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb crās
crās - tomorrow
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb surgō
surgō, surgere, surrexī, surrectum - rise
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb temptō
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātum - try
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nūntius
nūntius, nūntiī, m. - messenger
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb vix
vix - scarcely
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective antīquus
antīquus, antīqua, antīquum - old, ancient
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mīles
mīles, mīlitis, m. - soldier
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb unde
unde - from where
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb salūtō
salūtō, salūtāre, salūtāvī, salūtātum - greet
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb subitō
subitō - suddenly
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition in
in - (+abl) in, on; (+acc) into, onto
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun rēx
rēx, rēgis, m. - king
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mōns
mōns, mōntis, m. - mountain
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb māne
māne - morning, in the morning
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cōnsilium
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī, n. - plan, advice
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun frāter
frāter, frātris, m. - brother
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb scrībō
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptum - write
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun verbum
verbum, verbī, n. - word
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun vōs
vōs - you (pl.)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb nārrō
nārrō, nārrāre, nārrāvī, nārrātum - tell, recite
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun multitudō
multitudō, multitudinis, f. - multitude
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quō?
Quō? - to where?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun ego
ego - I
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun arma
arma, armōrum, n. - arms
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun porta
porta, portae, f. - gate
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective nūllus
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum - none
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number quārtus
quārtus, quārtus, quārtum - fourth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number duodecim
duodecim - twelve
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun dominus
dominus, dominī, m. - master
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun flūmen
flūmen, flūminis, n. - river
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective magnus
magnus, magna, magnum - great
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interjection Ita (vērō)!
Ita (vērō)! - Yes!
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun signum
signum, signī, n. - sign
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb iubeō
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum - order
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interjection Euge!
Euge! - Hurrah!
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb anteā
anteā - before
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fortūna
fortūna, fortūnae, f. - fortune
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective īnfēlīx
īnfēlīx, īnfēlīx, īnfēlīx - unlucky, unhappy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb superō
superō, superāre, superāvī, superātum - overcome, conquer
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number octāvus
octāvus, octāva, octāvum - eighth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb ita
ita - in this way, so
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun schola
schola, scholae, f. - school
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cēlō
cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātum - hide
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interjection Minimē!
Minimē! - Not at all!
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nōmen
nōmen, nōminis, n. - name
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun ille
ille, illa, illud - that, those
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun littera
littera, litterae, f. - letter of the alphabet (sing.), written letter (pl.)
What is the meaning of the Latin Verb phrase “quid significat?”
what does it mean?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective brevis
brevis, brevis, breve - brief, short
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun canis
canis, canis, c. - dog
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun epistula
epistula, epistulae, f. - letter
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun negōtium
negōtium, negōtiī, n. - business
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quālis?
Quālis? - of what kind
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb deinde
deinde - then
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction et
et - and
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cīvitās
cīvitās, cīvitātis, f. - citizenship
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun saxum
saxum, saxī, n. - rock
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nox
nox, noctis, f. - night
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pugna
pugna, pugnae, f. - fight, battle
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun stola
stola, stolae, f. - stola
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb hīc
hīc - here
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun marītus
marītus, marītī, m. - husband
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Cūr?
Cūr? - Why?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective vērus
vērus, vēra, vērum - true
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction cum
cum - when
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb festīnō
festīnō, festīnāre, festīnāvī, festīnātum - hasten, hurry
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun manus
manus, manūs, f. - hand
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number vīgintī
vīgintī - twenty
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number tredecim
tredecim - thirteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb intellegō
intellegō, intellegere, intellēxī, intellēctum - understand
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition inter
inter - (+acc) between, among
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun puer
puer, puerī, m. - boy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun tempus
tempus, temporis, n. - time
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective invītus
invītus, invīta, invītum - unwilling
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun patria
patria, patriae, f. - fatherland, country
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number decimus
decimus, decima, decimum - tenth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lēx
lēx, lēgis, f. - law
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb ōlim
ōlim - once
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cantō
cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātum - sing, enchant
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition contrā
contrā - (+acc) against
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun labor
labor, laboris, m. - task, labor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb faciō
faciō, facere, fēcī, factum - do, make
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective ācer
ācer, ācris, ācre - sharp, keen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb bene
bene - well
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun hic
hic, haec, hoc - this, these
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb ambulō
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum - walk
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb laudō
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātum - praise
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vulnus
vulnus, vulneris, n. - wound
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb mittō
mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum - send, let go
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb tum
tum - then
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb iaceō
iaceō, iacēre, iacuī, iacitum - lie down
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective attonitus
attonitus, attonita, attonitum - stunned
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb prīmum
prīmum - first, at first
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun victōria
victōria, victōriae, f. - victory
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun familia
familia, familiae, f. - family
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition cum
cum - (+abl) with
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun hostis
hostis, hostis, m. - enemy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective sollicitus
sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum - moved
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun statua
statua, statuae, f. - statue
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cēnō
cēnō, cēnāre, cēnāvī, cēnātum - dine
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun uxor
uxor, uxoris, f. - wife
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cadō
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsum - fall, die
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun numerus
numerus, numerī, m. - number
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun ātrium
ātrium, ātriī, n. - reception hall
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun auxilium
auxilium, auxiliī, n. - aid
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number sex
sex - six
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cōnstituō
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum - establish, confirm; decide [with infinitive]
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective ignāvus
ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum - lazy, cowardly
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vīta
vīta, vītae, f. - life
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun parēns
parēns, parēntis, c. - parent
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective altus
altus, alta, altum - high, deep
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number septem
septem - seven
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective dexter
dexter, dextra, dextrum - right
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun deus
deus, deī, m. - god
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number sextus
sextus, sexta, sextum - sixth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number ūnus
ūnus, ūna, ūnum - one
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb amō
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum - love
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective omnis
omnis, omnis, omne - all
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb sedeō
sedeō, sedēre, sēdī, sessum - sit
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective stultus
stultus, stulta, stultum - foolish
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun māter
māter, mātris, f. - mother
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number sēdecim
sēdecim - sixteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective tuus
tuus, tua, tuum - your (sing.)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cognōmen
cognōmen, cognōminis, n. - surname
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb ibi
ibi - there
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number undēvīgintī
undēvīgintī - nineteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Pronoun quī
quī, quae, quod - who, which, that
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun mare
mare, maris, n. - sea
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction dum
dum - while, as
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction neque / nec
neque / nec - and not
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number octo
octo - eight
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number novem
novem - nine
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cupiō
cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītum - desire
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb valdē
valdē - very, very much, exceedingly
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb tantum
tantum - so much, so great
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb lavō
lavō, lavāre, lāvī, lavātum - wash
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction itaque
itaque - therefore, and so
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cīvis
cīvis, cīvis, c. - citizen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Correlative et…et
et…et - both…and
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun proelium
proelium, proeliī, n. - battle
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb diū
diū - for a long time
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition sine
sine - (+abl) without
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun memoria
memoria, memoriae, f. - memory
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective līber
līber, lībera, līberum - free
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fīnis
fīnis, fīnis, m. - finish, end
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective sōlus
sōlus, sōla, sōlum - alone
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition per
per - (+acc) through
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb portō
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātum - carry
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun agricola
agricola, agricolae, f. - farmer
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun via
via, viae, f. - road, way, street
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pēs
pēs, pēdis, m. - foot
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun iter
iter, itineris, n. - journey
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective barbarus
barbarus, barbara, barbarum - foreign
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Conjunction enim
enim - for
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb clam
clam - secretly
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb vocō
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātum - call
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun victor
victor, victoris, m. - victor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective satis
satis - enough
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective multus
multus, multa, multum - much, many
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quandō?
Quandō? - When?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb ubi
ubi - where, when
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb sentiō
sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsum - feel
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb capiō
capiō, capere, cēpī, captum - take, seize
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective amīcus
amīcus, amīca, amīcum - friendly
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun magistra
magistra, magistrae, f. - female teacher
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb saepe
saepe - often
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition super
super - (+acc) above, (+abl) concerning
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dūcō
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum - lead; draw, pull
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nāvis
nāvis, nāvis, f. - ship
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb umquam
umquam - ever
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective timidus
timidus, timida, timidum - fearful
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective pulcher
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - beautfiful
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb lacrimō
lacrimō, lacrimāre, lacrimāvī, lacrimātum - weep
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb accidō
accidō, accidere, accidī - happen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective novus
novus, nova, novum - new
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number septendecim
septendecim - seventeen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun rēgīna
rēgīna, rēgīnae, f. - queen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective pauper
pauper, paupera, pauperum - poor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun ars
ars, artis, f. - art, skill
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number duo
duo, duae, duo - two
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun terra
terra, terrae, f. - land
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb lūdō
lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsum - play
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective ferōx
ferōx, ferōx, ferōx - fierce
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun domina
domina, dominae, f. - mistress
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun templum
templum, templī, n. - temple
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb dō
dō, dare, dedī, datum - give
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective paucī
paucī, paucae, pauca - few
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective sacer
sacer, sacra, sacrum - sacred
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective similis
similis, similis, simile - similar
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interjection Ecce!
Ecce - See! Look! Behold!
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pāx
pāx, pācis, f. - peace
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective ūllus
ūllus, ūlla, ūllum - any
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun arbor
arbor, arboris, f. - tree
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number prīmus
prīmus, prīma, prīmum - first
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective ingēns
ingēns, ingēns, ingēns - huge
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Ordinal Number quīntus
quīntus, quīntus, quīntum - fifth
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interjection Ēheu!
Ēheu! - Alas!
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fīlius
fīlius, fīliī, m. - son
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective senex
senex, senex, senex - old
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cōnsūmō
cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptum - consume, devour
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective facilis
facilis, facilis, facile - easy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb līberō
līberō, līberāre, līberāvī, līberātum - free
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun medicus
medicus, medicī, m. - doctor
What is the meaning of the Latin Verb form inquit?
he/she/it says
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nihil
nihil - nothing
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb servō
servō, servāre, servāvī, servātum - save, keep, guard
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cōnspiciō
cōnspiciō, cōnspicere, cōnspexī, cōnspectum - watch, look at; notice
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb moveō
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtum - move
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Num?
Num? - expecting a negation (expecting a “no” answer)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb clāmō
clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī, clāmātum - shout
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun fēmina
fēmina, fēmina, f. - woman
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb iterum
iterum - again
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun vir
vir, virī, m. - man
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb habitō
habitō, habitāre, habitāvī, habitātum - live, dwell
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun clāmor
clāmor, clāmoris, m. - shouting, noise
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lībertās
lībertās, lībertātis, f. - liberty
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun animus
animus, animī, m. - mind
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition apud
apud - (+acc.) at, by, near, among
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb spectō
spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, spectātum - look (at), watch
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb rīdeō
rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī, rīsum - laugh
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb rogō
rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātum - ask
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective cārus
cārus, cāra, cārum - dear
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nēmō
nēmō, nēminis, c. - nobody
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb audiō
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum - hear
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun magister
magister, magistrī, m. - teacher
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective īrātus
īrātus, īrāta, īrātum - angry
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun discipulus
discipulus, discipulī, m. - pupil
What is the meaning of the Latin Verb form “Salvē!”, or in the plural, “Salvēte!”?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb sum
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - be
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun līberī
līberī, līberōrum, m. - children
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun nauta
nauta, nautae, m. - sailor
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb cūrō
cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātum - take care of
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb posteā
posteā - afterwards
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb frūstrā
frūstrā - in vain
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pecūnia
pecūnia, pecūniae, f. - money
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb iam
iam - now, already
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb (dē)mōnstrō
(dē)mōnstrō, (dē)mōnstrāre, (dē)mōnstrāvī, (dē)mōnstrātum - show, point out
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun praesidium
praesidium, praesidiī, n. - protection
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number duodēvīgintī
duodēvīgintī - eighteen
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun inimīcus
inimīcus, inimīcī, m. - enemy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pōns
pōns, pōntis, m. - pridge
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Preposition post
post - (+acc) after
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb vīvō
vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctum - live
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective dīves
dīves, dīves, dīves - rich
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun soror
soror, sororis, f. - sister
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb paulisper
paulisper - for only a brief period
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb mox
mox - soon
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb videō
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum - see
What is the meaning of the Latin Verb form nōlī, or in the plural, nōlīte?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective levis
levis, levis, leve - light, trivial
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective meus
meus, mea, meum - my
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun gaudium
gaudium, gaudiī, n. - joy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quis?
Quis? - Who?
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective (per)territus
(per)territus, (per)territa, (per)territum - terrified
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb fugiō
fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitum - flee
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun aqua
aqua, aquae, f. - water
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quōmodo?
Quōmodo? - how, in what way
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun oculus
oculus, oculī, m. - eye
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb dēnique
dēnique -
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective dīligēns
dīligēns, dīligēns, dīligēns - hard-working
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective reliquus
reliquus, reliqua, reliquum - remaining
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lingua
lingua, linguae, f. - tongue, language
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb excitō
excitō, excitāre, excitāvī, excitātum - rouse, cite, awaken
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun causa
causa, causae, f. - cause
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Quot?
Quot? - how many
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective necesse
necesse - necessary
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb quoque
quoque - also
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective difficilis
difficilis, difficilis, difficile - difficult
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective plēnus
plēnus, plēna, plēnum - full
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb trahō
trahō, trahere, trāxī, tractum - drag
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb fortasse
fortasse - perhaps
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number quattuor
quattuor - four
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Interrogative Nōnne?
Nōnne? - expecting an affirmative answer (expecting a “yes” from a yes or not question)
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb intereā
intereā - meanwhile
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun bellum
bellum, bellī, n. - war
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb quam
quam - how, than, as … as possible
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun ōrātiō
ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis, f. - speech
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun silva
silva, silvae, f. - forest
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lūx
lūx, lūcis, f. - light
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb prope
prope - near
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun domus
domus, domī/domūs, f. - home
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun annus
annus, annī, m. - year
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun somnus
somnus, somnī, m. - sleep
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun pars
pars, partis, f. - part
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun lūdus
lūdus, lūdī, m. - school
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective sinister
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum - left
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective gravis
gravis, gravis, grave - heavy, serious, excessive
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective celer
celer, celeris, celere - quick
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective laetus
laetus, laeta, laetum - happy
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun liber
liber, librī, m. - book
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective benignus
benignus, benigna, benignum - kind
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adjective magnificus
magnificus, magnifica, magnificum - magnificent
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun īnsula
īnsula, īnsulae, f. - island
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Cardinal Number undecim
undecim - eleven
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb terreō
terreō, terrēre, terruī, territum - terrify
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Adverb postrīdiē
postrīdiē - on the next day
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Noun cibus
cibus, cibī, m. - food
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin Verb aperiō
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum - open