P.M.A.Q Flashcards
What University has the Motto - Terras irradient
Amherst College
What University has the Motto - Pro ecclesia, pro Texana
Baylor University
What University has the Motto - Nil sine magno labore
Brooklyn College
What University has the Motto - In Deo speramus
Brown University
What University has the Motto - Deus lux Mea
Catholic University of America
What University has the Motto - Respice, adspice, prospice
City College of NY
What University has the Motto - In lumine tuo videbimus lumen
Columbia University
What University has the Motto - Vox clamantis in deserto
Dartmouth College
What University has the Motto - Sapientia et doctrina
Fordham University
What University has the Motto - Deus nobis fiducia
George Washington University
What University has the Motto - Veritas
Harvard University
What University has the Motto - Mihi cura futuri
Hunter College
What University has the Motto - Lux et Veritas
Indiana University Bloomington or Yale University
What University has the Motto - Veritas vos liberabit
Johns Hopkins University
What University has the Motto - Prodesse quam conspici
Miami University of Ohio
What University has the Motto - Perstare et praestare
New York University
What University has the Motto - quaecum sunt vera
Northwestern University
What University has the Motto - Crux spes unica
Notre Dame University
What University has the Motto - Dominus illuminatio mea
Oxford University
What University has the Motto - Dei sub numine viget
Princeton University
What University has the Motto - ad maiorem dei gloriam
The Jesuit
What University has the Motto - Pro ecclesia et patria
Trinity College
What University has the Motto - Non sibi, sed suis.
Tulane University
What University has the Motto - Pax et Lux
Tufts University
What University has the Motto - Civium in moribus rei publiae salus.
University of Florida
What University has the Motto - crescat scientia, vita excolatur
University of Chicago
What University has the Motto - fiat lux
University of California
What University has the Motto - Et docere et rerum expquirere causas
University of Georgia
What University has the Motto - Artes, scientia, veritas.
University of Michigan
What University has the Motto - Virtute et armis
University of Mississippi
What University has the Motto - Salus populi
University of Missouri
What University has the Motto - Litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus
University of Nebraska
What University has the Motto - Lux hominum vita
University of New Mexico
What University has the Motto - Civi et rei publicae
University of Oklahoma
What University has the Motto - Mens agitat molem
University of Oregeon
What University has the Motto - Leges sine moribus vanae
University of Pennsylvania
What University has the Motto - disciplina praesidium civitatis
University of Texas
What University has the Motto - Ecce quam bonam
University of the South (Sewanee)
What University has the Motto - Studiis et rebus honestis
University of Vermont
What University has the Motto - Lux sit
University of Washington
What University has the Motto - Pro Humanitate
Wake Forest University
What University has the Motto - per virtutem vis
Washington University
What state has the motto - Audemus iura nostra defendere
What state has the motto - Ditat Deus
What state has the motto - Regnat Pupulus
What state has the motto - Eureka
What state has the motto - Nil sine numine
What state has the motto - Qui transtulit sustinet
What state has the motto - Iustitia omnibus
District of Columbia
What state has the motto - Esto perpetua
What state has the motto - ad astra per aspera
What state has the motto - Deo gratiam habeamus
What state has the motto - Dirigo
What state has the motto - crescite et multiplicamini
What state has the motto - Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem
What state has the motto - Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice
What state has the motto - civilitas successit barbarum
What state has the motto - Virtute et armis
What state has the motto - Salus populi suprema lex esto
What state has the motto - Crescit eundo
New Mexico
What state has the motto - Excelsior!
New York
What state has the motto - Esse quam videri
North Carolina
What state has the motto - Labor omnia vincit
What state has the motto - Joannes est noman eius
Puerto Rico
What state has the motto - Imperium in imperio
What state has the motto - Alis volat propiis
What state has the motto - dum spiro, spero
South Carolina
What state has the motto - Sic semper tyrannis
What state has the motto - montani semper liberi
West Virgina
What state has the motto - cedant arma togae
What major city has the motto - Sicut patribus, sit Deus nobis
What major city has the motto - Urbs in horto
What major city has the motto - speramus meliora, resurget cineribus
What major city has the motto - Domine, dirige nos
What major city has the motto - Fluctuat nec mergitur
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Audemus…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Ditat…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Regnat…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Eureka…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Nil…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Qui…
What district has the Latin motto that starts with Justitia…
District of Columbia
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Esto…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Ad…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Dirigo…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Ense…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Si…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Virtute…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Salus…
What stat has the Latin motto that starts with Crescit…
New Mexico
What city has the Latin motto that starts with Excelsior
New York
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Esse…
North Carolina
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Labor…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Alis…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Dum…
South Carolina
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Sic…
What state has the Latin motto that starts with Montani…
West Virginia
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation R. I. P.
Requiescat in Pace - (May he rest in peace)
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation H.J.S.
Hic iacet sepultus - (Here lies buried)
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation S.T.T.L.
sit tibi terra levis - (May the earth rest lightly on you)
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation D.M.
Dis minibus - (To the spirits of the dead)
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation a.c.
ante cibos - before meals
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation b.i.d
bis in die - twice a day
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation gtt.
guttae - drops
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation h.s.
hora somni - at bedtime
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation o.d.
oculus dexter - right eye
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation o.s.
oculus sinster - left eye
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation p.c.
post cibos - after meals
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation p.o.
per os - orally
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation q.d.
quaque die - everyday
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation q.s.
quantum sufficiat - as much as needed
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation quot.
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation Rx
recipe - take
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation s.i.d.
semel in die - once a day
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation stat.
statim - immediately
Give the full phrase for the medical abbreviation t.i.d.
ter in die - three times a day
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation A.D.
anno domini - in the year of our lord
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation A.M.
ante meridiem - before miday
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation a.u.c
ab urbe condita, anno urbis conditae - from the founding of the city
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation Cet. Par.
with other things being equal
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation cf.
confer - compare
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation d.s.p
decessit sine prole - dead without issue
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation D.V
Deo volente - god willing
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation e.g.
exempli gratia - for example
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation et al.
et alia - and others
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation et seq.
and the following
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation etc.
et cetera - and so forth
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation F.D.
fidei defensor - defender of the faith (a title of British monarchs)
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation ff.
foliis - on the following pages
Give the full phrase for the abbreviation fl.
floruit - period of time during which a person or thing flourished