india is vitually goin to held SCO-CHS metting on
Shanghai Cooperaton Organisaton’s Council of Heads of State (SCO-CHS) on July 4 for the frst
Iran is expected to be inducted as a member of the SCO, while the process for Belarus — a
key ally of Russia — is under way and expected to be completed next year
- India hosted at least …………………….,
when it took over the chair
140 SCO events and 14 Ministerial meetngs since September 2022,
This year’s chairpersonship of the SCO had built on the “SECURE SCO” theme
suggested by
PM Modi (Security, Economic Development, Connectvity, Unity, Respect for sovereignty and
territorial integrity and Environmental protecton).
The Shanghai Cooperaton Organisaton (SCO) is a Eurasian politcal, economic, internatonal
security and defence organizaton established by
China and Russia in 2001. It is the world’s
largest regional organizaton in terms of geographic scope and populaton, covering
approximately60% of the area of Eurasia, 40% of the world populaton.
The SCO is the successor to the Shanghai Five, formed in …………..between the People’s
Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federaton, and Tajikistan
The charter was signed in
…….. and the organisaton began operatons in ………..It is also called as the Shanghai pact
The charter was signed in
2002 and the organisaton began operatons in 2003.
Antterrorist Structure (RATS) whose executve commitee is headquartered in ………..
The SCO has………members
9 members: - China, India, Russia, Iran(joined recently ), Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
in 21 meeting of sco in - announced dushanbe, tajikistan its membership
It has ………observer states
3 observer states: - Mongolia, Belarus and Afghanistan.
In June 2017(SCO Astana Summit), it expanded to eight states, with
india and pakistan
India had joined SCO as an observer state
The secretary-general of SCO is
Zhang Ming
The RATS Executve Commitee Director is
Ruslan Mirzaev
its offcial languages are
russian and china
SCO became an UNGA observer in
been designated as the frst cultural capital of the SCO under this
“Kashi” (Varanasi)
saudi arabia joined sco as
dialogue patner
India successfully hosts the……….. New Delhi in virtual format
23rd SCO summit
India also stayed out on the………………….,
indicatng a lack of consensus in the groupin
joint statement on** SCO economic development strategy 2030**
theme of India’s chairpersonship of SCO is ‘Towards a SECURE SCO’, which is derived
from the acronym coined by the Indian PM at…………..
the 2018 SCO Qingadao Summit
India has created five new pillars and focus area for cooperation in the SCO, which include,
o Startups and Innovation
o Traditional Medicine
o Youth Empowerment
o Digital Inclusion
o Shared Buddhist Heritage
PoK divided into two parts:
1.Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)
2.Gilgit-Baltstan (referred to as the ‘Northern Areas’ tll
August 2009).
Indian Governor General Mountbaten signed an
agreement on 26 October 1947 in which three subjects
Defense, Foreign Afairs and Communicatons were
handed over to India.
structure of sco
o Heads of State Council: The supreme SCO body which decides its internal
functioning and its interaction with other States & international organisations, and
considers international issues.
o Heads of Government Council: Approves the budget, considers and decides upon
issues related to economic spheres of interaction within SCO.
o Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Considers issues related to day-to-day
o Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS): Established to combat terrorism,
separatism and extremism.